Much better to be out fishing than hunting around on the website .... but Well Done Paul for the imaginative comp.
Thanks to Adam today, for holding the boat still in the waves as we launched and retrieved ......... and providing the bait. As he said, we sqeeked out a couple of flatties on these 'micro - worms'........and I think we might have had a few more if I'd been able to dig the snakes I usually use.
I think, now, that I should have called my boat 'Blown away' , or something similar. Since I collected her at the end of last Aug., almost every trip has been one of being thrown about and being splashed on!!.....and today was as bad as most. At least the sun shone, it wasn't cold [ that's coming next week!], and I have not blanked.........even though I've kept going out all through the 'lean' spell.
A bit ironic that, today, I get the flounder in the Swash....... and Adam gets the plaice inside the harbour. I mentioned to Adam that somewhere, I've got an old [ Betamax] video of Jack Hargreaves drift fishing this part of the harbour [ back in the 70's] and catching plaice [early summertime I think!]. We did pick up a lot of clumps of limpets off the bottom; could these provide the food for them??
Having read Tom's report, with interest ..........I'll be keen to try offshore for some big fresh fillets.
Someone throw me a weather window ......please!!