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A huge thanks to Graham, Ben and Paul for all taking the time to take me out today - had great fun!


I learnt alot just by being afloat - these things are very stable!! I never went in, and to be honest I think it would take quite a bit to roll one.


Other observations - a lovely peaceful way to be afloat, no loud diesel engine, no fumes - just the gentle swish of a paddle....


It's a hugely social way to be out - not just when fishing - paddling too, you can be mere inches away from your buddy whilst chatting away in complete saftey.


I thought I'd feel claustriphobic not being able to move around etc - not at all! Could easily reach all part of the boat.


Tide and wind really effect you - this helps and hinders, you just need to think and use it to your advantage.


In shallow water, with spooky fish etc these boats are ideal - I wont be buying one as I have too many toys and not enough time, but I'll certianly try and get out with the guys in the club a few times this year.


My final point is on the safety side of things with the AGM proposal in mind - which centers around recovering a MOB and not having two onboard. One needs to rethink the rules of boating with Kayaks. In a normal boat going in the water is the worst thing that can happen and needs to be avoided at all costs. Recovering a MOB is usually pretty tricky. In a Kayak it is par for the course and expected. You are kitted up to BE IN the water, so going in isnt a problem and getting out not an issue. I felt like I do when I dive - completey safe becuase I have the right kit.


Thanks again guys - a great afternoon.


It was a pleasure Adam, you seemed to take everything in your stride very well for your first time out , , ,

Great report by the way , , hope it will encourage a few more members to have a go , , There is something special about being so close to nature , ,glad you enjoyed it , , ,i will try and put some pictures on later, ,





It was good to see you today Adam and your smile said it all.


You were a natural, no one would ever have known it was your first time. You were much more at ease on it than I was, and it was my 5th or 6th trip.


It is good that you now have first hand knowledge of what goes on on these yaks and you will understand the debates much better now.


Great comparison to the diving; it's all about the kit and being prepared.







Glad you all enjoyed yourselves today,you were in good hands there Adam wink.gif

As long as you are kitted out for a dunking you will be fine on a kayak.The paddling is the easiest part its the constant explaining to your wife/partner why you are late home and the new excuse's you have to think up to get out on the water which is the hard part biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



glad you had a good time and you and you wife are right, you have enough toys and hobbies.


The only problem now is which one to get rid of biggrin.gif


If or when i get my second Yak you will be welcome to come and borrow it any time.


and your right, its very sociable, clean and close to the water, i love boats but Yaks are something different again.


Nice one guys, good to hear what went on yesterday.


Now to catch your fish fish from a kayak Adam, thats when the bug really bites! biggrin.gif


Nothing quite like being towed by a fish and then gently lifting it out by hand .

It 's great for taking pics of fish in the water as you are so close, as long as you have a waterproof camera mind.


I hope there will be plenty of Kayak action on the next family day



Posted (edited)

Well done paul , that route tracking is excellent , ,almost makes the fact that we didnt catch any fish irrelavant, , Here are my pics of a great afternoon.


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Thanks again guys for the good company ,hope to see you all at sandbanks on the 28th



Edited by seagypsy

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