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Everything posted by Freddie

  1. I lost the drag of my old Mitchell 386 reel over board recently whilst bass fishing with a Rappala at the harbour entrance. Thought my angling days with a 1960's reel would be over but then I managed to find `Jim's reel shop` on the internet. Thought I would just let you all know that he was helpful, polite, prompt and reasonably priced for parts & servicing on reels. His address is: Jim's Reel Shop 48 Beechfield Rd Corsham Wilts SN139DW Tel: 07523142760 If you have any problems, need parts or a reel service then I would thoroughly recommend him. Happy fishin'. Freddie.
  2. Great pics and report. You guys put me to shame with the size fish you catch. Keep them coming and I look forward to meeting you `yakkers` in July, Aug when we go to the caravan in Poole.
  3. Thanks for that and happy/safe boating.
  4. Well, good luck tomorrow. I have had at least two power trim units (rams) break on me and I did get a `clicking` noise when I turned the key. But, from what you say, it did work, albeit not the whole time so I hope you get lucky (loose cable etc) and it's a cheap fix as my trim is expensive and difficult to get hold of as my engine is quite old now. Keep us posted!
  5. I have a 60 HP Mercury and even when my battery is flat and will not turn the engine over and start it, I can still use the power tilt. Will raise and lower the engine every time. Hope you get it fixed soon, please let us know the problem.
  6. Well done, looks like a fab day out and great pics, wish we were there. V jealous and can't wait until July. As I would say to my wife: "weather here, wish you were nice"!!
  8. Pleased to read you are not selling as I really enjoy your pics and write up. Keep them coming and we look forward to meeting you in or around the harbour. Freddie and family.
  9. Signed. Derek & Freddie
  10. Craig, you have crew in a few years as Freddie and me are coming. Am charging my battery as I write and really looking forward to 3 weeks at our usual spot in July/Aug. See you for a fish bbq 'n Baileys then. Freddie & crew.
  11. We went out out from Gordon's Bay marina about an hour from Capetown on a warm day to Rooi Els where we dropped some nets baited with large snoek fish heads. I was first to pull up a net and managed to get 38 crayfish in one go. As we are only allowed 4 per person due to the quota sysytem, we kept the largest ones for a bbq later that evening. Sea was choppy and the 'braai' (bbq) on board was not much fun so had to have some brandy 'n diet cokes to stifle the sea sickness. Some kind of SA tradition I think. All in all a very enjoyable day followed by a tasty sea food meal in the evening. Back in Blighty now and looking forward to getting the boat out in the spring. See you all soon.
  12. Thanks v much guys. Currently in Gordon's Bay near Capetown SA on hols, am going boat fishing tomorrow so will post 'if' I catch anything decent. Normally a brandy and coke drinking session for crayfish though as the locals are very thirsty creatures and am sure to have a fun day if it's not too windy. Bfn.
  13. Thanks for the great report once again, with pictures, always a favourite read. Please keep 'em coming. Derek.
  14. Sorry, just remembered that my engine was fine when just idling but would cut out when I opened up the throttle, ie: needed more fuel, (primer bulb/tank probs) so maybe your problem is not the same. Apologies if I am confusing you.
  15. Hi, I also have a Mercury 60 HP ( 1987: 4 stroke) and think I had the same problem years ago and it was the primer bulb/tank problems. Have a good mate at Salterns who I know will diagnose this problem so if you e-mail me we can maybe get this sorted for you. I have had my Trigger and Stator replaced (expensive job) and as far as I can recall this does not sound like the same problem although I am no mechanic so could be wrong. Good luck and keep me informed as am happy to be of assistance. Freddie.
  16. Craig, thanks for the report, sounds llike you had a really good time, am very pleased for you as I know you eat, sleep and breathe this sport and like you, I feel priviledged to be a member with such great/helpful people. Look forward to coming with you in the next few years. See you next month. Freddie and family.
  17. Try Rappala lures, there are many different types, some can cost a bit but they do catch bass very well given the right conditions. If you look after them they last years, just change the treble hooks now and again, so in that respect you get good value for money. Could not comment on lures/spinners for bream though. Good luck!
  18. Me 2.....
  19. As usual, best write up and pics, always interesting. Put me to shame! Keep 'em coming......
  20. If it's anything like my steering cable then they do get compacted with salt so will need replacing every 5-10 years depending on use. I clean/lubricate everything v well and it still needs doing again this summer, so just bite the bullet and replace the steering cable. It's quite a common problem. Hope this helps.
  21. I once a similar problem and when I switched to another tank it worked just fine. (vent probs) If you can, try and borrow another one if it is not a jet/carb problem as sometimes the tank does not vent properly as they get older. Is it an old tank? I actually broke mine I think by dropping it on the ground from the boat when I refilled it, the pipe inside to the bottom fell off. I had to throw my old mettle tanks away and bought new 22l plastic ones. Am more careful now. Just a thought. Good luck anyway
  22. As usual a fascinating read, even Freddie my 4 year old likes the pictures. We promise to slow down when we wizz by in the summer months. Better luck next time you go out and please keep the pics coming as it really brightens up my day here in sunny Wokingham.
  23. Freddie


    Sorry to read about your tale of woe with the cowboys. Will look out for you this summer. Freddie and family.
  24. Freddie

    Fuel usage

    I agree with the former comments. I have a 23 year old 60 HP Mercury and find at a slow planing speed a 22 litre tank lasts quite a while on a flat day with little tide running. You will, as time goes by, get very accurate at gauging how much you have used. I guess experience is everything but until you have that, just keep checking as you do not want to run completely dry on a tank otherwise you can get an airlock or sediment going into the engine/carbs etc. It can be tricky to get the engine restarted, especially if you are in a busy/choppy shipping lane. (also has happened to me when I was new to this game) I have two 22 litre and a one gallon plastic tank for back up but never use the latter and always have plenty to get me home or even to help someone else in an emergency. Always take plenty is my advice. I guess due to my work at LHR, safety will always be paramount at all times. Wife would kill me if we ran out..... so another good reason? Failure to prepare is preparing to fail!
  25. The council is very good at moving the sand after a storm from my 25 years experience. I rarely have to go through it to launch or retrieve just remember not to untie/unclip the boat completely from the trailer as when you go down the slipway the wheels of the trailer will stop/slow down suddenly and then the boat could well slip off. (have seen this happen as I did it many years ago!) Weekdays are best, we launch at 07.30 ish and come back at about 3-4pm then go back to the caravan to BBQ the fish. Will launch/retrieve on Saturdays early but always give Sunday a miss as it can get very busy and sometimes dangerous. Never ever rush as that's when most accidents happen. Be safe!
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