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by: dainichi

Posted on: 12-06-2009 @ 12:43 pm



Hi guys I have a 12 ft open boat which has a flat botton apart from the curve from stem to stern, she is very stable but having little draft tends to drift with all but the lightest wind (as you would expect) rather than with the tide. My question is if I were to deploy a small drogue from the bow during a drift would this be enough to hold her with the tidal flow or at least more so than at presnt Regards Alan J






Yes, drogues can be very effective at holding a drift. Give it a go and find what size one you need. I have a tiny one, I found washed up on the beach, if you want to borrow it to see if big enough??




Hi Alun


Thank you for your help.

I will be pleased to accept your offer to loan me your drogue, at least that way I can get an idea of the size I would need to buy.

I will be landbound for the next ten days, but following that and weather permitting

I will be able to get afloat again.

I live in Hightown Ringwood and would be able to collect anytime to suit yourself.


Many Thanks



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