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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. You need a bigger float Kev, bet he yelped ! Mick
  2. sparky

    New toy fitted

    Looks like a "HUGE" dogfish on the fishfinder !!!!!!!!! Nice unit. Mick
  3. The " Codfather " is back.............. Good luck nige. Mick
  4. sparky

    Building Permit

    Spot on !!!
  5. sparky


    Happy Birthday Allan, still waiting for my mate to get pictures of " Fisheagle " downloaded from his phone for you. Mick
  6. Sorry to hear about the problems you had today Nige, glad you got her home safely. Mick
  7. sparky

    Doggy lifejackets

    Try " Dogfish Dave " .......... Sorry about that !!! Mick
  8. Jim, above the names of who is on line at present, there is a line that says ie " 10 guests, 2 members etc " to the right of this you should see in brackets ( see full list ), but you have be signed in to do this, good luck. Mick
  9. Jim, click onto forums, scroll to bottom where you see who's on line and you should see " see full list", click on this and all will be revealed ! Hope this helps. Mick
  10. Thanks for that Paul, can see it all now !!!!!! You are gonna miss the boat, you are welcome on Marichelle anytime............... D'ont forget to bring some marks with you Good Luck, Mick
  11. Hi Martin, am I getting correct access to website ? The reason I'm asking is because there are lots of people on the forums watching............. but I cannot see them on any forums that I'm visiting ! Are there sections or areas that I'm not getting access to ? On the old site I was able to see who else was visiting same site as me, but now if I look it's only me. Mick
  12. sparky


    Must be your driving Nige !!
  13. Nice fish Jacob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you that you were going to win it. Well done, same thanks go to skipper and crew on Wight Magic. Mick
  14. Hi Dave, I have worked for Allan Green and also Paul Dore, I would be interested in estimating for you if you have not sourced anybody yet. See my advert in member tradezone for contact numbers ( HE Electrical and Security ) We have spoken at Cobbs Quay before, you were going out fishing with Allan I think. Cheers. Mick.
  15. sparky


    Thanks Graham........you need to get out more !! I will await for the results. Mick
  16. sparky


    A while ago someone fitted a raymarine dragonfly........ just wondering how it worked in deeper water? Mick
  17. sparky


    Little Emily went home from school and told her mum that the boys kept asking her to do cartwheels because she is very good at them. Mum said, " You should say NO.... as they only want to look at your knickers ! " Emily said " I know they do.............thats why I hide them in my bag "
  18. sparky


    I was born and bred in Wembley, Just follow the curry aroma !!!!!!! And, dont forget your passport Mick
  19. Be out there Monday, may see you out there. Mick
  20. Mick Pike 3 species; Pollock, tub gurnard,pout
  21. UFO seen in Poole Bay !!!!
  22. Thanks for the diagram Nige, had a word with Charlie today and he has made it clearer now, will have a look and see if I can do it..............if not it may be another call to Charlie !!!..Thanks Charlie also. Mick
  23. Mines 4 bladed Adam..............and it has a lovely singing voice !!!!!!!!!!!!! The accelaration seems better than 3 bladed props on same boats, but the 3 bladed props seem to give a higher speed . Mick
  24. Hi Charlie, just wondered if you managed to have a word with your engineer ? Mick
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