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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Crewed for Paul D on Neo. Very exciting start to the day when Paul decided to play 'chicken' with a swan. (is that mixing metaphors or fowl language?). Poor bloody thing had just taken off, traveling at 20mph or so when Paul comes hurtling round a bend in the riverstraight at it ohmy.gif Ha thought the swan "I'll turn left ". At the same time Paul thinks "Ha I'll turn right", and I think "INCOMEING!!!! ohmy.gifohmy.gif ".


How that blooming bird missed us I'll never know.


Any way back to the fishing. We went out in a freshening SW wind and fished the Ledge. The wind freshened even more and our world was full of ups and downs. Paul kept getting knocks but no fish and as I had a smaller hook I took his advice and tried a squid strip. The result was almost instantanious, and up came a nice bream. And basicly that was it for the day as it became a bit too rough as the tide turned against the wind.


So, Mad Mike ............ 1 bream



Mad Mike


Adam and myself didnt do so good on tara either, Took a battering on the way out to x-ray and had to turn round! then took even more of a battering as the day went on, got to choppy on the ledge so headed in to barton ,only to find no shelter and tonnes of weed. It was totally unfishable mad.gifmad.gif got so ruff in the end had to limp in for the shelter of the harbour .

To find that was fishing hard there too weep.gif

All in all one of the worst days out this year!!!

Taras final tally was..


4 bass

4 mackrel

4 wrasse

2 pout

1 pollock



4 Bass

4 mackrel

4 wrasse

1 pout

1 mullet



Dean and I ventured out to the whitehouse grounds and got thrown around a bit sad.gif .


We managed some undulate's dogs and bream here then as the weather worsened we moved back into the harbour. Fished the castle and managed Pollock, Bream, Wrasse and Pouting.


Not a brilliant day but at least we got out.


I will email our results to you Charlie




Well the fishing as Jimbob put it was very poor,.....but the day wasnt a total wash-out for me....after all I did beat James! Ok, Ok....even if it was by 3 points!


I've got him firmly in my sights now! - Im around 50 points behind, so some contaminated fuel, or food poisoning should see to him on the last match!!!!


MUST DEFEND MY TITLE!!!! ph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gif


You will have to wait untill october for the next chance to make up those points adam! biggrin.gif

Dosent look good though, most of the summer species have legged it by then!!

With just an army of dogs left behind!! ph34r.gifph34r.gif And if were lucky a cod or two biggrin.gif


Hi went out with the boys today


plenty of fish but all seemed to be the same species wherever we went.


went out yesterday with the boys and my brother to a new Mark and had rays and plenty of small bass and other bits

but of course today we could not get even close to that area due to the forecast.


best fish today was a Scad of 1lb to Sam which is a new Club record


Paul can you update the website.


look forward to recveing all the score sheets

Good news for James is that we seemed to have plenty of anglers out

Thanks for turning out on a grotty forecast so that we can count this comp towards the BFM comp where James is doing so well.




...but the bad news for James is that he didn't win the match, so this could have put him out of contension for the BFM/Suzuki competition. That's a real shame. weep.gif


Young Robert and I went out of Wick on Splash-Out. We didn't bother venturing out to battle the seas, and just stayed in the harbour to fish for bass and mullet.


We soon got our quota of Bass (only small ones), and then moved back up the river to target the mullet.


A bit of groundbait soon got the mullet on the feed and we had our quota of mullet before lunch time. After lunch the tide turned and it all went quiet. We then struggled to even get a bite. Just had the smallest Mullet I've seen on a spinner.


Packed up around 2:30.


Final tally:


Bob F - 4 Bass, 4 (5) mullet

Rob F - 4 bass, mullet


Bob F.






As Mike said, went out to the ledge. Thrown around a bit ( but was still fishable until the tide started turning us sideways on to the waves ).

I almost caught a bream but thought better of it and blanked ( my first blank I think ) - I didn't want to give James too much competition !!







Have update the records list. Interesting record the Scad one. last trip to the Shambles I caught two scad which were well over 1lb - they were more like 2 lb. I didn't realise they were anywhere near the record ( at the time I didn't realise they were scad ! ).

So it is there to be broken.




Bob can you confirme that you and robert caught 4 mullet each.


well done your scores beat ours in poole harbour.


Martin I could not open your attachement, so can you add yours and deans tally to this tpic.


I will get the attachment at work tomorrow.




Thanks Martin


Looks like you cleaned up on the comp

well done in that weather


Thanks Bob

Please let Robert know he is probably leading the juniors, but Sam and Dan are keen to change that with the next round. about time they had to compete a bit they have become lazy this season.




Not sure I want to tell little Robert that. He's getting a bit too cocky for my liking.


But the most annoying thing is that I give him all the old, knocked about, knackered rods and reels with rusty hooks, and he still catches more than me!!! mad.gif


He just drops a bait over the side, disappears in the cuddy for a snooze and wakes up just in time to see his rod nodding. dry.gifblink.gif


How do you figure that??!! ph34r.gif




Daniel has been known to use that tactic, much to the annoyance of his bigger brother.


Last November Sam stood out in the pouring rain following a bite for ten minutes before returning to the cabin soaked. sad.gif

his return woke Daniel who then looked up to see his rod bouncing, another ten mins and one 23lb cod later 1 very happy sleepy lad and a grumpy wet one.


The joys of taking kids fishing biggrin.gifsick.gif



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