Hi. I bought an outboard from wilsons boatyard in may, it was used from new on their yard boat. since then it sat in my garage so I decided to sell it a couple of weeks ago. I put it on eBay and sold it to someone outside eBay to someone in Ireland. They intended to sell it straight on. I had an email when it arrived saying the id plate was missing which I now have in the post to me as it was taken off when the engine was touched up. It is damaged but you can still read it. He also said the engine has got some problems with it. The buyer asked for a 1min video which I put on you tube of it running and said in an email that if he is happy with it he will buy it (evinrude 30hp four stroke test run) now he is saying he will also need the side plates as you can't insure a boat without them?? I don't even know what they are!
He paid through PayPal but it was listed as sold as seen no returns or warranty
Does anyone have any advise? If I send the I'd badge to him shall I just tell him to poke it after or could he get his money back through PayPal?