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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. Now you mention it Rob ....have you got a sister?
  2. Colin when you said Bobi was in a mag......well I bought the wrong one...... Wondered why I didn't see her in the readers wife's section
  3. With that budget Paul,you should get some good kit . From Redcar marine you could get 2 lowrance hds units?one for gps and one fish finder both 5inch Or they have an ex display hds5 combo for
  4. Don't say that Rob as my wife says he looks younger than me Only with my kit off
  5. Paul idea of budget would help,as some of us get carried away
  6. niggle


    I`ll be out based on present forecast Nige
  7. Both days were won with 25lb fish and overall winner caught 6 cod over the 2 days and as said 2nd day winner was on our boat,and i have to say our skipper was a good laugh and we all got on well together.It just shows that the same mark can produce such different results in 2 days. Some boats didnt even catch a cod i believe!
  8. 1.) Ian Jones - JV 2.) Bob F - JV 3.) Alun J - JV 4.) Martin B Awol 5.) Dean B Awol 6.) RobF - JoJo - with non member 7.) Alfie and Stuie on Dream Drifter [defending Champion 2010] bring it on 8.) Graham + non member Little sal. 9.) Charlie A - AWOL 10. Charlie C Alfresco 11. Dan C Alfresco 12. Gordon Moore Alfresco TBC 13 Stuart Summerel Alfresco 14.Nigel Allen. wishin 15.Mike Toms wishin
  9. The cod was in the right place just took the wrong bait,think he only changed his bait 6 times all day
  10. This was my second attempt at this comp,so with Neal,Barney and my mate Chris we had a go. Now it may all seem quite easy from the outside but if you put some thought into it then along with the
  11. I'll be out that way on a charter both Wednesday and Thursday for British cod championships you've got my number for latest info Nige
  12. niggle


    Hi Thomas ,it's about time we found out who was grandads fishing tutor!
  13. What a great selection of species,well done
  14. A cracking cod Colin,well done it was worth the trek over,there was a few Poole Poachers
  15. Chris I am rubbish at boat I.D Charlie and Neal even had to point out that they were close to me, useless powers of observation........and I forgot to mention the bridge was interesting. Also forgot to mention that these two cod did fall to my new rig but on the top hook!
  16. Popped out and it was a cracking day weather and sea state wise. Dropped the hook in the carpark and Alfresco was behind us and Neal was inland of our position,the weather made up for the slow fishing.First a couple of congers to me then I had a cod about 8lb. Then it was very slow while the tide went slack apart from another conger to me,my crew Peter was having his annual November trip out with me struggled with dogs,pout and small whiting. After fishing the start of the ebb the red weed was being a pain so I called lines in about 1.30pm to go in early when my number two rod started to take line and a nice empty bellied 19.6lb cod hit the deck....result. Not the best of tides to fish for cod but it was a lovely sunny day to be out Nige P.S thanks for the bacon odours Charlie made my sandwiches seem very dull
  17. niggle


    All the best Terry hope things are getting better for you now Nige
  18. niggle


    Agree with Derek.....fish
  19. Saturday quiet at work so going wishin for Mr Nod,try for a biggy I`ll be on ch6,i expect the ones that can will be out that way good luck to you all and hope you get youre strings pulled good an proper Nige
  20. Your`e learning, Well done
  21. Well done great catch.
  22. Lovely fish Paul ,well done
  23. Can you get back up the same way?
  24. Cod weighed on scales at home 15kg
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