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Has anyone got a structure scan yet. If they have what is the verdict on them. The advertising blurb is great but what are they like in practice.





Mine still sat in box as no point fitting until correct software in head unit.Fingers crossed that my mate in Southampton can get me an 8 or 10 inch version in the spring .I am convincing myself it is worth waiting as the unit will be half trade price,he already has 2 10inch for his 19ft boat one for radar and one for fish finder/plotter.But he has seen sidescan working and says its the dogs nuts as you can scan the bottom around your boat and not just underneath it.So I believe it is the future in bottom fishing if you are looking at 200 to 300ft of the bottom and not a few feet under your boat

heres hoping patiently Nige


I am looking at the hds7 with structurescan can't stretch to the 8 it's quite a big price jump. I was asking just to find out how easy it is to operate and read as I am a bit of a technophobe. All I want to do is find fish and catch them not spend time pressing buttons and swearing at my electronics. mad.gif Thanks for the replies I shall be making my decision in the next couple of days.



Posted (edited)



I have a Humminbird 997c side scanner which I adore, I must admit I was looking at the Lowrance recently, and did like what I saw, especially as the Lowrance could do down scanning and the humminbird couldnt, However Humminbird have just released a free software update which allows this to be performed on the humminbird.


The reason why im going on about humminbird is that I recently heard that Humminbird actually won the patent for the side imaging and they have actually filed a patent infringement against lowrance.




If they win I dont know where this would leave the lowrance side imaging. I guess it would result in there being limited support and updates for the unit.

Edited by silverfish

Hiya Colin.

I dont know if these pictures are any good to you.They were taken from my friends kayak.He has the humminbird side imaging unit.


This one is showing the left and right view.Turn the picture on its side so the black(dark)part of the picture is at the top of your screen.The dark part is the water and the light bit is the lay of the ocean bottom.

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Sonar view and side imaging view

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Sonar view taken of the reef at Blue anchor Bay(Minehead) along with the side image of the same spot.

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The last picture is from the user manual of the humminbird unit.Showing how clear it picks out a tree at the bottom of a lake.

user posted image




Posted (edited)



The line in the middle of the scan is the water surface, so if it was a conventional 2d sonar this would be at the top of the screen.If you take the left side of the line down the middle, The dark colour is the water column, so from the water surface (where the transducer is positioned) to the sea bed when the image changes to a lighter colour this is the sea bed. The part of the image closest to the dark blue (water column) is whats under the boat and the further left on the image is whats to the left of the boat and the same applys to the right side of the image.


Basically an easy way to get your head around it is to print the image, fold it in the middle and then fold it the other way where the dark turns into light blue.


The last image, that of the tree has a traditional side image on the right, but the image on the left is from the new downimaging feature that humminbird released as a free software update recently after Lowrance relased their downscan. This is basically a more detailed version of a traditional 2d sonar and should be viewed in the same way as you would a normal fish finder.




Edited by silverfish

B***er just when I thought I was going to buy the Lowrance they have a patent issue. Now what to do.

Thanks for the pics. So where would I buy a Hummingbird?



Posted (edited)



I wouldnt rule the Lowrance out completely, as it does have alot of attractive features that the Humminbird doesnt like HD sonar and the ability to add HD radar these look really good. Also from the little that I have played around with Lowrance it does seem a little easier to use than the Humminbird.


I dont see what they would do if Humminbird wins its legal case as there are units already out there, personally I think humminbird will probably allow them to make them and take a cut of their sales for the technology. If the Lowrance is well tuned from the off it shouldnt really matter that much that there potentially wont be any updates.


One thing I would say about Humminbird though is the level of support with software upgrades is first class, they are always sending out free software improvements which include new features like the down imaging. There is also a large forum networks, that a couple of guys from humminbird regularly answer, and take note of new ideas for future upgrades.


I got mine from Johnson outdoors UK. I have the 997 and I love it, but I believe there is a upgraded model out soon if not already the 998, which has a faster processor, the ability to display AIS radar and a serial connector at the back so you could run the image on a larger laptop screen I havent looked at the prices for a long time though.





Edited by silverfish

Yeah I think I will go down the Lowrance route and take the risk, afterall the hds7 is a nice bit of kit anyway. I will be running a stand alone furuno radar,a seperate ais reciever, and some other bits and bobs which are sat in my cupboard. Can't wait to start playing with it all but will have to wait till the cat is finished.



Posted (edited)



I wouldnt rule the Lowrance out completely, as it does have alot of attractive features that the Humminbird doesnt like HD sonar and the ability to add HD radar these look really good. Also from the little that I have played around with Lowrance it does seem a little easier to use than the Humminbird.


I dont see what they would do if Humminbird wins its legal case as there are units already out there, personally I think humminbird will probably allow them to make them and take a cut of their sales for the technology. If the Lowrance is well tuned from the off it shouldnt really matter that much that there potentially wont be any updates.


One thing I would say about Humminbird though is the level of support with software upgrades is first class, they are always sending out free software improvements which include new features like the down imaging. There is also a large forum networks, that a couple of guys from humminbird regularly answer, and take note of new ideas for future upgrades.


I got mine from Johnson outdoors UK. I have the 997 and I love it, but I believe there is a upgraded model out soon if not already the 998, which has a faster processor, the ability to display AIS radar and a serial connector at the back so you could run the image on a larger laptop screen I havent looked at the prices for a long time though.





Just heard from a kayaking friend who works for Johnsons outdoors and he said the Fish finder/electronic side of the company has now been sold to an Italian company.Johnsons want to deal just with the kayak and equipment side of the buissines.

Rob.I like the fish finder read out done in Orange/Red,the structures stand out alot better smile.gif

Edited by Zzippy

Well I have ordered the HDS7 and structure scan just got to wait for the next delivery, mid March. I raised question over the patent issue and was assured that this issue was resolved. We shall see eh?



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