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Bramble banker

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Everything posted by Bramble banker

  1. Nice bed for 2 in the bow!
  2. copy / paste and add your names to the list 1 Court Jester - Neal plus crew TBA 2. Albatross - Graham & John
  3. Yes 28th that's what I meant.... [emoji28]
  4. Who's doing the bass comp on the 27/9? I am intending to but it will be my first pbsbac comp so where and when? Oh and I suppose the rules?! G
  5. Why do i miss all the fun stuff! Im putting this in the diary for next year !
  6. My friend has been talking about us making a smoker it would be great to see the design ideas you have G
  7. Well done Adam! Not a job I'd envy, did you run all the drains out individually or combined for port and starboard?
  8. Looks wicked Adam. Would you like to make my steering column?? 😉
  9. We have got to mow evening to look forward to.. Lure special‼️
  10. Is the voyage this weekend?
  11. I may be mistaken but as far as I am aware they use the same guy, either way 10/10
  12. Bmouth fishing lodge did a couple of mine. About £8 each they have a guy that does them for them with a turn around of about a week, Blinding job I'm well happy with mine. G
  13. As a matter of interest does the chain ferry have VHF, if assume so but wouldn't like to be in that situ....!
  14. Count me in?!
  15. Did you click the camera with your teeth...! Impressive camera skills
  16. 20HP Yamaha 2-Storke Short Shaft 2007 www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/20hp-yamaha-2-storke-short-shaft-2007/1067884977
  17. A young, fit 😕, willing crew here free Saturday if still required... G
  18. So if it's been primed, is it better to do another 2/3 coats and same with the top coat? I think as long as it has no cracks or damage there for making it sealed I don't think you can do any better... If you need or would like to resin it I've got loads for albatross refit. G
  19. I'm moving.
  20. I have a yam 70, I find on a flat day we can really open up and A-B is a joy of a ride and as Charlie said if and when a bit choppy it's just a case of bringing her down to 10knots and a decent ride. I am hoping by bringing the seating positions from the back to right up the front I'll have her much flatter as trialling proved it was amazing the difference the location of the weight made! Just want to get her finished AGAIN... I have had contact from seacast and they have a distributor in the Netherlands so looking promising! G
  21. Sounds good Charlie, maybe we should have a chat if your going to the next meet, I am planing to get there...! I really like the look of this resin and if I can get hold of it I may give it a go just to satisfy my curiosity. I used a honeycombed board that may well have been needoplas / similar for my floor plastic and flimsy but when glasses up i tested and a hammer at full whack bounced I am moving the steering position forward and having two swivel chairs as far forward as I dare to get a better balance and stop the slap the flyers are so well known for! Trial and error from before! G
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