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kaptin kod

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Everything posted by kaptin kod

  1. i think my rev counter is playing up, engine manual says limiter should cut out engine above 5700 revs.
  2. I have a warrior 165 with a 3 year old 60hp Mariner which i have had from new, the engine did not come fitted with the boat, now a lot of people have suggested that the prop seems to be quite small, however i am hitting 25knots at around the 7000 rev range, dose anyone know what the correct size should be. many thanks Paul
  3. Sent Warrior an email, if I buy there seat and pedestal for
  4. Cheers all, will give Paul an email and hopefully get it sorted soon, dying to get out on the water now, even the wife will be glad to see the back of me KK
  5. Hi lads, havent been on here for a while now, been busy with a new job and currently recovering from a knee op, hence this question. I have the warior 165 which at my request had no helm seats fitted (wanted maximum room for fishing) to try and take some of the strain off my knees i want to fit a pedestal seat. are these easy to fit and is there anything i should know not to do. cheers Paul
  6. New still boxed 19 inch TFT Dell monitor. (This monitor is BLACK in colour) Surplus to my requirements 1280x1024 pixels resolution for sharp and brilliant images of text and graphics 300 cd/m
  7. 3 step boarding ladder
  8. I didn't connect to navtex but I believe the connections are on the cable that Silva sent, best bet is to ring. Service and Technical Support Silva Ltd Unit 7, Elphinstone Square Deans Industrial Estate Livingston EH54 8RG 01506 406288 Guy I spoke to is Iain Henderson and he was more than happy to give info and sort out the problem, in fact I purchased mine for
  9. Hello mate, I had exactly the same problem with mine, the cable from your S15 is not the correct one for the job, if you ring Silva technical exlain the problem and they will send you the correct cable, the cable they will supply actually has an extra + & - connection which boosts the signal from the gps connection.
  10. Have a couple of shore rods for sale, Conoflex Nemises Plus + 13ft rod with Conoflex captive reducer, fixed reel seat (fixed at bottom for pendalum casting) this could be moved to suit. butt section shrink wrapped. also tapped up with bicycle tape to give comfit hold.
  11. Thanks for the info guys, lots to work on there. Will keep my eye open for one of these or as the old man is a fabricator perhaps he might be able to make one up for me. Off to Vegas next week for the annual fill me suitcase up with fishing tackle while the FPO is looking the other way. KK
  12. Thanks for that, tried indespension and they have stopped making the sand skipper, so i'll have to try knocking something up. the sand was quite firm at waters edge and the 4x4 pulled away fine on its own, just very soft under the water. KK
  13. I normally launch the boat into freshwater off a slipway which is a lovely way to launch, however this year I am intending to move around a bit to different venues. Last year we launched off a sandy beach, using the 4x4 we still managed to get the trailer to sink in the soft sand, and no matter what we did I couldn't move it. In the end I unhooked and towed the trailer out on a rope, didn't do my jockey wheel any good. and likewise on retrieval. Just wondering if there is anything I could do to make life easier, been looking at getting a jockey wheel which is phenumatic as opposed to the thin solid one I currently have. Thanks in advance KK
  14. Have a small section on the bow where I seem to have a stress crack, the picture below may not be to clear, but if you can see wha I mean any ideas how I can remove it, have tried using a fine rubbibg compound but it seems a little to deep for that to have any effect. would I be better attacking it with a fine piece glass paper?. Did it a while ago managed to hit a lock wall wasn't looking where I was going.
  15. Thanks for all the comments etc, Started the engine up yesterday on the mufflers, prop spins slightly on first start up, put the engine in forward and back to neutral and it spins quite considerably, get the tell tale clunk as it goes into forward. checked cables were ok at FNR lever no probs there. am able to spin prop easily with engine off in N, didn't try reverse as manual says not to run in reverse with mufflers. Completly confused now so will have to send her back to the maintenance guys to have a look. KK
  16. Having a small problem with the outboard (Mariner 60) when in neutral engine still pushing boat at about 2 knts ( haven't checked reverse yet). I know that the cables need adjustment to refind it, any one had experience with this and can recommend easiest way to find it ?. Cheers KK
  17. Got mine from the same place, but about a week later spotted them in a pet shop being sold as storage for bird seed, for just over a fiver.
  18. No association to this but spotted it while browsing another forum, and I dont even know what it looks like, but sounds not a bad deal. http://www.fishing-forum.info/showthread.php?t=7782 Nimue is on a drying mooring at Teignmouth. brand new sinker, chain, swivel,buoy and carbine this year.Morring paid till next march. She's a Shetland 535, force 40 electric trim and tilt (
  19. People trying to dodge customs charges, outrageous !!
  20. Well, thourght i'd post the result of the trip. started off badly as the trailer sunk in the soft sand and on an incoming tide was hard work unhitching and eventially pulled it out with a rope (good job we took it), got out into a nice clean sea with a bit off a swell. motored along the shallow water following a few other boats to see where they were heading. picked up loads of mackie and pollock to the feathers and decided to shift to a mark where 20 + boats were drifting along. Disaster then struck as the main engine would not fire and battery alarm was bleeping for all its worth. Managed to sort it out (air lock in fuel line). rest of the day was great fun with loads of mackie taking anything you dropped over the side, hard work getting through them to the floor but I eventially managed my first bass on the drift at 2lb. unfortunetly that was the only one for the day and getting the boat out was easier than getting in. on that note I took the boat out Friday into the usual Bristol Channel at Penarth and was rewarded with a 7lb Bass second cast, 14lb Hound, 5 Rays, Doggies and two Baby tope pups. Will have to come down there and try a few of your marks. KK
  21. Dont forget, normal leisure batteries are not designed for the high draw starting an outboard uses, best bet would be a battery rated for dual use. KK
  22. try this link, excellent service and good prices too. www.mac-batteries.co.uk
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