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Everything posted by bassncodformeplease

  1. Well i went and tried but didn't do too well Launched mudeford 8.20, out to the spoils at 21knts. 1st drop a good whiting (so started ok!) then nowt for 2.5hrs then a doggy 2 more whiting another doggy and then HOME Livebaiter was out, he had a fish, i expect he'll do a report. Mike (coddon'tlikemybaitsanymore!) PS i had forgot i also got a spotted ray about 2.5-3lb on my last drop
  2. At the moment have decided to go out x/ch about 8-8.30 and maybe try out deep to start and back in closer for last 2hrs so see what happens. Thanks for offer of a space Toby but by 11 half the day has gone cheers to all Happy new Year...mike
  3. Might not go now as expected crew not able to come now So either go alone from x/ch or poole OR maybe someone on here might like a trip to clear there hangover PM or call 07963 320071 if you interested Cheers mike
  4. hi all anyone thinking of going out saturday? I'm thinking about it wind looking ok NO FOG forecast so no excuse really not too I am actually toying with the idea of towing down to Kimmeridge, have never fished Lulworth Banks and would like to try it You never know!!!!!! Cheers Mike (allthebestforthenewyear)
  5. hard luck nige, think i'm glad now i wasn't out there hope to do beta than that tomorrow Mike (gonnagetacodonmyownboattomorrow)
  6. Well i've got boat etc ready, hoping it won't be too foggy If anyone should want a trip out from mudeford then pm or fone 07963 320071. be going to mudeford for 8ish back around 3-3.30pm. cheers mike
  7. Hi all As i missed out on cod comp (no room on the boat ) i'm hoping to get out weds either on mine or happy to crew if someone has a space . could also buddy up either out from poole or x/church. Please pm any offers or suggestions Cheers Mike(iwantcodforthursdaysdinner)
  8. I agree!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I'd be happy to fish this if someone needs crew? Perhaps i can better my 5th place in the last one! (prob not!) Don't all rush at once to offer a place Cheers and merry xmas, Mike (onemorebigcodthisyearplease)
  10. ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! but only when i've got computer on
  11. Lovely trip out again Nige, not a good catch but ok I think i've lost the knack of catching cod and you! Well you've caught too many already Cheers til next time Mike (ihadwhiting4teaandwillagaintommorrow )
  12. Come on Tom too embarrassed coz you cort nowt or being secretive coz you cort loads????????
  13. (idohopetogetsomewhitingjusttokeepthewifehappy) sooner have cod tho!!!! mike (nodogsoreels4mepleasethankyou)
  15. Ive just heard the same thing! 8lb cod caught at baiter on rag worm lucky or should we be fishing the harbour? mike (mustdosomebeachfishingsooncosaintbeen4ages)
  16. yep nige i'm up for it just found my long johns and furry boots so if too cold for you i'll wind in your 30lber See you in the morn. (6.30 it will be chilly ) mike
  17. Is the 5th november on a sunday next year then?
  18. I wasn't going as my captain (NIGGLE) ain't allowed to play this weekend .... But due to having sat off work now i just might get away with yet another sunday of fishing Need to watch this forecast and plan sat night, so i may be out there or may be not! Rory call me when you know if going or not. I need to source bait if i go cheers mike
  19. hard luck nige and team thought carpark might have been ok today but didnt see the sea to check! better fishing next year mike
  20. Fishing the solent!!!!!! Had text from Niggle, he didn't get nowt today! Hope our team does better on thursday mike
  21. Let me know if you would like crew nige!
  22. So it looks like i've taken wrong week off work If its windy please blow from south so i can bass fish in the surf!!!!! mike
  23. One 4 me too , i'll swop you some moulds Mike
  24. Good to get a few replies. Sorted for Sunday and monday. Bassing sunday, needles after early cod or a bass on monday. Other days just depends on weather. John (wotu2uk) pm or call about a trip. cheers mike
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