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Everything posted by bassncodformeplease

  1. Hooky. if you want to put me down as guaranteed crew im happy with that but if any others want to crew with you then im happy to take my converted 536 down and will possibly need crew. mike. (slight chance mite have different boat by then. shhhhh)
  2. Think I'd be up for this either crew or drag mine down. Can do as I please now I'm my own boss earning a mint (polo that is). Which month you thinking ? Codnpollockformeplease . Mike
  3. Thanks for keeping us company for couple hours and stealing our fish! Was nice to be out Though. (justacodformeplease)
  4. Happy birthday enjoy it
  5. Have a good day tomorrow. Mike (dontgetinvitedfishinganymore)
  6. Thanks guys. Had an hour trout fishing!
  7. shame as I bought one b4 xmas
  8. hi all, long shot I know but hoping to find one crew for tomorrow, early start from Christchurch (have to trailer boat) call mike 07719802421
  9. Hooky would need to be simple to use! You got a link for it? Not really up on ultra modern gadgets
  10. Looking for a chartplotter and fishfinder or combo for my project boat, anyone? Radio and arial aswell. Also need an OUTBOARD 60/70 4stroke or 60/80 2stroke if anyone knows of one max £2k (don'tallrushatonce) mike
  11. Happy Birthday trev
  12. Happy Birthday Ben
  13. Thanks guys only just seen this, busy with other stuff. (wasnicetobe21againthisyear!!!)
  14. As there was 2 dinghies offered is there still one available??? im looking for a small light weight dinghy for getting sandeels don't mind if its bit tatty if cheap! mike 07719802421
  15. do yours have legs then graham?
  16. 1) Court Jester - Neal Alfie, Stuie 2) Kingfisher, Chris, Jim (Tiddler) & Stu (Non member) 3) Fisheagle - Allan, Dave (Coddy). Have a spare space if anyone would like to join us. 4) Serenity Tony,Rich and John. 5) Alfresco Charlie, Will and hopefully Dan, have a space if anyone would like to join us 6) Hobit plus 1 non member ( staying in the harbour as first time out with new engine ! ) 7) AWOL Martin & Dean 8) Wight Magic Dave ,Ben , Craig , Barney 9) Joint Venture.... Adam, Alun + Rob 10)Tarka V-Gordon and one Non Member. 11) Wishin Too-Nigel + TB 12) Tigerfish Steve, Alan (non member), Matt (non member) 13) yelo Jacob, Mick, Kev. Lucky for some 14) Valton Malcolm,Tony 15) LIBBY Martin C, M Toms
  17. oh jim thankyou notmanypeopleremembered
  18. i'm hoping to be out there, may need a hand at slip if i'm by myself thinking of going early to make most of my first trip of the year james let me know what time u are going .. thx mike
  19. Or was it whitesheet!!!!!!!!haha Mike (turbottimeiscomingsonomorefluffing!!!!)
  20. My wife bought me a jumper and said it was for fishing but i've been wearing it while plastering so it has more than one use (bargain) happy new year everyone mike(marchisjustaroundthecorner!)
  21. Your mrs says YOU CANT GO FISHING not YOU DONT GO
  23. Happy Birthday MAL mike
  24. Happy Birthday Graham. mike
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