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Wight Magic

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Everything posted by Wight Magic

  1. Happy birthday to you both
  2. Happy New year to everyone
  3. He's had it years 🤣
  4. Reel Bizzy Kev . Dave
  5. Happy birthday stuie
  6. Glad it turned up ok
  7. Dave Evans 10lb bass
  8. Dave and Mick hopefully Saturday
  9. Dave Evans 13 lb blonde ray
  10. Kingfisher - Chris, Mal, Stuie - Fishing Saturday My Babby- Norman, Dave, Brian - Fishing Saturday Tigerfish - Steve, Graham Shurvell - Probably Saturday based on the forecast Loobie 1V Jerry, Jerry 2, Kev - Sat Marlin - Greg and Brad Saturday (as long as the wind is favourable!!! Alfresco- Charlie & Wendy - Sat Reel magic - Dave and Mick - Saturday
  11. Happy birthday to you both Hope you had a good day
  12. Hi Charlie can't get link to work
  13. Got mine sorted last night with the help of Charlie 😁
  14. Hi Terry My crew are all double jabbed and 14 days plus
  15. Reel Magic lovely day out in the sun we managed 13 species Plaice Black bream Mackerel Smooth hound Undulate ray Dogfish Ballions wrasse Ballon wrasse Pout Small eyed ray Conger Grey gurnard Tub gurnard
  16. What about fuelling up?
  17. Reel magic will be out Sunday Dave and Mick
  18. Dave 1lb 9oz
  19. Reelmagic hopefully out Monday Dave & Mick
  20. Happy birthday Sam hope you had a good day
  21. Happy birthday hope you had a good day
  22. I should be able to do these dates as well So Terry if you could let me know how you get on with the accommodation you would be a star Cheers Dave
  23. Tigerfish - Steve, TBA Fisheagle subject to weather. Crew TBA. Flat White, Dan +? Madness - Dean - Martin Serenity -Tony + 1 ( any volunteers?) JV - Adam - Ian - Rob - Alun tbc Reel Magic Dave - Mick
  24. Happy birthday to you both have a good day
  25. Happy birthday Chris Hope you have a good day
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