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mrw last won the day on August 15 2016

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About mrw

  • Birthday 11/24/1964

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    Corfe Mullen
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DogFish catcher

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  1. It's a 240v freezer, the sort you have in the garage/shed, And yes giving up boating for now, it's all part of a long term plan Gary
  2. Zanussi Compact upright bait freezer 54.5cm by 54.5cm and 84.5cm high, top opening. Still has couple bags mackerel and one of chum. Boats is for sale, so just don't need it any more. Pick up Corfe Mullen Free or make a donation to your favourite charity
  3. Not so sure I want to hook into such a monster
  4. With smaller tides on Sunday and a light winds I planned a trip for some larger tope, left Parkstone Bay about 8.30 headed out to pick up some mackerel. Not too many but enough for a bit of sport. With a wreak near by quick few drifts produced one lonely pollack. Moved to a deep mark, (less than 10 miles from land) anchored up and bait down. Almost from the off decent tope, one bull huss and the odd conger as the tide died the bites stopped. So thought change baits, started to reel in the smaller rod (12lb ugly) oh something on it, gained some line then went off like a steam train, thought must be a good tope, went between nothing to bent over rod, finally could just make out shape, yup looks tope shape.....got it to the close to the boat, anit no tope, bloody porbeagle ! got it to within touching distance, sounds daft but its big eye seemed to be looking at me. As soon as it broke surface took a look, spat out the weight ? it peeled off and disappeared back down. Estimate around 2m ish was such a quick event didn't get a picture, what I just don`t understand is, it could have, at any time just swam off but let me get it up to the boat ? maybe ill or lazy ? I`m guessing it just followed up bait/weight nipping tugging at it on the way up ? do they do this ? So I don`t claim i caught it just seen it very close up As the tide died down few more congers and then headed back in with a big grin on my face. Gary
  5. mrw

    Anchor advise..

    Thank you for advise and the generous offer Nigel Been on interweb and think I`ve found it all at a good price, just going to check against the local chandlers before ordering. And will stay away from that bloody wreck for a while Gary
  6. mrw

    Anchor advise..

    I`ve had trouble in the past dragging my anchor when out in deeper waters, was out Sunday made "school boy" error set anchor just after slack water and never checked it. Must have dragged it straight into the wreck there was no way it was coming up tried everything, just would not give it up, ended up snapping the rope ! "there was a chaffed section and was meaning to sort it" So need new anchor, need advise on size, (22ft odd Quicksilver) was thinking 10kgs Bruce ? length of chain ? guess 200m of rope would do ? and is there any decent local suppliers ? Thanks Gary.
  7. There is possibly another option, there is a local company offering super fast broadband via a microwave link that may be suitable if your within their coverage. may be worth a look ? www.juice-broadband.com
  8. You can collect tomorrow from my workshop in Ferndown or I can bring it home and you can collect from Corfe Mullen in the evening, whatever suits you ?
  9. I might be able to help, have the adapter that is used for the older VW range of vehicles (bosch pumps) your welcome to try it ? Have the dti to go with it somewhere in the workshop. Let me know. Gary.
  10. That you for your advise, me and my lad spent the evening pottering around the bay in search of mackerel will little success :-) then headed over to Southbourne rough dropping anchor for the night. Only one conger but endless dogs. Left at first light, off to the patch, pick of the marks as were the first ones there, left about 10 when everyone and their brother had pitched up around us, home then sleep. One of our more successful trips, probably caught more species on this trip than the whole of last year ! Gary.
  11. Hoping for a bit of advise please, planning to take advantage of the good weather Fri/Sat and was going to fish through the night, was going to stay in the bay area anchored up but not sure where would be best ? not sure if just to sit on the patch and see what turns up or go Swanage way ? Any advise would be very welcome Gary
  12. Before I order off the tinternet bits needed for my Alpha Leg, water pump gaskets etc. is there a local company that someone could recommend for the parts ? want genuine, but don't want to feel like I`ve had my trousers pulled down on the price . Thanks Gary
  13. Ventured out just off the patch, (still very keen, new owner of "Wishin" ) bit lumpy but wanted to try her out in a bit of weather, only 2 mackerel but did see some dolphins on way back in which made my day
  14. Thanks for the very informative replies everyone, think i will give it a go. Dispatched wife with form and deposit DommyBoy made a very valid point about insurance, still trying to get through to mine (was done on line) Will defo use local broker when the time comes. Its all a learning curve this boating lark Thanks MrW
  15. Hi, thinking of putting our 18ft boat on a swinging mooring at Parkstone Bay Marina, just wondered if anyone had used them ? Will be our first swinging mooring as fed up with the slipway fun :-) Looking for any advise or things we should look for with this type of mooring ? Thanks MrW
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