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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Steve S

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Everything posted by Steve S

  1. You are doing a grand job Mike and Carol on what obviously has been a somewhat neglected / bodged up boat. Just wondering how many more things you will find. The first year I had Tigerfish it was problem after problem, the boat had been hardy used for a few years, it was a concern. Diane was wondering what I'd bought, since then it's been fine. My boat has an internal bilge hand pump that empties the contents into a large plastic bottle so all maner of yucky stuff can be dealt with on land, very handy. If I had another boat without it I'd fit one.
  2. Some years ago I had a no power problem with a mercruiser 120hp diesel. One outfit told me to replace the turbo as it was not cutting in.... Problem was fixed by increasing the feed pressure from the exhaust to the turbo so it cut in earlier. So fixed with no parts changed just engineering time and a couple of sea trials.
  3. Tony your engine fault seems to be taking forever to fix. I don't know anything about Purbeck Marine but from afar it appears like maybe someone else should have a look.
  4. Well done Mal, when do you expect to take delivery? Same draft as sweet pea?...... A 2 boat owner , I was one of them for a while, I didn't enjoy it, err indoors 'enjoyed' it even less and kept me upto date on her feelings.
  5. Having a good time here as we always do on Alderney, 5 club boats here plus True Blue. Crossing was a little bumpy started at 28kts but ended up around 21 as the sea built up around mid channel, blowing a 4 to 5 from behind our port quarter with a fair old east to west swell. In the late afternoon went flat calm. Plenty of launce on the banks but makerel few and far between. Flatty fishing has been rather slow so far to be honest, we had 5 turbos none big, 1 brill of around 5-6lb and a spider crab, retained. Other boats: some did better and some worse so far.
  6. Assuming the forecast stays the same Tigerfish is going Sat to Mon overnighting in Alderney The spare place has been taken up by Alun so we are now up to 4 going. There will be daily updates, hopefully of big flaties
  7. Surprised about planning to leave Friday, it is looking pretty 'fresh' over Casquets http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=13921&sty=m_spot Tigerfish currently planning to leave on Saturday morning.
  8. Looks a well sorted boat Mal good luck with that. BTW you seem to have 2 photos showing the same area above the front screen with and without a plotter!
  9. Well it seems to be going for all the major sea fishing sectors. I wish them the best of luck.
  10. Expecting call it tomorrow too. Currently looking like sat to mon.
  11. Oh dear I'm feeling rather inadequate
  12. Up to you I guess Oli whether you do or not.
  13. Probably fed up of the brake jamming on. How to fix, I know, I'll remove them, who needs brakes away....
  14. I have a couple of decent swivel seats for floor mounting if you need them.
  15. Ok so what really are the main causes of breakdown at sea, ie the things to look out for most. Seastart have come up with a percentage wise list from their logs, makes for interesting reading and could save the club boats a breakdown or two. Of particular concern is fouling of props by ropes and nets getting worse, outboards and legs certainly a help here, jet drives anyone? http://www.pbo.co.uk/expert-advice/10-top-causes-of-engine-breakdown-and-how-to-avoid-them-27876
  16. Fascinating, thanks Lofty. So many near misses, frustrating!
  17. Steve S

    JV Goes Deep

    Nice cod boys. The fishing was below par for everyone it seems on Saturday myself included, i wouldn't read anything into it apart from being one of those days.
  18. Tigerfish has rescheduled to Friday the 13th to Monday 16th May for the second attempt. Clive (live bait) and Graham (Bramble banker) are joining me but we are one down with Graham's Dad not being able to make it. Currently we plan to stay night one in Alderney and the next two nights in Guernsey. There is room for one more if interested please PM me.
  19. Hmm, I can at a price.... [emoji6]
  20. Any recommendations on where 3 fisherman could put up in St Peter Port?
  21. Temping fate I know but the forecast is actually looking pretty good said the donkey looking at the carrot hanging in front of him...
  22. Tigerfish: After a consultation with the crew we are going to spent the 30th on Alderney and the 1st and 2nd at St Peter Port Guernsey by way of a change, weather permitting of course.
  23. Is anyone staying over in Guernsey for some of the time?
  24. Looks like a Leech, a big one
  25. Windows seals replaced by unbonding the fixed glass on one side; slow job sliding a razor blade along flat, this allowed the frame to be flexed enough to fit the sliding glass back in after fitting the seals. Used black Sikaflex 295 UV sealant to rebond the fixed glass and as a bed for the seals. All cured now and fitted on the boat sealed using Arbomask. Took 3 hours to rebuild the window, most of that was removing the old silicon. I think a professional would probably take 2, so much for 'up to 5 hours'. Whether this is an approved way of doing the job I'm not sure, it looks ok and the windows slides the full length for the first time since i've had the boat, oooo, the pleasure... So Graham, no getting chilly when we visit a small island near France...
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