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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Took a risk with the wind last night and headed out to Barton for a spot of Sole fishing. On arriving at the slip, a good F5 was pusing from the W - but as we got out the harbour, it was pretty flat due to the protection from the land - just a rolling swell from the SW.


Bob and I drifted for an hour or so, and I managed a tasty bass for tea, bob managed a bream.


We anchored the mark about 8pm. Wind against tide and the rolling swell of the front quarter mean the boat swinging in a 270 deg arch al night - not easy to fish.


I managed a last gasp sole, Bob struggled along with PJ, and the man with the shiney nether regions managed to spawn a load of rays, sole, bass, smoothhounds and bream....bloody bloke! ph34r.gif


Good night though - shame about the engine on the way home......


Hi Adam,


Sounds a similar experience to my trip last Sat. [ waves and all!!] except our lack of soles.


When you say you anchored on the mark, did you have a specific spot in mind or just that general area between a 1/4 and 1/2 mile offshore where it's about 6 metres deep ??


We found the swell too big to spot small differences in the bottom with the movement of the fishfinder.


Any details / info. much appreciated....... esp if I get another chance to use it !!






We have a pretty specific spot that we fish - I think James sent you a PM with the nos.??


Their are loads and loads of small but sharp ridges this is where the soles lie.


Your description sounds pretty spot on though. Interesting comment about the FF not working in a swell...what unit is it?


I have a Garmin 240, and no matter what the swell or waves are doing I can get a very good indication of the bottom feature provided I am moving under 10 knots.




Hi Adam,


I have a Garmin 160 and Sinbad's boat has a 100 [ much the same]; both work fine , it's just that when you are rolling about in a swell and the boat is going up and down about a metre with each wave the bottom line looks wavy when the bottom is flat ....... also , as the boat rolls, the transducer will be pointing in different directions down towards the bottom, so giving different readings .


Must try again when it's nice and flat...... and see if I can find those ridges.


James didn't give anything specific like GPS numbers ...... he gave me directions to X-ray ...... but I'm not sure , again , if I was in the right spot !


Do you use small hooks and end tackle for the sole.?.... we caught some real tiddlers amongst all the species using mostly 1/0 hooks [ and nothing smaller than 1 s.] ...... and equal catches on running ledger and paternoster booms.


If you could PM me the numbers I would be grateful and confirm if we were in the right sort of spot.








I think you will find that the ridges shown on the FF, are actually the bottom contours, and not the FF reading incorrectly, I previously had the 100 and the 160 units so am aware of their performance.


Ill PM you the no's for Xray and the Sole marks when I have a spare 5 mins and can plug the plotter in.




You will undoubtedly see the "effect" of ridges on the bottom contour of the FF display when you are in a swell. especially in shallow water.


You can see the effects of the waves by sitting at anchor watching bottom contour rise and fall with the waves.


Thanks for the trip out Adam. Hope the engine isn't too expensive to sort out.


Bob F.







Yep those golden sphericals Where polished and shiney last nite and I ended up with a fair haul. wink.giftongue.giftongue.gif

The final tally was.

8 bream

1 smoothy

1 bass

1 plaice

2 thornbacks

1 small eye

And 3 sole

The wind agaist tide was a pain but the fish were down there biggrin.gif

Tight lines


how does he do it blink.gif


mark b

Something to do with female pheremones maybe? rolleyes.gif


Has anybody seen his tackle?


Any way isn't the amount of tackle one has dependant on the size of ones bag?


Should there be any dispute photographic evidence would be acceptable




Mad Mike


PS Ooops sorry I meant of course MY EYE!!





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