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Everything posted by pirky

  1. Brian......I guess the likes of you 'n' me will have to accept that "some boys do and some boys don't" Just remember this is a "family site" Dave
  2. WHAT A DAY !! Well done to all...... Dave
  3. Trouble is punishment costs money because of all the human civil rights and humane conditions thingy...... My feeling is much like most I 'spose.. but when we waste so much money on those who lounge around on our social, those that come from other countries to scrounge, politicians wages/expenses and taking out loans to support other "needy" countries in Europe and further afield, it is little wonder there is none left for our own Justice System. Anyway letting the tea leafs do their work spreads the "cost" around just like a "stealth tax".......ok until it's you or yours that's hit !! We mustn't let this debate go any further .....it is a family site. LOL Dave
  4. Paul.....Beats Whitesheet I guess !! Great to see..... Dave
  5. 1. Brian - MegaByte, crew = Mark (non-member) 2. Martin & Terry Bartell on "AWOL" UPDATED 3. John - Rosie One - Crew Dave 4. Dave Wight Magic - Jackie, Craig, Ben 5.Nigel-Wishin- CharlieA, RobF 6. Tony - Serenity Crew TBA or will crew for someone else 7. Alfresco Charlie and Dan, GordonH, PaulD 8. Frisky Fox - with Mike, Carol and George 9. Boblin - Colin & Bobi 10.Whistler-PeteSnr with non member 11.lady jane - andy, danny non member 12. Court Jester - Neal plus 2 13, The Grinch - Mick with Mike 02380 14. Imagine - Paul F. and Alun J. 15. Now or Never - Dave H-H + 1 non mem
  6. Well done Mark.......I was out on Thurs for a couple of hours in the "flat afternoon tide " 'n' could only manage a couple of small wrasse.... Well done lads !! Dave
  7. pirky


    I thought it was a cracking joke Martin !!! Dave
  8. Hi Trev...... Just to endorse the thing about oil mix...... in my limited experience I used to run a chainsaw a "little rich" because of longish lay ups.....and it was a repair centre that informed me the design mix for two strokes is for when the engine is running on high revs and getting hot......if you are idling away a lot and not revving the engine above say half full throttle...you will oil the plugs and cause problems ......ie you are over oiling the engine for the work it is doing..... Pete and Dave have got it right I think !! Best of luck mate ....hope it goes well. Dave
  9. pirky

    capsized boat

    Mark...... any help required give me a call ..... 07815975715......I am always about if needed. Dave
  10. Wow .... All the more fuel for the argument about wearing LJ's even when you think you got it covered in relatively innocuous sea conditions !!! Okay .....guilty as charged Y H You would think that some-one would have put a line or two on her when she was on the beach to avoid her being swept out on the next tide to sink !! Safety hazard? more effort for recovery and more damage to vessel etc should offset any cost incurred.......Oh well !! Dave
  11. pirky

    Fish ID

    Alun.....I think this is a small smelt....I have caught them off the quay wall with size 12 hook on 3 lb line and a sliver of silver maccy skin... See here ..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hypomesu...nspacificus.jpg And here ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_smelt Dave
  12. pirky


    Tony.......go fishing.....get out on the water........Cabin Fever has struck early !! Dave
  13. pirky


    Happy Birthday Paul Hope Helen gives you loads of good stuff......"nuf sed" Oh .....and some time off to get out and enjoy it !!! Dave
  14. OK....I think i am getting the idea with these lists now !! 1/ Nigel Sun 5th 2/ Dave Samuel - Saturday 4th December 3/ Wild card! WEDGER trev....any of the above 4/ bassncodformeplease.. Mike ...5th dec 5/ Pirky.....Dave.....any of the above 6/ Bill Smith - Saturday 4th Deceember
  15. Well done Jim......saved to use another day !! Dave
  16. OK....I think i am getting the idea with these lists now !! 1/ Nigel Sun 5th 2/ Dave Samuel - Saturday 4th December 3/ Wild card! WEDGER trev....any of the above 4/ bassncodformeplease.. Mike ...5th dec 5/ Pirky.....Dave.....any of the above
  17. pirky

    Sunday - JoJo

    If Terry is any thing like me .....He's already forgotten who he gave them to and what the original post was about !! Martin.......count 'em !! Dave
  18. Well done that man indeed ....and well done Brian /Derek for putting him on the fish.. What a cracking specimen !! Dave
  19. pirky

    Man and a Van

    Mark........Freegle sure did the trick mate......ta !!! My Sofas went to a grateful home last night !! Dave
  20. 'Luck Nige... Dave
  21. I wonder if anybody informed the Harbour Master or other Port Authorities ??? Perhaps the Harbour Police could prevent the "salvage" operations and get the owner back on the boat...... Any News ???? Dave
  22. Well done Jo Jo et al ........wonderful fish .. Dave
  23. pirky

    Man and a Van

    Thanks Guys !!! Mark ...... Will try the site but if no takers I will take to tip on my trailer !! Cheers Dave
  24. pirky

    Man and a Van

    Trev I have booked a man and a Luton van from the Echo ..... costing me
  25. pirky

    Man and a Van

    Hi all.... ..I am looking to move a 3 seater settee and a 2 seater and 2 large chairs next Thursday 16th PM ....from Sandbanks to St Leonards (Ringwood) and then a similar set from St Leonards to my local tip. I will need a hand ....so " a man and a van" is required... Anybody know of a man and a van ??? or does anybody in our club do this sort of thing ?? Just thought I would ask here first before I start the trawl of the Echo and other likely Ads Cheers Dave
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