Hi chaps
Had a bit of a problem Sunday, I was looking forward to a cod trip on my boat
after a long and difficult period of illness, I thought to get out would do me good and after only been out twice this year and worse case scenario engine wouldnt start, gutted! It's been sitting too long with little use I believe, game over for the day and it was nice weather too!
So really i'm trying to find a good outboard repairer, mobile prefered or I will have to tow the boat to them
Historically I have used BHG at Bucklers hard which is a bit of a trail , especially on my own, it's not easy to get the boat out from where it's stored or back in again
That said I have always had great service from BHG so it's kind of worth the hasle
If I can find a local guy that is into the older two stroke Yammys then it's all good, no need to haul the boat up to Bucklers The engine is in very good condition with low hours, looks almost new so I hope this is not the end
I have a fully charged battery, fuel in the tank and the plugs were wet and smelled of fuel, so I guess it's getting through, also I checked the top plug for a spark and sparks away very well, havent checked the others though
I pulled the air box off the carbs and I noticed a little fuel in the bottom two venturies but not in the top carb, not sure if that is significant?? There are three carbs in total on this motor so I would have thought it would at least fire but nothing? not even a maybe ill start, completely dead
Before you ask lol it's in neutral and the lanyard is connected
Also I checked the inline fuse on the engine as this did go once before but all good, I looked at the fuse very carefully I'm happy it's good, only thing left for me to do is a compression test as soon as I get chance, oh' the plugs are mint aswell
I have run out of ideas so if anyone knows of a good engineer I would appreciate having the contact details