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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. Thanks Dave my lad Lee is well pleased,thanks mate Nige
  2. As the long range forecast is pants going out tomorrow with a mate that I promised a trip for a while now after several cancelled midweek dates . Anybody else out?I will assess the sea conditions in the morning but I'm expecting to be inshore will be on ch6 Nige
  3. Flippin heck Graham,you've got you're work cut out! Save all these photos as people won't believe it's the same boat when you're finished.........new name possibly........... Second Chance?.......Reserected...?....looking at the pics think second one Nige
  4. Happy Christmas to everybody, Neal I think you meant.......premature.....you know all about that Nige
  5. Hello Sean,you thinking of emigrating down south Christchurch there are a few cheaper than mine but I'm at Ribs Marine
  6. All the best Graham,I'm sure you're learn loads and Charlie will have some great tips Nige
  7. I did hear a rumour about landing nets - do tell PJ Ask Charlie..... P.S Kev get yours on" report a catch" netman Dave put his tiddler on there
  8. Rob, Adams pic is a full page in the Q&A section...he looks about 16 so must be really old photo
  9. So did I
  10. A clonking fish Kev and your`e so lucky........................Dave didn`t knock it off he must be getting the hang of this netting thing Nige
  11. Well? Hope you all had a good day.
  12. There was a boat stuck on it today,heard on ch16 lifeboat was called out so new channel marked soon I hope.
  13. After just getting out(see MUDEFORD thread)it was nice and flat so hit the carpark with one eye on the wind. The water colour was more like the Bristol channel,bites were very few.Mike(idontlikecongertheypulltohard)had a pout and the smallest conger I've seen about 5lb. It was getting quite lumpy so bites if we had any were hard to see but I had a good take with a 10lb cod boated.We sat it out a while then moved inshore to a bank,still water very discoloured.Had a few doggies but again very quite.Then I lost what I hope was only a very big conger when the hook pulled,it felt very big.Then had a run on my other rod shortly after but was helping Mike so got to it a bit later than normal,pulled into it and felt nothing as my leader was cut on the bottom . Shortly after pulled hook and came back at a gentle speed due to worsening conditions and done a very careful approach to the run. Got the target but as always would of liked to have seen what I lost..... Nige
  14. After the bad weather we've had there is very little water on the seaward end/south of the run by the last bouy. I went out this morning an hour and a half before low and bottomed out with my leg up!!! Wishin only draws 0.5m and we were stuck on it and had to rely on the waves to ease us off!! When we went out tide was approx 0.9m. When we came in it was approx 1.4m and only had 2ft clearance on approach at first bouy and sometimes less!!!!!! Hopefully they will move them to where there is a channel,if one exists. Maybe Alun will be able to update us to a better exit if it exists PLEASE,PLEASE take care when trip planning until updated Nige
  15. Mick Barnes {barney}would be the one to answer that, as he moors there and lives a stones throw away Nige
  16. Well done to all ,total commitment or something very near Nige
  17. You won it Rob.......you kept that quiet
  18. I'll be doing it with Neal on court jester..........see if I can actually catch a cod on this comp Nige
  19. Great result ,well done Nige
  20. Me and Mike(doggiespoutformepls) hit the carpark,the conditions were good and improved as the day progressed.Dropped the hook and we started to feed the pout and dogs,we were close to James on his Raider and were shortly joined by Wight Magic. And P.J Soon the cod come on the feed,well ,where we were And they started to come aboard and in no time we had boated 4 nice cod then another and another and another. It was a red letter day on wishin with two cod to Mike 6.13 and 13.4oz Five to jammy old me 12.4, 14.8, 15.8, 12.10 and 13lb14oz. The bites were very finicky apart from two positive hits and one only took the bait properly after I lifted it slightly off of the bottom and back down again,they were very similar to the doggy bites But a great day and nice to see club boats out Sorry to those that didn't have such a good day Buts that's fishing and that will be me next time....... All the best Nige
  21. niggle

    Birthday boy

    All the best Neal,hope you at last catch a cod as its you're birthday
  22. I'll be out with Mike as crew,hopefully for a seasonal target Nige
  23. niggle

    The Rabbit

    For God's sake let's hope that we get a break in the weather soon Hare....Hare.....
  24. Hope you are well soon Allan,I know how keen you were to do well again this year. All the best Nige
  25. niggle


    All the best nipper Nige
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