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Bramble banker

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Everything posted by Bramble banker

  1. Thanks rob just looked at the few 250 or so pages of it !!! Lol G
  2. Sounds good lads, on wsf one of the lads suggested a special slow curing polyester resin especially designed for this situation! The only problem is that they are in Florida USA! I am in the process of contacting them to see I they are prepared to ship it, I cannot find anything even remotely near to it.. The product is called seacure" and there are loads of videos on YouTube. It has a lifetime warrantee that in my experience with American warrantees is a good thing. Thoughts gentlemen? G
  3. Thanks lads, now a proud member of wsf and have the app!! I'll try and pick gary23flyer's brains on it. It's a ply core in her with grp skins on either side ATM but would like to do it once knowing like with all the other work I've done it will last indefinitely so to me wood isn't the answer... I will try and drag out my pics I took of the work I did and as others have done do a bit of a blog. I cannot seem to find gary23s blog only him trying to get monies donated to finish his project.... G
  4. Hi guys, hopefully somebody has a bit of a bright idea about this one, My Wilson flyer has two pieces of ply that have completely rotten away as a transom. it came to light when we had a new engine fitted a year ago and as with any big problem it was swept under the carpet for a rainy day... That day has now come! In 2010 I stripped the floor out as read about the issues with regards to the foam filled deck and uncovered a major project... The previous owner had replaced the deck with ply ( rotten ) and for "buoyancy" filled the whole underside with 2ltr coke bottles half of which were filled with water!!! 😔. I lifted the floor and undertook the major job of replacing all of the ribs and buoyancy sections correctly, it now has a honeycombed board made from plastic as the floor and it is SOLID! This being said, I was expecting some problems with the transom but really wanted to get fishing by September and everything seamed in order. when we up rated the engine, the first drilling of the holes when water was pissing out I decided it really needed doing and soon, I stated to research the best product to use, the only talked about material is ply and ply. I spoke with my dad and he suggested ply for the strength in the core but I don't know how I feel about it. I would really like to use a product the will not rot especially because you drill holes in it for the engine and other transom mounted item such as transducer bait pump exc. I am thinking of making the whole section out of glass and resin but I have concerns about the strength, yes it will be very strong but will it be able to take the stress? Would really like to hear other peoples view on this, I have added a photo of that's there at the moment 💩 Many thanks G
  5. RIGHT.... I think in going to try a rib style 50mm ish drain and trunk, but where does one buy the fittings. They are proving quite illusive can find transom fittings with NRV but not anything with a trunk.... How do you fit these? Any ideas lads?
  6. A summing a mains water fed electric shower? http://m.screwfix.com/p/liff-electrolytic-in-line-scale-inhibitor-15mm/91448?kpid=91448&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product%2520Listing%2520Ads-_-Sales%2520Tracking-_-sales%2520tracking%2520url&gclid=CMTnk7j87r0CFZShtAodqm0AfQ We have fitted these in the past on the incoming water mains into the house and customers seem happy with them. G
  7. I buy quicksilver 2stroke on eBay. Pacer marine is the company.
  8. Albatross is on a trailer so it's not going to take on water wile sitting dormant the main reason is to not be dependant on electrics, the current pump I have is good but can get blocked and the float switch has just gone.... again! which makes it a real pain when your out for washing the deck. I think maybe a flat hose scupper may be an option, after the damming reports (that I am great full for!) about the proposed type. It will be good to be able to wash the boat wile in transit and all the little fishy type bit disappear out a drain and not have to crawl around trying to unblock the pump! Maybe a stand by hand sump as a back up. G
  9. Bramble banker

    Try sgain

    Really good watch!
  10. I have been looking online at a suitable scupper for my Wilson flyer and have stumbled upon a ball type where by it sits inside a housing, does anyone have any views on these? Are they suitable for mounting below the static waterline transom? I think I will have a hand sump as a stand by but thought it may be a good idea for use in transit? http://www.imsupplies.co.uk/sea-scupper-valve/sea-scupper-base-size-3-77mm-overhall-depth-2-1-2-62mm.html
  11. I've been following them on FB for a wile now and Ocearch have been allot of my attention really good work! I think it's a shame we as anglers do not have a similar or integrated system where by we could buy a kit, tag a shark say bigger than 200lb and log it on an online data base so that it is able to be tracked via gps the same as these guys. Does anyone know of such a thing suitable for us??? G
  12. Referred to on the site as a "wheelhouse card" I think I may laminate my print out!
  13. I bought a pair of waders online the other day for myself, they are a bit tight for me but a size 9 would fit well. Brand new. Offering for £40.00 as I can't really be fagged to post them back and the carry on, RRP£49.99 {rtf1ansiansicpg1252 {fonttbl} {colortbl;red255green255blue255;} }
  14. Hi paul, I'm Graham and run a heating business G.S Plumbing am happy to assist if required 07795643140.
  15. After much deliberation, I have no longer the space for my bundle of joy 😢 FOR SALE -2008 Quicksilver Adventure 4.3m heavy duty xs inflatable boat with alloy floor panels -20hp Yamaha long shaft 2 stroke engine (as new) -on a rapide load rollererd trailer, with new wheel bearings 08/13 and a anti theft lock on the tow hitch . alloy floor it is extremely rigid and behaves like a rib . It will plane easily with 2 adults and 2 children and it will achieve 20 knots on the flat There are 2 rod holder's and is complete with a pair of oars. This is a genuine sale it has been a fantastic introduction to boating the whole set up was bought new in 2008 the engine has less than 60hours use I keep it inflated on the trailer it can be taken down and stored in a garage £3400.00
  16. As the photos show you can clearly see the dpm a decent two courses above ground level. The marking you can see on the white wall, is this consistent with the damp inside? A silly question or two; -You say it's an extension onto the old building, is it definitely a double skin of brick work with a cavity? -has this been a problem in the past or something new with this tenant? G
  17. Ventilation! The most likely cause of the damp is your tenants not opening the holes they have in the glass for fear of loosing precious heat they have "paid for". All my rentals have trickle vents on the windows to stop the ventilation issue. I am a heating engineer but am happy to come and have a mooch if you would like some advice. Graham. 07795643140
  18. I am looking at going out Wednesday in the solent, had a really good day out two weeks ago, 6 thorns to 9.5lb, whiting and dogs. Non stop all day (hoping for a repeat, not the standard solent weed!).
  19. Ok thanks mate.
  20. Sorry Rob can I run past and collect tomorrow, been in London all day 😒
  21. I will take it Rob. Many thanks Graham
  22. Now that's a blow .... 😅
  23. Doesn't look good for the comp But What's the official call?
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