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Everything posted by Freddie

  1. Freddie


    Thanks v much for the birthday wishes. Look forward to meeting you in the summer on Arrowflash. Just back from Capetown SA where I caught a 20-25kg brown ray on a lure which I cast out from Gordon's Bay marina wall in search of shad. Took about 20-30 minutes to reel it in as I had relatively light tackle, was hard work! Actually thought I had snagged the bottom at first until it took off. Could not bring it up the wall as I did not have a net, so I cut the line. (I did not want to kill it with a gaff so no picture) Fishing conditions were pretty bad with a strong south-easter blowing a gale, so I was quite chuffed to get it in. Apparently, it is very unusual to catch a ray on a lure the locals informed me. I look forward to having another try next year.
  2. Great pics, really enjoyed them. Look forward to getting out there myself when I move to Dorset. In the meantime, keep 'em coming!
  3. Well done. Great read & thanks for sharing it with us. Even better to see that you put 'em back for some of us to have the pleasure of catching.... hopefully???
  4. Freddie

    rods on a plane

    Easy Jet will charge you!!! I work on the planes @ LHR & we do not charge but you MUST put them in some gutter piping as they may be thrown about or have something heavy placed on top. They will go into the "out of gauge" section of baggage if they are very long & will go to a separate area when you pick them up in Spain. (Just like snow skis) I use a telle rod on my trips for this reason but I do understand that they are not ideal. Good luck & let us know how you get on.
  5. Freddie

    Women and wishes

    Just wanted to say that I am a v new member & I really enjoy the site especially jokes like this..... keep 'em coming 'cos it's great to have a giggle, catch fish & be amongst some very friendly & helpful people. Look forward to seeing many of you out at sea, weather permitting. (Just spent 10 days in a caravan in Poole & was unable to get out in my boat & now I'm back at work!) Will be back in Aug though. Bye for now. Freddie
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