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Everything posted by TomBettle

  1. Guys This is for anyone who had a camera and came on the recent Alderney trip. Dave Barham, editor of Boat Fishing Monthly emailed on Friday asking if I'd write a piece about our recent trip. He tells me it is planned for the September issue. Knowing Dave Barham I cannot promise which September. As yet I don't know the focus for the article as it stemmed from him viewing my Tope video on Youtube. I suspect it will be a general Alderney feature focusing on the club and small boats as a whole. He'll let me know in the next few days. I can't give any guarantees of them being published, but if you have some cracking photo's of the fun you had on the trip and you wouldn't mind seeing them in BFM (or any other publication) then I would love you to email them over to me at tom@parkstonebay.com All pictures will be saved to CD and sent along with the article to BFM (and anyone esle I may write something for). The editor will choose the pics they want from the CD. If I was planning the whole feature then I'd be able to promise a credit for any photo's used. Where the editor is choosing I cannot do that so please understand that by sending them to me you are happy for them to be published without necessarily seeing your name in print too. tom@parkstonebay.com for any pics please. I hope you are happy to send them over. All the best Tom
  2. I'll be interested in this one as I need some for my place too.
  3. Chris That sounds about spot on. Possibly slightly optimistic as I used to work on about 20l/h at 4000 rpm on a Suzuki 140Hp 4s which was the same block. Tom
  4. Would if I had the funds, but things are a little tight. Just for the record, Topeing may be rather slow then. They have Tope all year around apart from Mid June to early August when they seem to "usually" disappear for a while.
  5. ...ok, maybe 5'9 1/2" now I've shrunk a bit in my old age.
  6. I was using a Penn Waveblaster 6/12. I think that Pete was using a Penn Extreme 12/20 and Chris started with a Shimano Antares 20/30, but bought a Penn Waveblaster 6/12 from Alderney Angling the next day...
  7. Hi All Please look in my photo gallery under "Alderney 2010". I have uploaded some of the pictures I took including most of the boat to boat ones. Note that these are low res (main image is about 10 times the size) and completely unedited so come complete with a slightly wonkey horizon, or off centre boat. I will happily email anyone a photo/s of their choice. It can either be sent as it is for you to use or edit as you wish or you can ask me to centre it and touch it up a fraction (I'm not great in photoshop). Some of the pictures have the potential to be great "club marketing" style shots and the pics of owners boats are always nice. I am no pro so they are not perfect (the off cut off aerial), but I hope you like them... Just email if you want them sent. Tom PS: The webmaster and club can use them too if they wish.
  8. Enjoy
  9. We all know how famous Alderney is for it's Turbot, but to be honest, for the crew of Quest II, one tide on these rather sluggish (albeit very tasty) fish is all we can take before boredom sets in. So if Turbot wasn't to be on our menu, what was? Tope. Parts of Alderney's rocky outcrops and tide races are a perfect habitat for sharks of various types and the voracious Tope is one of the most prolific. Typically the method involves anchoring in the tide and using medium to heavyish tackle and 2lb of lead to haul these fiesty fire crackers to the surface. Now, in the tide they still prove quite a challenge, but a lot the fight from these small sharks is lost. Quest II went on the hunt for Tope on day 2 of our Alderney trip and arrived at one of the popular spots as the tide was tearing through. Too fast to anchor we sat in a back eedy to wait for the easing rush of water. The eddy was lovely, with no wind we simply sat in one spot and didn't move at all so to kill some time we each dropped a bait in the hope of a Huss or two. At 07.45 our baits went down and at 07.46 the rod was all but wrenched from my hand as an unseen exocet shot off. The next three quarters of an hour was an extreme mix of ecstatic pleasure and extreme pain as between the three of us we hooked and T-barred off 17 Tope. Most fish averaged about 30lb with quite a few in the 40's. One fish was clearly bigger than the others and she was brought aboard to be weighed whilst cradled in our landing net. Our digital scales bottomed out at 50lb and then the hook and chain that held it together snapped. We'll never know how big she was, but we'll claim 50lb. Whilst wrestling with her to get her safely in the net and for a photo I did very briefly have her verticle and the tip of her nose was just short of the top of my head and her tail was just scraping the deck. I'm 5'10" so I guess she was a little more than 5'7". She was slender and would have weighed more in pup, but what a gorgeous fish and just as lovely was to see her and every single one of her friends swim off strongly. We only brought a couple into the boat. Action was too frantic, but here is a brief video of that three quarter of an hour session. My first go with the camcorder so a little shakey, but hope you like it... knitting and all. Light 6/12lb class rods were the mainstay and really showed (but for the cynics, easily handled) these torpedos turn of speed. Photo's to come soon.
  10. WOW What can I say, but TOPETASTIC!!!!!! More to follow.
  11. Just picked up my ice which is superb quality flaked ice... looks like little white cornflakes. Three boxes still packed and one opened up fills my coolbox to the brim. My gear is packed just need to pick up my clothes. My crew are on their way from Oxford and we have a quick Tesco's shop for those last minute essentials. Home, Dinner, Couple of beers, Early night and a 5 am meet at the marina tomorrow. Now I am a tad excited.
  12. Same thoughts here Adam, although the banks have less appeal for us. May leave those until Friday or even Saturday.
  13. Last bump before Alderney for the nice people at South Coast Ice
  14. Still looking breezy for sat and sun. Worst case may have to be come back Monday morning?
  15. Was planning on straightish across stopping at a few on the way and then West (quite some distance west) on the way home. Looking at the breezy Easterly forecast for coming home and that coinciding with flood tide I am not so sure that will be a good (comfortable) idea and may punch tide early doors to cut straight across it the last 25 miles or so. I'll be asking how your phone call went once we are there if that is OK Charlie. Think I know what you will be askling about... Tom
  16. I am still up for the onboard BBQ...
  17. I think our trip may carry a some resemblance to JV's although we don't plan to focus too heavily on the banks. Last day we may head some way West and use the flood tide to send us home in the afternoon. Species hoped for: Pollack Cod Bass Tope Ling Turbot Brill Just bumped another post to remind people, but if you haven't yet booked it, you may need to organise your ice...
  18. Bumping this with Alderney in mind. Nick at South Coast Ice did ask fo a small amount of notice. I am booking mine today for collection at the end of the day tomorrow.
  19. ....just made the fatal mistake of looking at the weather. Thursday and Fridy look gorgeous. Saturday and Sunday less so.
  20. B&B a'la Quest II. BIG Thanks to Bob and Adam who appear to have fixed my electrickery issue. Touch wood, fingers crossed, no ladders to steam under, lucky rabbits foot (no cancel that one on a boat), that everything works OK for the trip.
  21. Trev I'll try and get out your way sometime and simply take it away. One of the lads next door will either get it working or we'll find out how "terminal" the drive issue is... hopefully not terminal at all.
  22. Trev, you are a legend. LEGEND not LEG END Cheers mate.
  23. Hi Guys Ideally looking to "borrow" a 2Hp or similar for a tender I have acquired for Alderney. If someone really doesn't need it and the price is fair I may even have my arm twisted to buy it, but I am looking for a "steal" so to speak. Many thanks Tom
  24. Cheers Bob Really kind of you. You had sort of been volunteered by your partner in crime for an exchange of favours, but it's good of you to offer personally! Thank you.
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