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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. niggle

    Wishin update

    Eventually got all the parts now rebuilt and dropped back to Ribs for refitting If they don't manage the refit this week I'll be up for crewing next weekend if weather allows as have the whole weekend off And I cannot do another shopping trip For those that are interested I've used cummins pistons ,injectors retested,new thermostat but modified with small 2mm bleed hole. I am now going to use less revs than the 3-3.2k. Probably 2700k And fitting another blower to force more cold air to engine box rather than allowing it to draw it's own Nige
  2. niggle

    sit on this

    Two vultures eating a dead clown,one turns to the other "does this taste funny to you?" How do you get down off of an elephant,you don't you get it off a duck
  3. niggle


    A good day on the spikeys a promising start,well done.I haven't done a bass day but think I will this year Nige
  4. At least you got a few fish,seems it's a bit hard going at the moment.The sands have taken a constant hammering this year Thanks for the report Nige
  5. Well done to you both ,for losing your Alderney cherries together Nige
  6. Set off on Shogun early last Monday with eight crew stopped several times for mackerel managed a few but took ages so didn't do any wrecks on trip over. Tues hit the banks all day boated 28 flats Wed same again 27 caught Thurs tope in morning,only a few largest boated was 49lb,I lost one on side of boat which was estimated around 60lb.Then back to the banks ,9 more flats were caught. Top angler caught 13 of the target species,I had 8 .We returned about a third of fish caught. Largest turbot was a touch under 12lb and we had two brill in the 6 1/2 to 7lb bracket of which I caught one Last day hit some wrecks in sight of French coast where we managed the usual pollack and some cod,largest 21lb. We had cracking sunny days, every day, great fishing but for me I prefer a bit more diversity. We had lovely food,Indian,Thai,steaks and more steaks at the Bell Vue. Great bunch of lads and made some new friends Really enjoyed the trip Nige
  7. Glad you had a great time and back safely, Rob has you're gym membership lapsed Nige
  8. Glad you all got back safe,thought you might of done it last night Looking forward to the reports Nige
  9. niggle

    New member

    Welcome Martin,it's a great club and forum try to get to one of the monthly meets.it's a great way to put names to faces and look forward to you're catch reports Nige
  10. Tart,tart,tart
  11. I'm a tart too
  12. Avet reels ,Adam has fallen in love with them 'cause he's a tart Cracking reels
  13. I know exactly what you mean.I love my 20/40 MTI but if I get a hit from a decent cod I struggle with the first part of the fight in 200ft of water.As with setting the hook I have found that is usually down to the speed of the retrieve.Every day is different and a lot of feel is sometimes required but normally I have found that speeding up the retrieve after the pluck normally induces a positive hit. The rod I find a bit better at this is my Diawa TDX 12/30lb class or Alba 12lb class. Everybody has their favourite rods , methods ,reels and if you would like to try any of mine you're more than welcome before you splash the cash Nige P.S I think you're reel is only 4.2 :1 ratio I prefer 5.2:1
  14. niggle

    Wishin update

    Dennis,mine had the later pistons......I'll wait and see if the new ones are the same. I've done nearly 500hrs,it will be easier for me to go through it all when we next meet Dennis isn't about time you sold you're boat I might be interested would you take a few thousand bees in part-ex It's not really a problem,it's just boats and goes with the territory All the best Nige
  15. niggle

    Wishin update

    I'll be in Alderney from Monday until Friday on Shogun,will try to leave some turbos for club members.
  16. niggle

    Wishin update

    After getting several different pistons all with smaller combustion chambers( highercompression) and consulting my various contacts at Cat Diesel ,Cummins ex engine builder and a Mercruiser engine builder,I've ordered original parts with a 15% discount. The main reason being if these pistons fail it's normally minor......crack If I use different makes then IF they did fail might go bang in a big way.......rod through the block! As it is it will only cost me
  17. niggle


    Dixons web site refurb
  18. niggle


    Sorry Brian,just went back and when I googled iPad for sale it listed Argos
  19. I have heard on good authority that normal grade petrol now contains 5% alcohol !! Alcohol is not very friendly to fuel systems pipes,carbs,injectors etc So if you wanted to avoid this then top grade 97 would be better. The international technical department for Total unofficially told a customer of mine,who over a short period of time was having numerous fuel related problems with anything from his petrol lawnmower to his vintage car collection. I wouldn't of thought it is only limited to one company from what I was told. Nige
  20. niggle


    Brian just done a search Argos
  21. niggle

    Wishin update

    If I had the boat from new,if I had full dealer servicing,if I wanted to be a pain in the arse to somebody then I might go down the road of "not fit for purpose" but I have found in life ,is all it will do is release the nasty side of my nature and it will make me so very bitter. The boats seven years old,most inboard warranty is only two. So thanks for the advice guys but it's not for me The good thing to come out of all this is..................look at all the fuel I've saved Nige
  22. If it's fractionally taller than Tom..........then it's a four foot high!!!
  23. Mate Ian houlton has a brand new 12/20
  24. niggle

    HMS Marine

    Paul,are you getting ready for " A Sole Night"
  25. niggle

    Wishin update

    Had a long chat with Charlie and I believe it is the lack of air into and around engine. Both Craigs and another 630 in my Marina have more venting on the engine cover than mine,and it's possible that mine "missed" this modification . If I compare to a car it is like totally blocking up the front grill and any other cool air sources so really I'm surprised it's lasted this long. Time will tell Thanks again for the input Nige
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