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Everything posted by bassncodformeplease

  1. HI all DON'T need one now as bought new boat instead........mike
  2. hi nige i'm also looking but its not looking very good! i don't think i'm going to use my boat again till i have a smaller engine just hate wasting all that money on fuel! SO I'M LOOKING FOR A SPACE to go out fishing if the weather does improve so don't forget me if you go! cheers mike
  3. Was hoping to get out this weekend but can't say for sure about weather, not heard of any bream yet, ain't heard of many fish for that matter. Might be worth waiting a week or two when sea temp is up a bit but i'd still like to go! . fished shambles few weeks ago only had a lil turbot but can't wait to try again! maybe see you out there. mike
  4. got to read b4 they removed it. twoz good wanit!!!!!!!
  5. I know i didn't win it cos have never fished it before .... so must be my turn this year mike
  6. Thanks for doing the report for me NIGE,,, seems you must have more time than me ...... you missed putting the weight of my first ever turbot, 2lb 4oz it went! Now i need to better that! Glad we done the trip even if fish didn't play ball!!!! Until next time. mike
  7. heading to the shambles on saturday with Niggle in my dory, launching at kimmeridge so won't take long to get out there if the winds stay light as they are forecast! Never launched at kimmeridge or fished the shambles so new experiences to look forward too. Will post how we get on.. mike ps, does anyone know what time the gate at kimmeridge gets opened?
  8. Thanks for trip out today nige. perhaps we can head south next time where all the fish are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers mike
  9. don't forget about me nige!!!! mike
  10. I have approx 6mt of 6inch link chain (heavy!) and quite a lot of 3inch chain to give away if anyone has there own mooring to upkeep!!!!!! The chain is quite rusty but i'm sure would last few years yet. Need to clear as doing an extension soon. REMEMBER ITS FREE. pm me if interested, mike
  11. Looking for 6mtr of 8mm galv short link chain. also need new length of rope 12mm would like whole coil (220mt) If any one has or knows best (cheapest) place to get these items please let me know. Thanks. Mike
  12. Hi charlie I'd love to come out if you still have a spare place, only been a member for a month but went out with martin on awol for the cod comp and came 5th!! Have spoken with niggle on the phone when we were out on our own boats a couple of sundays ago and would be good to put faces to names. Will try and call you later. Cheers Mike
  14. Have decided to go out tomorrow as weather looks ok, hoping to get a few hours fishing in between the strong tides, my boat is an open fast dell quay sportsman 17ft. Looking for 1 crew if anyone fancies it. Phone on 07963320071 if interested. Cheers Mike will launch at baiter around 7.30am back in around 2pm
  15. I'm a new member (joined last week) and hoping to take my boat out sunday as at the moment the weather is looking ok! Is anyone thinking of going out? Mike
  16. Fished on AWOL with Martin and Terry. 1 cod 9lb 13oz Mike Toms
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