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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. The date has definately changed, I took a hard copy and it originally states the 25th. Gordon H
  2. Chart plotter has found a new home and as a result
  3. It sounds to me as though a number of people are thinking of going for boats in the 18ft size range and are right to be concerned about the practicality of launching this size boat on a regular basis. I've been spoilt with a marina berth for years so don't know where all the good slipways are (Parkstone?). Any information I can get is really useful and having tried a few links from this site I now know a few more. No matter what make it is, an 18ft boat is about on the limit for 2 people to manage when allowing for variable conditions. The more you guys can recommend, the less worried I'll be about leaving my comfort zone. Gordon H
  4. Iv'e only launched my Raider 18 at Wick and Cobbs but it takes 2. I would never attempt it at Mudeford with my existing trailer as it would need lots more rollers. I'm expecting fun and games on Sunday at Baiter for the flounder competition as Ive never launched Fugazi there before. It means disconnecting from the 4x4 so I'll be needing miles of rope block and tackle and help from anywhere I can get it! I expect the amusement value to all onlookers to be excellent. Still I need to develop a technique pretty quick or modify the trailer as Ive decided not to renew my pontoon berth this year. Gordon H
  5. I have surplus to requirements a Standard Horizon CP150 chart plotter in perfect working order. It does not include any chart software but if you want it make an offer and I'll donate it to the RNLI. Gordon H
  6. My plan to get out and fish a bit further afield today was changed immediately we got out of Christchurch as it was not very pleasant early on. So after 40 minutes on the Clan which was quite sloppy and only produced one bite, we moved inshore to fish some rough ground. Whiting were feeding for about an hour after the flood started and we managed to bag 11 nice ones and several smaller ones went back. Pout and dogfish kept us busy as well, so it was a very productive day. Joined by Adam F and Alun J later on but they had missed the main run. Gordon H.
  7. Tom, I'd love to but the last time I went to a boat show "just to look" I made the mistake of visiting the beer tent with father in law at lunchtime. By the time my wife and mother in law came to pick us up we had to own up to spending our life's savings on a new boat. I'd love a 695 but now I know the dangers of mixing boats and champagne I'll have to pass on the invite. Thanks
  8. Alun, Well I'm definitely going out tomorrow as my crew's up for an early start (I need to get out of the run by 8.00am) or I won't be going anywhere. I'll give you a call to find out how your getting on, or if your knee deep in fish, call me first. mobile 07810 557292 I've never fished the bank any recommended hot spots? Gordon H
  9. Bob, Do they have to be calibrated before use in comps? Gordon H
  10. If I can talk my mate into going, I though I might sneak out tommorow. If anyone else is interested in joining up that would be good as it can be a lonely place out there at this time of year. If it stays calm thought about fishing near wrecks of either Serrana, Algerian or Elanor. Anyone interested?
  11. Adam, Yes, I need to sort out a fish identification book to keep on the boat and try and keep a log of what I catch and where. Ive kept a dive log for 30yrs so why not a fishing log! Now is a good time to start at the beginning of the year and if I keep it up it will be interesting to see how catches improve or not. To make it accurate, which type of weighing scales are recommend for use on board? Iv'e never fished a boat competition before and dont know what the rules are when weighing in on a catch and release basis. Definately going to enter the Castaways flounder bash and that will be my first competitive event. Hoping for some beginners luck! Gordon H
  12. Fugazi

    Bait Pump

    Thanks Guys, I like the idea of the portable power supply as its easy to install and remove to keep charged up through the winter. My existing battery is location is neat, tidy and out of the way, but removal for top and and charging was devised by someone with a great sense of humour. Gordon H
  13. Definately a blond as it had no spots just a light sandy colour upper surface, although not very big approx 2-3lb. Amazing what you can catch on this wreck, I caught a small shark last summer again about 3lb dont know what sort it was but it had a perfect set of nice pointed triangular teeth like a mini great white. Last December my mate caught a 12lb pollack on it on my first trip out after taking delivery of Fugazi. If Iv'e done it right there should be a picture attached of the jammy #@)? holding it. p.s. Radio seems to be transmitting OK. Gordon H
  14. Fugazi

    Bait Pump

    Cheers Adam, I'll try and find the link
  15. I met up with Mark and Gordon on Enticer for a trip out to fish the wreck for whiting which we did manage to find, but only three nice ones were kept on our boat. Don't know how Enticer faired because I had trouble with my radio blowing fuses on transmit and by the time I'd sorted it we were out of line of site. One of the reasons for joining the club was to get out there and fish in company just in case of problems like this! Anyway it was nice to meet some other club members for the first time and it was a good days fishing with plenty of dogfish, whiting and one blond ray to keep us busy Gordon H
  16. Fugazi

    Bait Pump

    Iv'e bought my bait pump hose and fittings and aquired a suitable tank, however my boat has only one battery. How long does it take to drain down power using a 360 gph pump rated at 2.1 amps? Based on an 85 amp hour battery is it a simple calculation of 85/2.1 = approx 40 hrs? Whats the best way of installing another battery to run this and other auxillary equipment? Fugazi
  17. If you can help me launch Fugazi tomorrow at Christchurch slip, next to rowing club at 8.15am returning at around 2.30pm then you've got a trip. Long wellies or waders needed, give me a call.
  18. Hi Adam, I'm based in Wimborne and launch at Christchurch and Poole. Another reason for changing to a trailable boat was being able to visit other venues further afield like Portland, West Bay and the Solent area. My last two boats were both Arvors, 18ft and 21ft, but too heavy and slow so limiting fishing area. I need to get offshore and back quick as I'm also a diver and the wrecks are all a fair way out. I wont be able to get out over the Christmas period due to family commitments but I'll let you know in the new year about a trip out. Gordon
  19. Hi Adam, Like you I wanted to change to a trailable size offshore boat and downsize from my Arvor 21 to avoid marina fees and running costs. In the end I went for a Raider 18 which is a fabulous boat for trailing and getting offshore. I would expect the Warrior 175 to be very similar, however, one thing that I soon found with trailering an 18 footer is that my front wheel drive Vectra was useless on wet and steep slipways. It was OK for a 16 ft boat, but that increase in size makes quite a difference, I now have a 4x4. Unless you already have one, be warned! P.S. Ive just joined PBSBAC so if you go for the 175 I look forward to seeing you out there next year. Gordon
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