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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. No blog post this time as it's short and sweet Basically my squid baits were assaulted all day long by whiting I don't think the rod tips stopped bouncing all day I took home 6 good ones( 1 lb ish) but no cod for me Overrun arrived mid morning and around 2.30 mr Cod showed up My highlight was the mystery fish Rod hauled right over and as I hauled it up I could feel movement On the surface it was a old sack with a whiting tangled around it Some photos
  2. Welcome to the club. I've only been an angler since 2009. I've learnt tremendous amounts from our members. You get out as much from the club as you put in, so come to the meetings and engage on the forums. Tight lines
  3. No weed
  4. With the fuel, bait and parking it was never a cheap one! Hopefully they are a forgiving authority!
  5. loftykayakangler – A record of my kayak angling around the uk https://loftykayakangler.wordpress.com/
  6. After cocking it up, here's a write up loftykayakangler – A record of my kayak angling around the uk https://loftykayakangler.wordpress.com/
  7. Happy Birthday Nigel
  8. Ah. Not to worry. I use a 1 and was looking for a 2 for BC
  9. Hi Martin What weight is that grapnel? Could be useful. Cheers
  10. Cheers chaps Just wishin I was fishin. Blooming club members and their kitchens
  11. I reckon streaked as it's got a much flatter head, very much like this image
  12. Love this photo
  13. lofty

    new member

    Welcome Ben Picked up a fishing rod for the very first time in my life in 2010 This lot will see you right, mark my words
  14. lofty


    Bargain https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222174556800 Another https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/182191136426 Like mine https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222176781258
  15. lofty


    And remember, if you get a "good" make, the resale will be more or less the same. If you bought one for £700, I've no doubt you could sell it in two years time for £550? There is a Kaskazi d2 on eBay right now. Mine is hammered after 3 years. I could still sell it for £1000. Paid £1600 The one on eBay will go for about £1200
  16. lofty


    A good bet would be an Ocean Kayak trident 13. Secondhand prices from £600+ Anglers Afloat for sale section is a good forum to look on Happy to chat on 07740456081 from next Sunday
  17. The beach fishermen regularly pull big ol lumps out from there. Not worth recording it as I imagine specimen is a lot more than 10 [emoji23]
  18. Kaker? Cheeky Bugger. My version is pretty much the same on my blog Great report Paul Undies next pal
  19. Just a thought Can we open this up to non members. Anglers Afloat perhaps or a beach fishing group, people without there own boats. Might get more interest ?
  20. I've changed the way I document my fishing trips. I will still be posting on the forum, but not every time. I've been doing a "blog" Basically it's an online diary.I find it much easier. It's very user friendly. Also very aware that this subsection has become The Lofty section. I wish I could get more members, but seems no one wants to pay to join.The knowledge I've taken away from being a club member is worth far more than I've paid in subs I can tell you. So there will be reports going up on here, but if you get some time to kill, click on the link at the bottom of my signature and you should see my latest stuff. Cheers Lofty https://loftykayakangler.wordpress.com/2016/06/06/solent-smutfest-2016/
  21. Non for me chaps
  22. 1) Court Jester - Neal plus crew TBA 2) Fisheagle - Allan, Dave L, Hooky. [/font][/color] 3) Holy Mackerel - Yann and Pete (non member). 4) Madness - Dean and Martin room for 1 more any takers? 5) Lofty ( can't enter the other one )
  23. lofty


    Down. There is a place off Elliot road in Wallisdown I believe
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