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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by CREZZ

  1. Orkney Strikeliner 16+ Fibreglass cuddy 25 hp Yamaha outboard Yamaha Remote Engine and Tonneau covers Bramber trailer with SAS lock Hummingbird fishfinder Navman 7100 dsc vhf radio Anchor , chain and warp New Battery 5 and 2 gallon fuel tanks Alderney anchor bouy Seagull aux motor and bracket loads of bits and bobs . Ready to go Reluctant sale , will break my heart to see it go
  2. Problem solved , it was the bl**dy battery that was knackered . I got a mate of mine who is a mechanic to come round with a probey type thing and after a few minutes of probeing and checking wiring etc , he said , it must be your battery . Which was my thought initially weeks ago , but i took it to a battery place who tested it and was told it was as strong as an ox , so i automatically disregarded that as the problem . He then connected up another battery that he had with him and hey presto the engine fired up first time . I cant work out how the battery passed the test when i had it checked out , yet it didn't have enough power to turn the engine over , but then again i am a bit of a numpty when it comes to electrics Andy
  3. Thanks for all the advice guys , Looks like i've got a busy weekend ahead checking wires and connections etc. . I must admit i'm not looking forward to it , Electrics are a bit of a black art to me , i succesfully failed every electrical phase test that British Aerospace could throw at me when doing my apprenticeship many moons ago , hence i was banished to the machine shop , to spend the rest of my working days . One thing i forgot to mention is that when you operate the choke switch on the remote prior to starting , the choke in the engine moves up and down as it should do , not sure if this is relevant but it must mean that power is getting to the engine to make it work . I fink Thanks again . Andy
  4. We have been having a bit of trouble starting our 25 yam , using the starter motor , When the key is turned all you hear is a clicking sound , it sounds as though there is a short somewhere and it is arcing out but i'm buggered if i can see where , and to add insult to injury when we have proded and probed around the wiring and you try the starter motor again it starts , but as soon as you switch off and try again the clicking returns . I have had a good look at all the connections and the wiring but cannot see any bare wires so i think it's time to call a man in to have a look , also when we try to use the starter motor it causes the radio and fishfinder to switch off . Has anyone any idea what it could be ? or can someone put me onto a good electrical bod that can come round with his meter and sort it out . ps , When starting the engine using the rip cord it fires up no problem as long as the key is on . Thanks Andy
  5. CREZZ

    Radio Gone Ga Ga

    Hi Brian , I am presumming it doesn't transmit as i called out a couple of times for a radio check and received no reply , but if my speaker is kaput i suppose i would'nt have heard it anyway . I would be grateful if you could give it a once over for me , pm me your phone number and i will give you a ring . Thanks , Andy
  6. Hi all , Is there anyone local to the Poole area that can have a look at my Navman Vhf radio ? It switches on ok and all the functions are displayed on the screen but it does not receive or transmit . I thought it might be the aerial , but when you set it to scan all channels it stops at different channels when there is activity , which i presume means that the aerial is working cos the radio is picking up a signal. The radio is completely silent , if you twiddle the squelch button there is no noise at all . The radio is nearly two years old so unfortunately out of warranty , so if someone can point me towards an electronics bod i will be gratefull . Thanks , Andy
  7. Happy Birthday Paul , You don't look 60 Have a good one . Andy
  8. Thanks Guys , Ps Can you type a bit quieter please , i am nursing a rather bad headache Happy anniversary Charlie , did you get her indoors that rod and reel that she always wanted ?
  9. A slow start for me aboard Slipalong , Launched about 9 from Baiter , said hello to Gordon ( Enticer ) and proceeded out of the harbour in a westerly direction . I Wasn't too sure where to go due to lack of Gps but figured that all the other boats going that way must have more of a clue than i have . Arrived at Old Harry rocks to see boats all over the place so found a space and settled down to about two hours of nothing , the only consolation was that most of the other boats were drawing blanks as well , as far as i could see . I wanted to make a move and was gonna give Dancing Ledge a go but having never been round that far was not to sure if i was biteing off more than i can chew , in an Orkney Strikeliner . I tried radioing a few people who i new were there but there was no reply so we decided on a run back to Poole patch which eventually got us our first action of the day which ended up with 5 bream up to 2lb and 5 or 6 doggies . Oh and a rather sunburnt face , i too forgot the suncream . Andy PS can anyone tell me how much further round from old harry it is to Dancing Ledge and is it do able in a boat like mine ?
  10. Can i also register for the comp tomorrow , i will be aboard Slipalong along with two others who are not fishing the comp (non members) . Thanks Andy
  11. What a beauty Paul , well done mate. The ledge seems to be the the place for the biggies . I went out with Charlie on Star Turn and tried our luck out on Poole patch . We ended up with about 6 between us but nothing above two pounds . Charlie caught his first Bream and doggie and believe it or not his first Thornback Ray (we think ) on a size 4 hook with a little bit of rag and squid on . 10 1/2 pounds on the scales the spawny bugger He will probably post some pics to confirm it and to rub it in Well done Charlie a cracking fish on Star Turn 's maiden fishing trip , and thanks for a great day on the water . Andy
  12. CREZZ

    First Comp

    No . PJ does it different to you , he doesn't wrap the rope round the engine , i was gonna tell him he is doing it wrong but i didn't want to sound like a know all
  13. CREZZ

    First Comp

    I was lucky enough to get a chance to crew for Paul Jennings today on Marineboy in my first club comp . After a great day on the water we ended up with 6 bream , 4 to Paul and 2 for me , the best being 3lb 8oz to me , beginners luck , i think they call that . Thanks Paul for a great day out and for all the help and tips you passed on today . I hope i can crew for you again , as soon as my brownie point tin is full again . I really do advise any club members that are in the novice bracket , like myself , to go out crewing with one of the more experienced guys as you will learn so much as i did today , cheers again Paul . Andy
  14. Launched from baiter around 9-30 and charged round to a mark hopeing to get there before Gary and Prodigy turned up , only just made it , as we approached the mark and were deciding which bouy to pick up , Prodigy came steaming into sight . We had a choice of two bouys which are normally reliable for a flattie or two and decided on the one closer to the shore . Prodigy picked up the other one . Within 5 mins Gary is on the blower laying down a challenge . Game on . Suddenly a lot of noise aboard Prodigy and they are making ready with the landing net , just as the net hits the water the fish manages to escape , Shame They had just started to sing one nil as well . With that my rod starts showing a little movement and a few minutes later it's me singing one nil , 2lb 8 oz on my new digi scales , not a bad start . We didn't have the lead for long , one all comes across the water , then two one . We managed to get back to two all for a while then we decided to fish for fun and stopped trying We left about one o'clockish and i think Gary and co had 12+ fish on board to our final tally of 4 , but as i said we stopped trying ages ago actually Managed to do our good deed for the day as well and give a bloke a tow back with his jet ski , that he had managed to put a rather expensive looking hole in the hull of . All in all a nice morning on the water Andy
  15. CREZZ


    Hello Reg , as Kam says Have a look here . Saving old seagulls , what this bloke don't know a'int worth knowing . Andy
  16. Good luck to all fishing the open , i'm not jealous , Honest I shall be out on a boat tonight but unfortunately not a fishing boat , and i don't think the river Thames comes in the boundries of club waters . All i have to look forward to is a lager induced headache tomorrow morning . Tight lines to all . Andy
  17. CREZZ

    Goodbye, Dad

    Hello Bob , Just read your sad news , my sincere condolence's to you and your family . Andy
  18. Hello Paul , Wednesday's Echo report . Small boat date . The poole bay small boat angling club stage their open boat competition on nov 12th from poole , when there will be
  19. CREZZ

    Morning All

    Rich , i've tried typing " i hate paul dore , that's the first thing i think after a sleepless night , but it doesn't seem to work not really paul , you sadist . Andy
  20. CREZZ

    Morning All

    I don't now about you but i keep waking up in the night and the first thing that comes into my head is the clue to the comp i'm stuck on , i think i'm going mad That Paul Dore geezer has got a lot to answer for . Andy ps , is it too early for a beer ?
  21. Paul , may i congratulate you on a superb competition , you sadistical person . I think i've developed a Deep Vein THROMBOSIS sitting at this bloody computer Andy
  22. Funny you should say that Rich , I bought a baited spoon rig to try that method and only managed to catch a couple of checkers with it , then Bob , my father in law pulled in his 2 lb 'er with a basic two hook flounder rig and i lost patience with it and changed to the same rig, five minutes later my fish made an appearance , obviously the spoon rig wasn't as good as one of yours I will take another rod out next time and fish both methods as i quite enjoyed the spoon method . Andy
  23. Apparently 15 rods fished a beach comp in the week Hamworthy way and 9 flounders were weighed in, not loads but it's a sign there on there way , i hope . I've also heard the odd one or two are being caught in Holes bay from the shore . I managed to get out on sunday morning for a few hours and was gonna try Hamworthy , glad i didn't , went to a cheeky little mark instead and ended up with a 2lb 5 oz to me and a 2lb ' er to the father in law . Andy
  24. Thanks Martin, ps, probably a bit if a divvy question , but i can't work out what the "devide weight oz by " column is for . Andy
  25. Hello All , I have noticed that quite a few of you relate to the weight of a fish as a percentage , as does the note on the November open competition poster regarding fish has to be at least 50% of the specimen weight . Can someone point me in the right direction to where i can find a list of specimen weights for all the fish that are likely to be caught in this area and is there a table that works out the percentages for you , ie . flounder 4lb 2 oz = 120% , or do i have to get the calculator out and work it out myself . Thanks , Andy
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