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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

jay kay

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Everything posted by jay kay

  1. All the best Paul happy birthday
  2. jay kay

    Need a lid!

    Hi I'm looking for a lid for a 25l yamaha fuel tank, thought I would post to find out if anyone had one they might like 2 sell. Cheers jon
  3. Fair shout for doing it Mate, i bet Baiter has never looked so good! Jon
  4. Its good they are staying open but i dont agree about the worms i find castaways worms better but Tim seems to be a bit tight!
  5. What area do you live? I know someone that could be interested i'll show him your post. Jon
  6. Yeah it would be, he could be wrong though
  7. I was talking to a Mate at work today and he said he was told that Wessex Angling might be closing down. has anyone else heard the same thing? Jon
  8. Ru on commission nige!
  9. Nice one Nige. Where abouts are they?
  10. One born every minute? Dont fancy it much!!
  11. Good on you Mike! You seem to get out a lot lately, you did better than we did only catching 4 whiting between 3 of us with only 2 being keepers! Fair play mate.
  12. Yep as above happy new year
  13. Great Fish well done
  14. Also done.
  15. No sign of any Snow there! Great Fishing with the Family well done
  16. jay kay


    More like.... work work work work Jim! I will look around still but save a bit more so i dont end up with a bag of trouble!! Thanks to everyone that has helped me and stopped me buying something that looks like it would be more at home at the bottom of the sea!! Thanks Jon
  17. jay kay


    Thanks John its a nice Boat but slightly out of my budget at the moment! Starting to think i should save up till nearer the summer so i can get something a bit better than what i have been looking at lately.
  18. jay kay


    I could be Paul i loved my Rib the only problem with it was it was 2 small! Is it someone you know that has it?
  19. jay kay


    I would like to spend around 1500 idealy i have been told a 4stroke would be a better engine to buy but dont really know the difference to a 2 stroke it would not matter to much if it needed a little bit of work as iv got a mate who can do that for me. The reason i liked the Dory and open Wilson was the space that i would have. Thanks Jon
  20. jay kay


    Not sure what my top money would be it depends what i can find! I cant justify spending big money because i work all week and i like to spend time with my mrs and kids during the weekends to!
  21. jay kay


    Thanks for the help everyone. I am going to keep looking around as the dory no longer includes a 40 but now an old johnson 25 and is not for sale without it!!
  22. jay kay


    Yep i do aswell! Started thinking it was from rude sites!!
  23. jay kay


    Not enough of a budget for a warrior... yet! The Dory is also for sale without the engine. I have got a mate looking over it this weekend if he says its alright i think i might go for it without and try and find a 60hp 4stroke. Is there a way of finding out if its water logged without a weigh bridge!?
  24. jay kay


    Think i will give the Wilson a swerve! I am thinking about the dory though i will find the lead tomor and put the pics on. Cheers Jon
  25. Nice Fish Fair play to you for at least trying!
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