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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. I hope you get better soon Allan. MICK
  2. We were in the CAR PARK and heard you guys on 6. Managed 1 cod of 14lb plus, 1 bass of 4lb, whiting up to 2lb and some pout, but the sea was REAL LUMPY. Only managed to drink one cuppa as the cups kept falling over. MICK
  3. I Know you told me you had a big one...... but thats a MONSTER!!!!!!!!! Well done nige. We had 2 , both around 7 pound, some whiting and loads of pout. . Awaiting pics. MICK
  4. Going to try for the cod as well, probably see you there.... MICK
  5. Tried the harbour for flounder.......... ifs there a prize for the most crabs caught then its mine !!!!!!! Caught 1 flounder and about 200 bait robbers, but what a lovely day it was in the harbour, extremely peaceful.... EXCEPT FOR THE CRABS??? MICK
  6. At last ......... Ive stopped aching !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But what a trip, the fishing was awesome, and the company was good too. Many thanks to Dave for the trip and putting us on the fish, mind you,I took a lot of stick from both Kev and Dave, all in good fun????? Thanks again Dave and Kev for taking me under your wing and showing me the ropes. I know Kev wanted a rope to hang me with, not sure why though ???????????? Good to meet you Adam and Alun, thanks for the translation etc. Alun. MICK
  7. We could not get out either, did,nt see anything on pontoon notice board...... Best day of the week weatherwise too!!!!!!!!!. Spoke to others who were also not amused........... MICK
  8. sparky


    Surely its about time the charter boat involved was named and shamed ????????? Last time out we had 30+ good bream off the patch WE TOOK 3 HOME!!!!!! MICK
  9. sparky


    Going out Friday to TRY for some bream and plaice, will be on 6 MICK
  10. sparky

    New member

    Martin, Welcome to the club, and whilst we are on the subject.......... Hello all, I should of introduced myself ages ago, so, SORRY ABOUT THAT. I have been among you on the bream and winter cod grounds listening to the chat, watching JV catch all those bream, [ Adam would not divulge his secret bait....] Anyway, see you out there sometime and we,ll have a chat. Tight lines MICK
  11. Hard work today boys.................. Went and found some fish for my chips, but took some finding ???????? Had a chat with LITTLE SAL who was having same luck as me, good day out but wind stronger than forecast giving us a lumpy trip home getting back to Cobbs at 6.30. MICK.
  12. sparky

    My New Boat

    Good to see you,ve got another boat Jas, Perhaps we,ll meet on the water sometime, stiil got loads of your waypoints on Marichelle, never tried them yet though.......... Good luck and tight lines, Mick
  13. Going offshore to find something for my chips.................... HOPEFULLY. 6am start from Cobbs if you fancy following, will be on CH6 , Tight Lines, MICK
  14. PEGLEG Dont forget you sold MARICHELLE to me ages ago........ YOU can reinsure her me if you want......... Can you take her off your profile please. Thanks Jason. MICK.
  15. Thanks for the input , I think I,ll check out Adams advice, Tight Lines Boys, Mick
  16. Evening all , BOAT insurance due up soon, can anybody recommend any companies please. Cheers guys, MICK
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