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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. I'm up for Sat - Tuesday inclusive either taking Fugazi out, or crewing for someone just for a change. Gordon H
  2. Well I'm going camping next month and my boat will be used as the trailer tent for carrying all the camping gear! Just hope the weather improves by then as you can't beat fresh mackerel cooked on the old camp fire as the sun sets over West Bay. Gordon H
  3. Mike Trott, there's a name from the past and what a guy, he used to out fish everyone on the boat from his up tide position in the bow. While were on this trip down memory lane, does anyone remember those halcyon days wrecking mid channel on virgin wrecks from Zummerset Maid? Awesome and like Crazy say's we wont see those times again. Gordon H
  4. My wife returned from a Florida business trip last week with some nice Rapala's from Bass Pro that worked out at half UK price. She also picked up some interesting floating coloured bead rigs that I think are designed to keep your bait up of the bottom and away from those bait robbing crabs. Not seen them in the UK so assume that's what they
  5. Tony, If you have a GPS position let me know and I'll drop in and have a look for you when the weather calms down a bit. Gordon H
  6. Saw both the bream fleets out on Sunday, but I was diving close in off Southbourne. Anyway, I had to provide boat cover for 1/2 hour and as there was a Woolworth's telescopic rod and some mackerel feathers on my mates boat I thought I'd give it a go. First drop and into mackerel immediately and proceeded to haul up a box full, then it went quiet for 5 minutes and bang! Thought I had a string of mackies on but it turned out to be a bass around 3lb which came as a surprise. Then while my mate was getting out of his wet suit, would you believe it another bass hit, this time about 1-1/2lb. While I was down Pete had also caught mackerel and a big garfish and all this action was feathering on the bottom with a
  7. Adam, Fugazi will be joining in the fun as well. Gordon H
  8. Alun, There's no need to be modest with all this being in the right place stuff, I was in the same place, on the same boat and I couldn't match your success rate. Just accept that if the cap fits you have to wear it and know that I'm expecting great things from you tomorrow. No pressure, Gordon H
  9. Simon, If you
  10. Paul, The good news is they didn't go until the end of September, they just moved. I still managed to catch them quite late, but only the small ones 1-1/2 to 2lb. Your right about the big ones they had gone and talking to Alun J the other day he mentioned that he'd experienced the same. Gordon H
  11. Fugazi


    Mike, I wouldn't put too much faith in the Dive Dorset book as most of the positions given are those recorded at the time of loss. Consider them more rough appoximations of where wrecks might be found than actual verified positions. Gordon H
  12. Today the conditions out of Christchurch were perfect for fishing and at last the summer species have arrived. Official weight confirmation of my first bream of the season 2lb 12oz and as I type this I can smell fragrant baked sea bream cooking. It was nice to meet and spend day fishing with Alun J who has given me invaluable tips on how to turn my left over bait into a gastronomic delight. Thanks to Paul D for letting us know where the fish were, because Poole Patch was dire, could this be because of the silt dumping earlier? Gordon H
  13. Just needs the furry dice and it'll be purfick! seriously though looks fantastic
  14. As we are all much more conservation minded these days I found the recent thread about dumped congers very disturbing. However, it prompts me to bring up the question of using barb less hooks, something I have been doing for the past few seasons. They make removing hooks very simple; especially if you need to use a T bar and I don
  15. Fugazi

    Conger Eels

    I've seen plenty of congers survive OK with hooks still attached, even hand fed them. Have also found them trapped, starved and covered in sores in lost lobster pots. When released they all seem to swim away strongly proving they are very hardy, sounds like these were dumped. Gordon H
  16. Mark, Based on last Sunday's fishing, I'd cross the bridge off your list, but the rest sounds good. It's clearly not fishing well at the moment around the Needles as we were the only boat there (4 hours and not a bite). All the charter boats and other privates went straight past and out to sea off the back of the Wight. Thought we heard a lot of laughter as they all went by. Gordon H
  17. I've got some unwanted non slip swimming pool matting if anyone wants it. The interlinking roll up type, ideal for use on cockpit floor (colour blue). Gordon H
  18. Paul, Providing the weather is fine I could be up for Sunday joined by senior management keeping an eye on me. Still at least I won't have to sweat in the galley preparing those bacon sarnies and hot brews! No, I'll be too busy puting those nasty worms on the hook and taking those slimy fish off (hopefully), replacing rigs and sorting out those annoying tangles and reel overruns, bless her. No fishing for me then! Gordon H
  19. Charlie, Posted mine and Chris's this morning in a quaint little red box thing attached to a telegraph pole. However, if your happy to recieve in electronic format I'll use this method in future. Gordon H
  20. I'm thinking XChurch Saturday as well, have we got a convoy good buddies? I may be needing crew if anyone's interested as my regular deck swabber is away for the weekend. Here's hoping the weathers set fair. Gordon H
  21. Blimey, Glad I read this before opening my e-mails, managed to catch the begger and delete it without any problems. Should I still be worried Paul? Gordon H
  22. Paul, Yes that was me on the way back from a day that was a real curate
  23. Well I have to go out of Christchurch tomorrow because senior management wants to do horsie things tomorrow with the 4 x 4 and is dropping me and the boat off on the way. Am I bothered, that everyone else is at Weymouth? no I'm not bothered, because I've got a cunning plan that involve wrecks reefs and rips. Good luck everyone, Gordon H
  24. Paul, Did you manage to find the Wreck OK? Gordon H
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