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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. I was out with Dave(pirky) and Mike(justonepoutformeplease) it was sloooooow but Dave managed pout,small whiting and a couple of dogs.I managed a conger ,poor cod,pout and whiting.Mike put all his energy into one pout.A hard day ,I did try a mark 6 miles off the needles but the rocking boat pulled the anchor and by the time we retrieved ,the Mark had been taken by a charter Nige
  2. It will be on the a la carte price menu of boats........because it's French
  3. Understand but would be a shame. Always welcome on Wishin..........even though I'd have to wear earplugs Nige
  4. I've done similar trips on 8metre rib to cherbourg ,very good gloves and goggles were essential Nige
  5. niggle

    Garmin repair

    Paul give Matt a call at MES 01202 666066
  6. Brian sounds just right for somebody that's retired but their wife is still working
  7. Thanks guys,will keep my feelers out,all advice most welcome
  8. Sounds very interesting Tom,please keep us updated.
  9. Provisionally Sunday 27th Feburary,neap tide,low water Christchurch about midday and Poole 12.50.So a lunch time anchor-up for a monster conger or two? Obviously all weather dependent,but nearer the time will see who is still up for it and try to form a plan or two with consultation of the wrecking guru's Nige
  10. I agree 100% Charlie,it was sickening
  11. All the best JayKay,shame it won't be a boat fishing birthday
  12. Thanks Dave,after all it is you're birthday and you should do something you enjoy
  13. Rob,he knows I'm only joking..........I hope,......... luv u Dave.....x..x...x
  14. All the best to you both Dave does this mean youre waist size and age are the same
  15. on a serious note I too would like to give it a go for blondes this year, i believe the banks are approx 8 miles south of the needles? Good call in-between the snakes
  16. Graham does that mean that you're not insured for the 30miles in-between? I.e only insured while 12miles from land?
  17. Thanks Rob.....you Pikey Or is that a Piker
  18. Nice blonde in Lloyds in Bournemouth
  19. Who are you with Trev as mines coming up soon and have you got the AL CLAUSE written in Nige Im presently with HKJ
  20. niggle

    Happy Birthday

    All the best to you both
  21. GSF Car Parts Poole GSF Car Parts Ltd Unit 29, Wessex Trade Centre, Old Wareham Road, Poole BH12 3PF Tel: 01202 741060 Opening Times Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm | Saturday 8.00am-4.00pm
  22. Just thought others might be interested.....handheld or small stand when folded out 2 million candle power with cigar socket adapter.
  23. I know its early but just wondered if any other members would like to buddy up for a spring attempt at the Pollack etc on the wrecks. Its only an idea at the moment and all the usual factors will come into play,tides,weather but it could be a good day if enough boats were up for it we could split into say...2 groups and target a couple of wrecks each and then all meet up on the better fishing ones? Anybody fancy it? Or have some ideas? Nige
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