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Everything posted by gonorn

  1. SAVAGE GEAR XLNT-3 TRIGGER ROD SERIES MODEL: CCS XLNT-3 TRIGGER ROD SERIES I picked up one of these this year they do a nice range and not silly money, I ordered mine from one of the eBay stores as I could not get one local though. Plenty of reviews on you tube for them as well. RODS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES LENGTH CASTING SECTIONS TRANSPORT LENGTH ROD WEIGHT 7ft / 213cm 12-45g 2 sec 108cm 135g 7ft / 213cm 20-70g 2 sec 108cm 164g 7ft / 213cm > 100g 2 sec 108cm 157g 8ft-3" / 251cm > 100g 2 sec 128cm 199g 8ft-3" / 251cm > 150g 2 sec 128cm 215g
  2. Great write up Charlie, really enjoyed that! Well done. Mike
  3. I use the Standard Horizon HX870E Handheld Vhf with DSC as aback up. I've had it almost 2 years, I keep it in my go bag. I've not been out this year, but this reminded me to check it and its still at almost full charge. Well over 6 months since I last checked it. Paid about £200.00 for it as it was DSc and GPS built in. I think its been replaced by the HX890 now.
  4. gonorn

    Online users

    We thought your new love was all the bacon you 2 ate in the café that week. I might need to fit a couple of private booths in for date nights!
  5. gonorn

    Aux flush

    As soon as I put the boat back on the trailer I flush my main engine (no aux) At Rockley they have a good supply of water and muffs, but I carry a hose and flush connector just in case they cant do it for any reason. The salt water is not great to have sat in there but its also any sediment that can get caught inside the cooling chambers and block ports that is the real worry, Especial as the water can be very shallow in Poole some times when your heading back in its easy to scope a load of mud up into your engine.
  6. Nice Job! I'm glad the manual was off use to some one. If it helps squeeze another couple of seasons out of the engine it will be worth the trouble to take it apart. Mike
  7. I'm not sure if it will help but I have a full Mercury workshop manual for this engine it also covers all others mercury 2 strokes from 1970 I think. I bought it when I had a 1988 115 merc 2 stroke for fault finding and it came with a manual for each 2 stroke model merc made. I can zip it up and email it across if it helps with servicing and checking part numbers. Send me a pm with your email if you would like it sent across. Mike
  8. water and oil seeped in while at anchor and all you can see is the oil that has separated? makes sense and may explain the problem with the tilt/trim if its low on oil.
  9. Is it an auto lube 2 stroke with internal oil reservoir? If so I would assume the 2 stroke oil would not be the same as the hydraulic oil in the tilt/trim rams? Possible its an overflow for the pre mix tank and its vented internal to stop any spillage? Your rams for the engine will normally have a way to release the fluid from them, this is encase the motor packs up or gets stuck so you can drop the engine back down, maybe its something to do with this? It would normal be a sump bolt with o ring like your gear box oil bolt. check to see if it has one located some where else. Mike
  10. She is very nice Enjoy your fishing! I'm sure I seen here on Find a fishing boat last week when I was surfing around the net trying to decide what to do. Mike
  11. gonorn

    Warrior 165 wanted

    Not a warrior but as close as it come, Having taken the café on this year I'm thinking about selling the Explorer elite, Almost identical to the 165, 2018 mariner 60hp 4 stroke 75 hours on, just about to get its first service so will have 4 year transferable warranty on it and trailer. You've seen it so I don't need to tell you how clean it is. If he wants a look call me or pm me. Mike
  12. Pretty sure I saw Jerry going out this morning sat between the bridges as I was heading to the office, she looks amazing on the water!
  13. Yup we are. Im going to drive around and book in early I think as its way past my fishing mark.
  14. Marichelle- Mick & James ( Non member ) Sea Jay- Mike and Clare
  15. Have a good day all, Sadly I am land locked due to the boat park being closed over Christmas!
  16. Ty guys. The weather was pretty bad tbh, however a meal out and a film was just the Job. Just to make my self fill better. I went for a walk along the Pier and seen this lot off nutters!
  17. Ok no problem makes sense, but Not everyone was able to attend the meeting.
  18. I am assuming as the weather is not looking kind (w force 6-7) this is off ?
  19. Madness - Martin, Dean + room for 1 other Sea Jay- Mike and Clare
  20. Another bust this weekend by the looks of it
  21. Graham could not catch a cold yesterday. 😂
  22. As the wind had gone around a little NE I decided to go blow out some cobwebs today at the Rockley end of the harbour with Mr Nash. The plus side being we used about £2.50 in fuel and managed to drown a few worms. The bonus was my first flounder of the season, followed up with plenty of small bass. Not a huge fish but very thick in the body. However as Allan said plenty of crabs stealing the baits still.
  23. Meh!! Ive still got 23 years to go until I can retire , the plus side to that is I'm only on boat number 3 soo, Sights are set on the next one!
  24. Meh! I new I should have booked Friday off the weather was looking good, Have a good day out people.
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