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Everything posted by TomBettle

  1. Hoping to get out if weather allows on Tuesday to genuinely target these mythical Bluefin Tuna that just may be hurtling around after the large mackerel shoals all along the South Coast. These are smaller school fish so whilst tackle needs to be strong it also needs to be forgiving and we will be starting off lure fishing so the rods need soft tips. I genuinely don't expect to catch anything, but it is going to be a lot of fun giving it a go. I am off out on a friends Raider 18 from Weymouth and I've been getting some amazing advice from the most famous man in Bluefin Tuna fishing this side of the Atlantic, Mr Adrian Molloy who used to run "Tuna Charters" out of Donegal and now holds the Irish record fish of 968lb. In addition to that I am very lucky to have another living legend as a good mate, Mr Roddy Hays. Roddy was the chap that put Tuna and Marlin fishing on the map in Madeira back in the early 90s and if you go back through grainy old John Wilson programmes you'll also see him in the Alderney features where he used to be a charter skipper. Roddy now runs a company in florida called "Legend Lures" and he's kindly packed up a sample of magical sounded "whizzers" to run behind the boat. Pixies, Nemesis, Roller Trollers... things you have to imagine in your mind. Finally a company I hope you will all be hearing more about soon, FishXL run by former pure fishing marketing man, Trevor Gunning will be loaning some specialist rods and reels. Got may own gear too including a number of Rapala Magnum CD22s, makeshift downriggers made from heavy rods, outriggers complete with teasers running from them made from beachcasters complete with reels attached... All sounds fab, but the chances of catching are genuinely tiny, however the more prepared we are and the more advice we absorb the better the chance. I'll let you know how we get on, but if the amazing happens and we do get a few we'll probably keep one each for sheer gobsmackingly amazing reasons and then return everything else as they are an incredible fish that is very much endangered in the north east atlantic.
  2. Top left of gill plate. Think it's a bigeye, possibly a small school Bluefin. Defo not a Yellowfin.
  3. Huge Plaice Martin, fantastic!
  4. Sorry Oli, don't know. I've just avoided Ebay for it since I heard
  5. TomBettle

    Vacuum Packer

  6. Hopefully these guys have the common sense to allow other boaters some courtesy so won't cheese off anglers. They also got enough sense to ask for some tuition which is better than much of the Birmingham Navy so fingers crossed these guys will be half decent. Cheers for the advice regarding the run. I'll point out they need to be very careful.
  7. Yep, keep off my marks it's too busy already PJ You'll love these guys... Sports boaters, got it for water sking etc.
  8. Arrrrrg! It's my day off and if only I didn't have to get Natasha on the school bus! until 11pm?!
  9. My braid of choice is Power Pro which when I buy is typically bright yellow or bright red. I use 12lb for wrecking on the drift and for general bottom fishing through to Tope on light gear and then step up to 30lb on my 20/30 rod. I think I have one reel with a different braid on it and that is some very thin green stuff which is OK, but gets a bit fluffy. EDIT: Just checked your link and see you are looking at Power Pro. Around the world it is probably the biggest selling premium brand of braid. Be a little careful buying off Ebay as there have been mention of a few fakes on there.
  10. Thanks Rob Brilliant. Anyone with any tips for Christchurch? Those tides look ideal for tutition over those days.
  11. Hi Guys Need a little help if you can. I am doing some client tuition probably over 18th and 19th of this month on their new sport boat up at Beaulieu Gardens about a mile up from Christchurch town centre. The tuition will mainly involve boat handling etc, but will involve a little local information on using their boat on the Stour. Can you help!? Firstly I could really do with being directed to some online tide tables for those days or be lent a tide book. Next, I know the run can be tricky, but won't be heading out unless I know we have plenty of time and tide. However, can any of you locals offer any advice or tips for the rest of the harbour? Cheers Tom
  12. I suspect the bucket load of scallops had something to do with it! Not with me though, of course I was simply trying to help a mate out!
  13. I can be there from dawn, but need to be at the office from 10.00
  14. Bad luck chaps.
  15. Ebb is east to west and flood west to east. Out mid channel in our neck of the woods once running properly the ebb tide actually runs ese to wnw. Also, a common cock up is to assume that high water on your tide table coincides with the flow direction swapping round. It doesn't. For example, high tide this evening is at about 19.30, but the flood tide mid channel is still moving until about 21.30 / 22.00
  16. Nah. not CE marked and it wouldn't get more than a CE cat C anyway...
  17. Yep, geat system for short chain, no use if using a proper length of chain as we do for deep water. Good idea though.
  18. LOL! Generally speaking I am not sure there is anyone better in the club.
  19. Glad all of you are safe and well. Mistakes do get made which most of us learn from, but above all, another time the club shows it's colours with such great members helping each other out. Bad luck Charlie. No damage I hope? Tom
  20. God I love Catamarans! I am soooooo jealous Tomo.
  21. Nothing big for me. Biggest Pollack, 11lb 4 Biggest Cod, 10lb 2
  22. With Saturday still looking nice and with the Quest II gang thinking about a trip out, I may still be able to get my name down for the comp. I won't include it now, but can always add my name if the trip proves to be on? Yes we will be mid channel, but no I don't expect to win as the average size of fish we will be catching will be around 40% of specimen or maybe less.
  23. Guys Just had some slightly worrying news which I am not able to confirm. A customer has just told me that in a very recent issue of Motorboats Monthly there is an article on channel crossing trip planning to the French ports. In that trip planning article it states something along the lines of that visiting boats with an RCD CE category C or below rating are not allowed within 6 miles of port... or something along those lines. Basically suggesting only category B or above. I haven't got the article, but if someone has the latest or a very recent MBM magazine to hand - it's the one with a trip planning feature - it states it in there. If you have, can you confirm if she was talking nonsense or not as this will affect several club boats I am sure. Tom
  24. Ha ha ha I was just thinking exactly that!
  25. Brilliant response guys, please keep it coming. At thus rate is going to take a while to get them all done as it has to be on my days off, but it could be a great set of real boat tests that people can use as a future reference. Chris, it doesn't have to be a boat in production, but does need to be readily available on the used market if not available new. Used is good as we can produce a buyers guide too...
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