Me and Mike(doggiespoutformepls) hit the carpark,the conditions were good and improved as the day progressed.Dropped the hook and we started to feed the pout and dogs,we were close to James on his Raider and were shortly joined by Wight Magic. And P.J
Soon the cod come on the feed,well ,where we were And they started to come aboard and in no time we had boated 4 nice cod then another and another and another.
It was a red letter day on wishin with two cod to Mike 6.13 and 13.4oz
Five to jammy old me 12.4, 14.8, 15.8, 12.10 and 13lb14oz.
The bites were very finicky apart from two positive hits and one only took the bait properly after I lifted it slightly off of the bottom and back down again,they were very similar to the doggy bites
But a great day and nice to see club boats out
Sorry to those that didn't have such a good day Buts that's fishing and that will be me next time.......
All the best Nige