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That was a tough day.
Mark and 12 others reacted to Mal Thomas for a topic
Chris and I went out 7.00am Sunday on a very low Spring, no problems with air draft. The boat needed defrosting and so did we, the Flood was fast and furious and mainly after we had passed through the swash, on the return in that was a different matter very little wind but 2mtr waves standing up. We tucked round the corner in Swanage hoping the fish had done the same, they had but they were all LSD variety. As the speed of tide eased we moved out on some banks along with a couple of Charters, still very slow we even had to wait for a doggie to bite. By the time it sped up we decided to give Swanage ago on the Ebb when the tide has less swirling, just LSD. So another move saw us drifting for a flattie, no bites at all. We crossed the Swash and got caught up in the 2mtr waves and that was enough, the final whistle, we had had enough, hopefully a cold Guinness was available, even that was not definite due to a bar refurb. thankfully they were open. Water temp measured at 10 degrees, I wonder if things will switch on when it reaches the magical 12 degrees. We still had a great day out in the sunshine around our beautiful coastline, a few fish other than doggies would have brightened up the day. A fuel up, a wash down and a Guinness saw the end to another 13 hour day. No rocking required when we got home.13 points -
Worth all the effort
DaleJ and 9 others reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
Having seen lots of reports of some decent Pollock being caught, yesterdays weather window and tide to good to miss. 7.30 bridge and a lovely calm sea and a good run just over two hours at 23knots bought us to our first wreck. Two shooting friends and Dogfish Dave on board, the two friends were new to wrecking so i had tied up lots of rigs!!!! First drift an 8lbs Pollock for Baz, his first ever Pollock so over the moon and a good Red Gurnard to Dave and a fat Pout for Piggy. The sun came out and it was glorious, nearly 200ft with a maximium 3 knot drift all the ducks were in a row! A reasonably steady flow of fish throughout the day with some smaller ones managing to be put back. I christened a new SPJ outfit with first a PB 15lbs Pollock, then a 19lbs Pollock then an 18lbs fish!!!! All the fish gods were smiling on me that day for sure. With 3 Pollock each i decided we should head for home for the 4.30 bridge, after 10 minutes we hit a VERY thick fog bank, about 50m viz, radar on 3 other very experienced Yachtmaster crew on board helped one watching the radar, and two on watch was good for confidence, encountered one small boat off Durleston on the radar then one total ejit in the Swash doing 20knots with no radar echo on a rib!!!! Luckily we made the bridge with time to spare, none of us had seen fog in the forecast. Really red letter day for me and a great all round craic.10 points -
8 points
Club Competition Winners 2024 - Trophy presentation after AGM, 1st April 2025
Greg and 6 others reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
Club Competition Winners 2024 Fish of the Month January Charlie Chapman Spurdog 12lb 8oz 78% Specimen February Colin Francis Dogfish 2lb 4oz 75% Specimen March Dave Evans Bull Huss 14lb 2oz 118% Specimen April Steve Scott Black Bream 2lb 5oz 66% Specimen May Kev Couzens Brill 5lb 1oz 113% Specimen June Colin Francis Thick Lipped Mullet 4lb 6oz 109% Specimen July Adam Franklin Red Gurnard 1lb 9oz 125% Specimen August Dave Evans Thresher Shark 200lb 0oz 143% Specimen September Colin Francis Thick Lipped Mullet 5lb 8oz 138% Specimen October Steve Scott Bass 7lb 13oz 82% Specimen November Alun Jones Ballan Wrasse 4lb 8oz 90% Specimen December Charlie Chapman Small Eye Ray 11lb 9oz 105% Specimen Trophy Winners Specimen Fish of the Year Dave Evans Thresher Shark 200lb 143% Specimen Bob Horne Memorial No flounders caught on comp. No flounders reported in catch reports. Steve Chester Memorial No Cod recorded. Frank Fudge Memorial Dale Johnson Conger 11lb 4oz Largest Bream Bobi Francis Gilthead Bream 1lb 6oz Largest Flatfish Kev Couzens Brill 5lb 1oz Largest Ray Charlie Chapman Small Eyed Ray 11lb 9oz Simon Hall Memorial Dave Evans / Chris Witheford Bass 9lb 8oz B.A.S.S. Comp – Catch / Release Dave Evans / Chris Witheford Bass 9lb 8oz Junior Shield Blake Witheford Bass 4lb 10oz Specimen Hunters Shield Colin Francis 4 Recorded Fish over 100% Peter Peck – Chairman’s Award TBA at Presentation Ladies Shield TBA at Presentation Competition Winners Spring Species Hunt Cancelled Specimen Comp Not fished. Junior Comp – Not fished Annual Boat Species Hunt 1st Loobie 1V Jerry Shutter 37 species 2nd Boblin3 Colin & Bobbi Francis 36 species 3rd Reel Magic Dave Evans 30 species Annual Individual Species Hunt 1st Colin Francis 30 species 2nd Jerry Shumbler 28 species 3rd Bobi Francis 27 species New Club Records - £25 Vouchers Dave Evans Thresher Shark 200lb 143% Specimen Specimen Hunters – 7 Anglers with 13 Fish 100% Specimen or over Colin Francis 4 Dave Evans 3 Charlie Chapman 2 Adam Franklin 1 Kev Couzens 1 Gary Witheford 1 Chris Witheford 1 Club Trophies to be presented at Club AGM meeting, Tuesday 1st April 2025. Please come along and support the Club AGM and your club members who will be presented with their trophy during the meeting. Venue: The Oakdale Club, 92, Darbys Lane, Oakdale, Poole, BH15 3EU If there is anything anyone can see that is incorrect, please PM me to check. Top of Form Bottom of Form7 points -
Alderney 2025
Steve S and 5 others reacted to great white for a topic
Dave and I have crewed up to go over on the 16th May, weather permitting. Staying ashore for three nights, this time in La Ville hotel. I booked this morning directly with the new Manager Sophie. She seems to be much easier to deal with and very relaxed about cancellation and deposit. I have put this up in case others are thinking of coming and need some accommodation. Charlie6 points -
SPJ Outfit
great white and 4 others reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
Sorry guys its now sold. I knew i should of asked for more!!!!!!!5 points -
That was a tough day.
fisherman1055 and 4 others reacted to great white for a topic
Well done for trying guys, hard to resist that weather even if the tide was screaming. I was once told, by a very keen angler on holiday. "you will not catch fish unless your line is wet" Not every day is a catching day, but at least you had baits down and were feeding the doggies. Better than lying under the boat sanding down antifouling, like I was. I am sure the cold Guinness was appreciated.5 points -
Competitions 2025
Jim and 3 others reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
Bream Comp 10-11th May Juniors included! So the 2025 Bream Competition is also for any juniors, members or not. They must fish on a club members boat with a club member. First Prize; Largest Bream recorded, A rod and reel combo Second Prize; Family Membership to the club 2026 Each junior entering will receive a fishing goody bag at the June meeting, and prizes above.4 points -
Marine toilet.
2006holmwood and 3 others reacted to plaicemat for a topic
Next trip down was going to include servicing the toilet flushing pump as it's never been used and all the washers etc have gone hard and it sprays the cabin instead of the toilet bowl. Number one daughter is making demands. Oh joy! messing around in tight corners in a smallish cabin. Then I discovered that, for not much money, I can replace the pump complete which just involves removing a couple of bolts and a couple of screws; simples! I can then take the old unit home and service it in the garage giving me a spare, the service kit came with the boat. Much happier, then a tidy up and polish in the cabin and good to go. Can't be long now? Terry.4 points -
Alderney 2025
Kingfisher 126 and 3 others reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
Loobie 1V will be with you guys, crew TBC weather permitting, hopefully Sophie will have room!!!4 points -
It's a sh1t job but someone has to do it!4 points
Club Competition Winners 2024 - Trophy presentation after AGM, 1st April 2025
jerry.shutter and 2 others reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
A gentle reminder of the Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday Evening, 1st April please come and support the AGM and our club members being presented with the club trophy's. All members and guests are more than welcome.3 points -
Worth all the effort
DaleJ and 2 others reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
Hi Terry, I suspect that was the Pelican on her way back out to Spain, came in yesterday morning. It was a pea soup afternoon for sure, drifted up to the pier until you could almost touch it before you could see it. Well done Jerry and co some great fish for the day. 👍3 points -
A stunning trip, lucky crew. I had a similar trip back to Cobb's from Southbourne but without the advantage of radar or experienced crew, that was fun but no big dramas fortunately. Whilst going down the small boats channel, I suddenly spotted the biggest blue ship I've seen in Poole on my starboard side in the main channel, probably about 40 yards away. I hadn't spotted it at all until that point despite two pairs of eyes keeping watch. Scary! Terry.3 points
Fish finder replacement
Jim and 2 others reacted to Martin Terry for a topic
Many thanks for the advice, we have gone with Karl and looking forward to trying the new kit.3 points -
Alderney 2025
Steve S and 2 others reacted to great white for a topic
Nice one Steve We wanted to go with buddy boat and Dave could not make those early May dates. Hopefully you will get across, catch plenty and give us a nice fishing report with an update on how it is fishing. Charlie3 points -
Photo of the month March 2025
2006holmwood and 2 others reacted to great white for a topic
3 points -
Fish of the Month 2025
Jim and 2 others reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
February 1st Place; Charlie Chapman Spurdog 21lb 0oz 131% Specimen – 2025 Subs Paid 2nd Place; Charlie Chapman Conger Eel 46lb 0oz 115% Specimen 3rd Place; Charlie Chapman Spurdog 17lb 0oz 106% Specimen Dave Evans Spurdog 17lb 0oz 106% Specimen A photo paints a thousand words, look at the smiles. Please add photos if possible.3 points -
Fish of the Month 2025
Jim and 2 others reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
January 1st Place; Chris Witheford Bass 10lb 11oz 112% Specimen – 2025 Subs Paid 2nd Place; Dave Evans Spurdog 14lb 0oz 87.5% Specimen 3rd Place; Charlie Chapman Whiting 2lb 15oz 84% Specimen A photo paints a thousand words, look at the smiles. Please add photos if possible.3 points -
Marine toilet.
plaicemat and 2 others reacted to great white for a topic
Yes mate Just add to the water in the bowl, then pump out as usual. The water and oil mixture lubricates the seals, when it has become stiff or sticky. You would be amazed what a difference it makes.3 points -
Photo of the month February 2025
Andy Guidi and 2 others reacted to DaleJ for a topic
3 points -
Photo of the month February 2025
Carl James and 2 others reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
3 points -
Running AIS on mobile or tablet would be good in these situations if you don't have receiver / transponder. R2 points
2 points
So shiny you can see yourself in her! (I spent a few hours helping out on Kodiak, no, I'm not offering to do anymore!):2 points
That's the spirit jerry, 😀. Very generous discount already, free personal fishing tuition for the day , free secret bass Mark coordinates, going after the bass ban, couple of huge bass to take home, 😀. One free beer at Cobbs (as long as they help washdown) no doubt. 😀 Cracking offer Jerry. Colin.2 points
SPJ Outfit
Jim and one other reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
If you buy the rod yes, and i will reduce it a bit so the person joins the club!! A deal not to be missed!2 points -
Magnifying Fly tying light
Jim and one other reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
yes of course Carl, i will endeavour to bring to the April meeting! feel free to remind me, see Chris doing the raffle for the charity money. Many thanks2 points -
Tigerfish is aiming for a 3 day trip between the Sat 3rd and Tue 6th May, with 18th to 20th as a reserve. Tides on the 16th and 17th May look a bit strong to me.2 points
Photo of the month March 2025
great white and one other reacted to Rob for a topic
Lovely, some more great times to come2 points -
Photo of the month March 2025
gaffa and one other reacted to great white for a topic
2 points -
Marine toilet.
Jim and one other reacted to great white for a topic
Terry To help keep your new seals good Put a capfull of cooking oil in the bowl and pump out as usual. I keep an out of date bottle onboard, and do this everything the pumps starts to feel a bit stiff. Oil is biodegradable so no pollution2 points -
2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
Photo of the month February 2025
Ark and one other reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
2 points -
Competitions 2025
Mal Thomas reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
It has been suggested we should hold a Bream Comp this year, i look forward to seeing lots of entries. Bream Comp 10-11th May All other competitions will be run on fish entered to the fish recorder over the year. Tight lines between now and then, and i hope to get a good turnout weather permitting in May Jerry1 point -
Bits n bobs
Jim reacted to Graham Nash for a topic
I'm having yet another garage clear out and have a couple of bits that might be of some help to members. 7.5k anchor. Small buoy (about 12 inches, banana for scale 😉) 2xl wet suit, about 15 years but never worn. Zip works like new. Size 10 diving boots Beaver fins Small dive gloves. Sherwood BCD Collect from upton. Donation to the club charity only. These have moved around my garage for years despite me knowing I'll never dive again.1 point -
1 point
Bits n bobs
Graham Nash reacted to Jim for a topic
The last picture looks like somebody's been "Beamed up" 😜 Or an episode from 1960's " The Invaders"1 point -
Photo of the month February 2025
Andy Guidi reacted to Steve S for a topic
Please add your fish/boat/marine views photo's taken this month here, most likes wins. I'm restarting this, it kind of died a death last year with so few photos. We all like to see them you know. The plan is to announce the winner on the 5th of the following month to allow some time for later entries to get some likes.1 point -
And the winner for this months photo comp is: My first bluefin! Thanks to everyone who submitted photos and who voted1 point
Fish of the Month 2025
great white reacted to Kingfisher 126 for a topic
Annual Club Subs of £25 will be awarded for Fish of the Month, members can only win the £25 once a year, then the prize is awarded on count back in the month. Please be aware only fish added in “Report a Catch“ qualify for fish of the month so keep adding to the report. January 1st Place; Chris Witheford Bass 10lb 11oz 112% Specimen – 2025 Subs Paid 2nd Place; Dave Evans Spurdog 14lb 0oz 87.5% Specimen 3rd Place; Charlie Chapman Whiting 2lb 15oz 84% Specimen February 1st Place; Charlie Chapman Spurdog 21lb 0oz 131% Specimen – 2025 Subs Paid 2nd Place; Charlie Chapman Conger Eel 46lb 0oz 115% Specimen 3rd Place; Charlie Chapman Spurdog 17lb 0oz 106% Specimen Dave Evans Spurdog 17lb 0oz 106% Specimen Please register your catches, not only does it enter you into the fish of the month, but allows the club to keep records up to date throughout the seasons. As a club we are asked for any evidence of catches so please keep them coming. A photo paints a thousand words, look at the smile. Please add photos if possible.1 point -
Entries for photo of the month for Feb closed, we have 3 photos on 7 likes, please add your likes before the 5th March so we have a clear winner 😁1 point
Sounds great Terry. Let's hope all goes well. I have a few tools here. If you get stuck shout up. I may have what you need.1 point
1 point
Competitions 2025
DaleJ reacted to jerry.shutter for a topic
Hi Dale, i will put a reminder up about a week beforehand, if the weather looks kind just post your boats name, your crew, and which day you are fishing. Hopefully there will be other members signing in so basically follow the thread. Tight Lines1 point