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Everything posted by gonorn

  1. Oh dear :( Just got in after picking up me bait for tomorrow, shame it like a mill pond out there today.
  2. 1. MegaByte - Brian, Keith G 2.  Marichelle....Mick & James (non member ) 3. Madness Dean & Martin & Jim  :)  4. Sea Dream ,,, Neal & Stuie 5. Sea Jay.. Mike and Clare
  3. signed
  4. The weather made it a cracking day out even though the cod where thin on the ground, We had a good run of whiting noting over 2lb but big enough to be picky and return the smaller ones, until the tide turned and it went dead. But a small strap conger and a nice smooth hound made it a great day out for us, And the bonus prize from the weigh end from Andy! Well done winners!
  5. I would suggest you check the part number on the unit you have fitted. But have a look here, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-Mercury-Mariner-Starter-Solenoid-2-Stroke-Outboard-89-850187T1/263267710353?epid=1916147440&hash=item3d4bfa7591:g:Hv8AAOSwrOtZsDZx If you cant find anyone local I would suggest you give the above company a call, they helped me get a new carb for a merc outboard, I would drop them an email or a call to check the part matches yours. Mike
  6. Sounds like a bad cable live or earth maybe from the battery, Once you have checked the connections I would also check for a fuse under the cowling, I had a merc 2 stroke that blew the 20amp fuse and that killed the ignition and trim, until i replaced it. It had corroded inside the fuse holder tiny bit of water ingress got to it. Also make sure the fuse holder has not pulled apart if its the barrel type with glass blow fuses. You should also have a main fuse in the loom some where near your ignition switch. Mike
  7. Nothing for sea Jay, our daughter decided she wanted a day out, So after a steam up the swash I decided it was a little too lumpy for her to enjoy the day. So we went inshore to fish the harbour, and this turned up just off Lake pier.
  8. Sea Jay Sunday Mike and Clare.
  9. Thanks Brian ill see you tonight.
  10. I have just installed a set of smart tabs on an explorer elite, force 4 where as cheap as buying online if you go down that route. Simple to install and made a noticable difference to bow rise. However I dont have a list to adjust for, I've read many different views on the tabs and in the end decided to just have a go, Some of the forums can get a bit heated over the auto tab vs manual tab.
  11. Thanks guys ill go hit up the lads at force4 tommorow,seems like I've been living in there place the last few weeks lol. Btw Brian did u manage to get all that antifoul out of your hair it looked like a cheap hair replacement procedure gone wrong :-)
  12. OMG the longest 2 weeks ever! And finely I pick it up and move it to its new home at Rockley. Sadly the carbs are off as they are being stripped and cleaned as one of them has a sticky float where its been sat with fuel In it So I wont be able to use it this weekend... Still I have plenty of work to do to make it ours. Trim tabs have arrived as suggested by Mick and I need to install gps/fish finder and nav lights.
  13. Yep your right on the weight thing boat and engine come in at 530KG its a good looking break back trailer so im gueissing it ways more than 200kg. However Its only in upton and im moving it to Rockely so should be fine. The old Xtrail is the 2.2 diesel so I know it wont struggle with it. Once I have It and get it in the yard I can decide best way to proceed. Thanks All. Mike
  14. Thanks all, I did take a look at Coddys site and it was a nice review. So I went to take a look at it with the boss and we paid the deposit on it. The guy is getting the outboard fully serviced with receipts before I pick it up. The s/n indicated it was made in 2008 If I read it correctly, Its been well looked after it had a very small amount of scuffing on the gel coat at the bow where it had missed the roller trailer. Engine fired up at the turn of the key felt cold the touch before start. Only downside is he removed the brakes from the trailer, Not a big issue for me as I'm going to store it at Rockley probable dry stacked. The boat sits under the 750kg weight limited so its not a problem for me as I have a x-trail to tow. He does have the brake kit still though so I may refit them over the winter. Ill post a few better pics tomorrow. Thanks Mike
  15. Hi All Im off to look at an Explorer elite this evening, they seem to have good reviews and have been around a while. Does anyone have any pointers to look out for? Here is the link https://www.gumtree.com/p/boats-kayaks-jet-skis/fishing-boat/1260274395 I was looking for something with a newer engine but Not much about. Any feed back greatly received. Thanks Mike
  16. gonorn

    Engine Talk

    Seems like it was the weekend for it, Went down to fiddle with the new auxiliary engine and brackets I fitted a couple of weeks ago. Thought Ide get her thrown in to test it and run the engine up as I've not started her for a couple of weeks. Every thing is dead. Blown main fuse! I put a few spare bits on board when I started using her and fuse kit was one. the fuse I took out was corroded looks like a little water ingress into the fuse holder. Changed fuse and cant get her started. Whipped plug out no spark! Lucky I'm still on the pontoon. Turns out the kill switch had shorted out and failed. £64.00 lighter and now need a few hours of dry weather so I can rip the wiring loom apart, I'm pretty sure I'm going to find some faulty connectors in there likely the cause of the fuse blow. Mike
  17. gonorn

    New Member

    No I was not we missed our invite! We actually went down to do some work on the boat that evening but noticed the BBQ was on so went and drunk our coffee around the corner. It was not that warm iirc and a little windy. Lol yea Barney is well....Barney, however the man with the fork lift has the power And to be fair I been hogging the cradle by the slip way a lot the last few weeks so I cant grumble.
  18. gonorn

    New Member

    Thanks All I will be at the meeting which I think works out as the 3rd Aug so ill see you all in a couple of weeks the boss will be there as well I suspect if we don't bump into each other in the bay before. And yes Barney is still the yard hand down there with Steve they look after me down there.
  19. gonorn

    New Member

    Hi All A friend of mine Graham put me onto you guys and said its the place to be! I have just returned to the wolrd of sea angling and boating, and I am keen to get back on the seen and meet people out on the water or just in the pub for a yarn! Real name is Mike I live in Hamworthy and have a Boston whaler outrage 2 to fish from its kept down on the stand at Rockley, and I've spent the last few months getting her ready to return to service after a few years of lay up. I say I have been but my wife has spent many hours down there cleaning up after me so its a joint effort, she has also joined as she loves to fish and be on the water. We have taken only 1 trip out of the harbour so far to fish down at Bournemouth Pier for a few plaice (landed 3 kept one for the table) plus a few Gurnard. I spent my younger days working the commercial boats in Poole crewing for my father on a charter boat so I'm fairly experienced on then water Just need to get the confidence back up, a bit smaller boat that when I'm used too. I have yet to retake my Marine radio licence as its all changed, so that is my next task over the next few weeks to keep every thing above board and more importantly safe. I have sent my payment and application form in btw. Be safe all Mike
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