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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Robo

  1. Robo

    Boat storage

    I used their online quote tool and the F pontoons are the better prices but it doesnt say where the F pontoons are?? I guess I will have to go down and have a look, I did look at a plan of cobbs without any indicators of what is where, but I did notice some of the pontoons are a hell of a walk with all your gear just to get to your boat and given it takes me 15 minutes to launch and get going it makes the bithing idea seem less attractive, unless its at Davis's and up the carpark end "not too far to walk" So I though having my boat afloat was the ultimate solution but not necessarilly the case! Depends on where the birth is... not that ive got that much gear, but i will need to carry my fuel tanks, my plotter radio etc, plus my rods food etc, no sense in struggling.
  2. Robo

    Boat storage

    Hi Brian, I launched from Rockley once before but it seemed to take a long time to get out the harbour from there, also got to watch the low tides and stick like glue to the channel markers otherwise the water turns a grey sandy colour! Especially around my prop...lol Im also a bit nervouse about leaving my pride and joy too much out of the way, it's a bit dark and quiet down at Rockley
  3. Robo

    Boat Insurance

    £121.00 from Porthcawl fully comp £75.00 excess, thats will 3 million third party indemnity, personal belogings cover etc, looks quite good... had another from Mercia Marine £120.00 , Protect my Boat £287.61 not sure what happened there? I didnt think £120ish was too bad?
  4. Robo

    Boat storage

    Just got a price from Davis's Boat yard, store on a trailer for 15 weeks including launching from their slip £375.00 inc vat + £80 Harbour dues, I was thinking about putting in a cheeky offer as we are mid season now... worth a try, in any event £375 is not too painfull but gotta use the boat though... Just been on WeatherOutlook which is a website for predicting long term weather through computer analysis and they say all computer models show positive signs for the good weather to continue A low from the North West will push temps down a little bit but more typical for July not especially low, but then it shows temps rising again, so looks like the above might be a good investment! Still plenty of good fishing to be had this year Thanks for all the advice so far.
  5. Robo

    Boat storage

    I take your point Adam and you would be forgiven for thinking my sittuation is idyllic, but for me I work very hard and some days when I get home from work I just want to get the boat out and go fishing for a few hours and thats just not reasonable given how much time it would take to get the boat out of my back garden down to baiter and then back again late in the evening, my garden backs onto a cul-de-sac and the road behind me is tight especially when they all seem to park out in the road... I can just about squeeze through without taking mirrors off cars! It's doable and ive done it for six years now I'm just fed up with it, its too much like hard work... So ive not reached this decision lightly it follows a long hard struggle just to try and do what I love tpo do, Ive worked hard all my life and now I want take it a little bit easier, make life easier for myself and if that means I have to part with some cash then thats the way that goes I expect I would only be talking summer season say April-October and then I will take her home and sheet it up for the winter, so if I can get a seasonal deal somewhere that would be ideal Thanks so much for your reply
  6. Robo

    Boat Insurance

    Ok thanks, one on my list, I hope I never need to test the claim service though
  7. Robo

    Boat storage

    Ok at the moment I am keeping the boat at home which is of course very cost effective and I can also keep an eye on the boat, but I now feel that I want the convenience of being able to launch easily and quickly perhaps keeping the boat on its trailer on land and in a boat yard, mainly because I feel I’m just not getting the most out of the boat keeping it at home and because of the time and hassle of getting the boat out from where it is (my back garden) and towing it to Poole for launching, or maybe it’s just because I’m getting too old… and I want this part of my life to feel easier and more enjoyable rather than just hard work… Anyhow I have come to accept that the next logical step for me is keeping the boat in a boat yard or at least to begin with and then perhaps maybe next year I might even consider a pontoon birth or something just for the summer season (A swinging mooring doesn’t really appeal to me right now) I have also come to accept that this move will cost me some of my hard earnt cash! It’s not cheap but that’s the price I am willing to pay for my fishing and boating, it’s what I love to do and my only real hobby With all this in mind I’m trying to do some research to find the right solution so far as cost is concerned and also the best local boat yard, I have no idea?? I am trying to avoid any bad decisions along the way… I’m sure many members in this club have been through this process and I would greatly appreciate any tips or idea’s, anything at all, the benefit of your advice would be much appreciated Thanks for your time Rob.
  8. Robo

    Boat Insurance

    My insurance is up for renewal and my usuall insurer has gone bust or been bought out or something, anyhow now I have to start from scratch so if anyone knows of a good "cheap" insurance company please do share info... Thanks chaps Rob.
  9. Robo

    Next meet

    Thanks, I will check it out.
  10. Robo

    Next meet

    Thanks Stuie, I will look forward to it, just one other thing does it cost anything to get the app for my mobile?
  11. Robo

    Next meet

    Hi all, Can anyone tell me when the next meeting is Cheers Rob.
  12. Robo

    Alderney ring method

  13. Robo

    Alderney ring method

    I must admit I do like zzzzshinnnny! Force 4 aint cheap though! EEEEEBAAAAAAY is the way, to go.....
  14. Robo

    Alderney ring method

  15. Robo

    Alderney ring method

  16. Robo

    Alderney ring method

    Beaulieu Boat jumble Sunday! Might be a bit less than NINETY QUID!! get the buoy, ring, the whole shananigan Anyone else Goin?
  17. Robo

    Alderney ring method

    Already done! going out with Graham from Eastlake Avenue, he is a full member with a bit more experience than me and very kindly offered to show me how it's done Ive got the basic idea down but there is nothing like real experience, I'm looking forward to it but a little bit concerned about whether it will work on my square front boat, I guess the charter skippers use the AR method on their cats so it must work My greatest concern is hooking me an abandoned crab pot! Probably rip the Bollard straight off my bow and even though the deck up there is 8mm thick even so it makes me cringe thinking about such a sittuation
  18. Robo

    Alderney ring method

    Yeah I know where you are comming from, I wasnt thrilled about the idea of the boat not sitting right when on anchor, trouble is it will jump out of the roller I'm sure of it and be a dam nuisance I tied a bowline on the front bollard and pulled the rope as if I was dragging the anchor and it looks as if it will rub the top edge of the deck! I think this will be a case of some trialing to get this right
  19. Robo

    Alderney ring method

    See I knew you had a trick up your sleeve!
  20. Robo

    Alderney ring method

    Got it, How do you keep the warp in the bow roller?
  21. Robo

    Alderney ring method

    Thanks for the advice, just need to find out what a pushpit thingy is lol
  22. Hi chaps, Decided I'm going to have a go at the Alderney ring method on my Wilson Flyer 17 Only problem I can see is that the front of my boat is square rather than pointed, this means I need to consider fitting some Port, Starboard, cleats to stop the warp rubbing up and down my GRP and possible damaging the rope I don't expect this comes up too often less you own a cat or something, but I was wondering if anyone can advize what would be the best type of cleats to use? There are various designes on the market, I need something that will keep the rope in place even though this will mean anchoring slightly at an angle as I won't be able to put the rope back in the bow roller, also I have pulpit rails fitted I'm trying to be a bit safer by not having to climb round the cabin to lift the anchor up but it's not so straight forward on a wilson or a cat I imagine Any advice appreciated Cheers Robo.
  23. Hi Paul, I'm getting fuel through alright, my theory is the water sinks to the bottom of the oil tank and I have already proved that, the feed to the oil pump is at the bottom of the tank, so any water is injected straight into the engine, mixes with the incoming fuel/air and waters the mix down, when what is actually needed is a rich mixture to start the engine So now it's going to have new clean 2 stroke oil and new fuel, 50p say's she'll start
  24. Thanks Jim, that's my plan, to hear the engine roar into action! Got an awful cold now! But I will be on it as soon as I can walk across the garden weout me wadders on! I can smell VICTORY!!! Dam this cold of mine!
  25. Calling all outboard owners with a filler cap on the hood for your oil, you might find this little discovery very interesting! After tearing down my fuel system from fuel tank to reed valves! I found nothing of concern, no reason for any faults to occur at all, in spite of this I have overhauled the whole lot, everything is spotless and checked for correct operation So bit more head scratching and I thought to myself lets break this down, how can any contaminant of any kind get into my engine? Fuel, air, oil, Still going with this water contamination idea, based on the fact that everyone including myself seems to think this is the problem, got to be the two stroke oil! I have never looked at the two stroke oil since I had the engine, but how ??? An investigation ensued!!! The first thing I noticed when I took the hood of the engine was the collar around the top of the oil injection tank, this had a little pool of water in it! When I first saw it I paid it no never mind, I thought the oil tank has a stopper on the top so nothing can get in, right? Wrong! I mopped up the water with some tissue and pulled the stopper out, looked down the throat of the tank and I could see beads of water! We have a problem Huston!!! So I thought to myself how can it get into the tank? First place to look was the filler cap on the hood, there is a neoprene seal that is ??? nine years old, had to think for a minute So way past its usefulness, in fact crumbling away, the other thing I noticed was inside the plastic cap the was condensation, big blobs of water! It was a very cold day just for the record, so I thought water gets by the seal on the cap on the hood and to make matters worse drips of condensation dripping onto the tank stopper Then I turned to the oil tank stopper, checked out the seal all looked fine? Then I noticed two small holes on the top and also small holes 9 oclock and 3 oclock, I guess oil comes out the tank air must go in! And it vents through the cap, water pools in the collar around the top of the oil tank and seeps into the tank through the vent holes, (see pictures) I thought to myself only one thing for it, total strip down of the oil injection system and blow it out with the airline that was kindly lent to me, it has an inline water sepperattor! You don't want to be blowing water in from the air tank! I emptied the oil tank and at first I saw only a little water and then about half a cup poured out the bottom of the tank, well that pretty much sattisfied my mind this was at least a problem that was serious and must have a very significant effect on the running of my motor! Just hope my main bearings arn't shot! I'm in the process of reassembly when it stops b..dy raining! Got my spares through today so just need to get on and hopefully run the motor up and see how she runs, I will update again as I progress, hopefully with some good news! I thought this might be an interesting thread for anyone having problems they can't get to the bottom of and if you have a cap on the hood of your outboard, have a very close look at it, it really is important that it
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