With a forecast looking as good as it did on Sunday, it would have been rude not to get out and fish!! Especially in October, flat calm with the sun out, could have been summer!!
Plan was to head to the piers and drift around, armed with worm and prawn. Spent around two and a half to three hours in various places. Managed to sneak out 2 gurnard, 1 lone mackie (taking a bare hook with 3 lumi beads on the way up) and a couple of plaice (one sizable).
We decided, after a few long drifts without bites, to make our way back to the Harbour to drift near the Castle, a bit more action at this area, plenty of good sized wrasse, I ended up picking out a pollack at about 3-4lb and this little surprise on the penultimate drift for Dad!
Heard they were being caught but didn't expect one to show up! All in all, a really enjoyable day afloat in great conditions.