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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Ianh87

  1. Boat has now sold! Thanks for looking! Listing on behalf of a friend who is looking to sell his boat, he's looking for £2200. The full ad is listed on Gumtree, so please click the following link: https://www.gumtree.com/p/boats-kayaks-jet-skis/fishing-day-boat.-15-foot-25hp./1168365762 His description of the boat is as follows: 15 foot Crescent side console motor boat. Great deck space for fishing, or just for sun lounging. Swivel captains seat, plus bench seating at front and rear. Acrylic spray screen on side console. Storage locker at front plus some space in the instrument console itself. Designated stowage space for fuel tank when in use. Battery under seat. Stainless steel rails all round for safety and stability. Boarding ladder. Rod holders. Rubber rubbing strake all round. Drop down auxillary outboard mount. Remote steering and throttle. Key start. Also has a good fabric canopy that can be used for shelter from the sun/showers. Though one small plastic bracket has snapped from this and will need replacing, so no pictured. 25HP Mariner outboard, with external metal fuel tank with guage. Good runner, starts well on both key and pull cord. Gets up to plane with 4 adults no problem. Solid galvanised trailer with hand winch and roller bunks. Tyres excellent with no splits or perishing, and lots of tread. Easy to launch. My girlfriend and I can do this between the 2 of us at Poole Baiter slipway without needing it attached to the car (light enough for us to push in and pull out manually). Great boat all ready to go for the summer. Viewings welcome. Canford Heath area.
  2. Done
  3. Might be worth having a look at North Haven YC as well, if Jamie's answer has a long waiting list, swinging moorings plus a clubhouse and water taxi as well. Have a look at their website: http://www.nhyc.org.uk/
  4. Nice video James. How did you rig your Go Pro to get the footage?
  5. Ianh87

    Sea Sparkle

    Pics from various trips!
  6. Definitely worth joining, Dad and I joined a couple of years ago and have found it very useful. Meetings have demonstrations from time to time as well, which is always interesting as you pick up new/different techniques for all aspects of fishing and running a boat as well. We also did the VHF course with the recommended provider and got a club discount too, highly recommend doing the VHF course. Definitely worth the small investment to join.
  7. Steve, What's your thoughts on the Nanofil? Hadn't read much in the way of good reviews of it? Ian.
  8. Might struggle to get that on a size 4...!!
  9. Ianh87

    Odds and Sods

    Pictures of bits and pieces boat and fishing related.
  10. As mentioned before, it doesn't have DSC output. If you were planning on using it as a main unit, as we are doing (recent install this winter), you could get a GPS receiver for your VHF to enable your GPS location for DSC. We were concerned before purchase as we wanted to have DSC still, so yes it means another spend, but it is a way around the lack of DSC output. We picked ours up from Force 4 as they did the unit, transom mount and small gold chart plus Raymarine were doing £100 cash back for an old FF unit (they accepted our old Garmin GPS) so the cost of the GPS receiver was covered by that, plus a good few quid back as well.
  11. Ianh87

    Bow Roller

    Morning, Got a problem with our bow roller again, it’s a Merry Fisher 580. During the severe weather earlier in the year, the bow roller sheared a bolt in the roller, despite additional ropes being secured to the swinging mooring, it was obviously thrown about quite violently. Went down for a clean-up and general check over of the boat at the weekend and noticed that a bolt had gone again. So it looks like it may be better to put a heavier and broader brace plate for the roller to connect to, to spread the load whilst on the mooring and in windier conditions. The issue is accessing the roller to make these changes, as it looks as though we will need to gain access through the anchor locker to change anything. We took her locally to get the bolt done whilst getting the engine serviced. As the boat is on a swinging mooring, this roller is integral so would like to get it done properly. Have you guys got any contacts or recommendations to go to? Equally interested in other suggestions as well, so feel free to offer them up. Cheers all.
  12. Hi Terry, Thanks for coming back to me. When the prop was fitted, they said the shaft for it was fine and not bent. I think I might have confused things a bit, when I said unresponsive, it is almost as though there is a large piece of slack between the arm going into drive and then pulling on the throttle cable. If you were to look at the sidearm controls, side on with the arm being at 12 o' clock, it feels like there is slack until you hit 10 o'clock, which leaves minimal amounts to control speed; if that makes sense?
  13. Morning all, I'm after a bit of advice for possible issues relating to the engine. Managed to damage the prop a couple of weeks ago, think we caught the top of a rock among the moorings on the way back in; usually marked with a buoy but apparently this has come away and we found out the hard way! The prop has since been replaced but the last trip out, noticed that the throttle arm didn't seem as responsive as normal and need a lot of extra effort to pick up speed. I'm wondering if the damage to the prop, caused the throttle cable to stretch and as a result, give the issues listed above? Has anyone else been unfortunate enough to hit the prop and get the same problems?? Cheers Ian.
  14. If that works and you know the year, this link for the outboard manuals: http://www.yamahaoutboards.com/owner-resources/owners-manuals
  15. Not sure if this will help but.... Found this link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/gds/Outboard-Spares-YAMAHA-Model-Year-IDENTIFICATION-CODES-/10000000175675727/g.html Which details the following: Outboard Spares YAMAHA Model Year IDENTIFICATION CODES 28 May 2012 Outboard Spares Yamaha Outboard Model Year Identification Details needed for ordering outboard spares parts On the Serial Number Plate on most Yamaha Outboards it will be in this format 6E9-L-675634 The L in the example can be as follows S - Short 15inch L - Long 20inch X - Extra Long 25inch U - Ultra Long 30inch The Prefix is determined by the model of engine The six numbers are your unique Serial Number. In the bottom right of this plate, sometimes hardly visible there is a letter stamped, if you compare this letter with thel ist below this will give you the year of the engine, some letters are duplicated such as N but a little common sense will tell you if your engine stamped N is a 1984 N or a 2005 N N - 2005 P - 2004 Q - 2003 R - 2002 S - 2001 T - 2000 U - 1999 V - 1998 W - 1997 X - 1996 Y - 1995 Z - 1994 A - 1993 B - 1992 C - 1991 D - 1990 F - 1989 G - 1988 H - 1987 J - 1986 K - 1985 N - 1984 P - 1983 Q - 1982 R - 1981 S - 1980 T - 1979 U - 1978 V - 1977 W - 1976 X - 1975 Y - 1974 Z - 1973
  16. Wouldn't need to start it up to be a tender, you'd just walk the length of the boat to reach 50% of the Harbour!!
  17. I saw this the other week (you can tell due to the lack of rain and wind!), is this the new toy he has added to the collection?? Even if it isn't, still a beast!! Would be interesting to know the running costs!!!
  18. Ianh87

    Buoy 2

    From the album: Odds and Sods

    Close up of the channel marker.
  19. Ianh87

    Buoy 1

    From the album: Odds and Sods

    Washed up at Sandbanks after a storm.
  20. 1. Kingfisher 2. Fisheagle 3. Slice of Life 4. Awol 5. Reflections 2 6. The Grinch 7.Wishin Too 8 Freeboys 9. Yelo 10. Tiddler 11. Mistress 12. JoJo 13. MegaByte 14. Wight Magic 15. Sweet Pea 16. Tigerfish 17. Alfresco 18 Court Jester 19. Serenity 20. Star Turn 21. Just Chillin 22. Fillet up 23. Hobbit 24. Marlin 25. Marichelle 26. Sea Dream 27. Frisky Fox 28. lady jane 29. Sea Sparkle
  21. Ianh87

    New boat

    Charlie, Wasn't able to pop in until Saturday just gone. Picked up a set from the marina office, and will use the kit in a couple of weekends time. Looks to be a good peice of kit and could well save a lot of money if needed in the future. Thanks, Ian.
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