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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Kam, That's Wareham Quay....... from the road bridge over the R.Frome [ tidal].
  2. .......and plenty of water then?
  3. Tis the time for big pollack on those wrecks! I wish I could join you....but I'm 'tied in'!! Perhaps in the not too distant future [ next year ???] Have a good trip ....... and save me a fish if you get a few. [ swap for a bagful of leeks??]...... I'll happily come and collect! Alun.
  4. Hi Duncan, We were in the Swash then, bouncing about, close in behind the Training Bank, and finding it less than comfy, cooking my Gastronaught special bacon sarnies. And following the food / coffee / pee paradigm.............that's when you get your best bites!! ...... but I wasn't expecting wrasse. I see the forecasters got it all wrong with the wind again!! Sat. was screaming and today seemed benign.....the reverse of what they had on Fri.!! Looks like some might be able to enjoy some wonderful, warm Spring sunshine later this week........but not me! Cheers, Alun.
  5. .....could be because inshore water has reached 10 C. I've been watching the steady rise in temp as recorded by Bramblemet.co.uk over the past few weeks. It barely dipped below 8 C all winter. Alun.
  6. Paul, Good to have you along.....to point out 'hotspots'! Don't forget to post your best wrasse in the book. Interested to see your collection of plugs......pity it was [much] too early to deploy them effectively; let's have a session with them ......one warm evening [June??]. Alun.
  7. Typical day's fishing ......... unpredictable!! Lovely sunny start with no wind.....couldn't last !! ......and by the time PJ and me had whizzed down the Swash Channel, a fresh Westerly was getting up........ blowing us across the drifts at about 1 knt with no tide. No sign of any 'spotties' for us , or the othe drifters............ so tactic 2.....anchor close in to the bank [ and try and repeat last week's success] First spot , too far away and no action ............ so closer in..........and Bang, Bang! Not spotty, nor spikey !! ............ but Mr [ and Mrs.]Toothy !!....... a succession of medium sized wrasse provided today's action. We both had 4 or 5 fish each , with PJ topping out, with a fat one of 4 lb. 2 oz. The wind eventually got the better of us and we retreated into the harbour to try a few [fruitless] drifts in the lee of Brownsea. So different out of the wind........ so a peaceful last hour, in the shelter and sun, finished the worms with a steady stream of small fish....... pollack, bass and a small flounder. How can such a relaxing day leave me feeling so tired?? Alun.
  8. Sat. night..........good day for a birthday! I expect you're having a riotous evening.........enjoy!! Alun.
  9. ........now why would you be doing that for Martin?? Fishing 'modifications'?? At least the weather will be good for doing 'jobs'. We'll see if it's any good for fishing? Alun.
  10. alun j.

    Aquafish 23

    and ........ you'd have a queue of members volunteering to crew. Alun.
  11. Looks like PJ's joining me......... on the plaice trail! I have a secret weapon!.......... worked last time! Alun.
  12. Work and family involvements.......... I can't even get Paul out on the weekend! .......he'll be lucky to 'look in' for a few hours to check his equipment!! Alun.
  13. .......but still worth getting out ...... and , like last week, there should be a bit of shelter in the Swash from the Westerly wind forecast ..... and only a small tide. Anyone like a seat on Gastronaught for another crack at the early Spring plaice and try to beat last week's total [ 2 good size flatties ] ? Launching from Baiter 8 .ish , or soon after. Alun.
  14. Hi Gordon, Did you get out and enjoy the nice day today? Alun.
  15. Not fishing today then, Adam?? Tomorrow ?? Alun.
  16. Well done Paul ........... I was waiting for a call! Hope you are feeling better ...... and soon get the opportunity to test her out. Looks a cracking boat, Alun.
  17. alun j.

    New Trailer

    Paul, I checked the weight under the jockey wheel on my trailer, following your earlier remark....... ...... 45 Kgs. Alun.
  18. Just had another look [ following Gordon's post]........ you might be lucky with the weather!.......... if you get Tues. [from BBC] and Gordon gets Weds.[from Metcheck]! Good luck Gordon......it's bound to be lumpy after all these depressions and the big tides. Alun.
  19. Adam, How well do you think that engine will do for economy?? Difficult to tell in only an hour's use..... but are there any gauges/dials to give you a clue?? You'll need to know before setting off mid-channel. What's the betting on first species / specimen to be landed on OOTB ? Looks like your plan for tomorrow or Tues is off? Alun.
  20. Paul, Gordon jumped ship and was on Gastronaught for 10 mins.; I couldn't tempt either to wet a line ....... just as the bites peeked! 'Flash' Gordon has all the gear for sharp photos. ......even when half immersed in water. Alun.
  21. Hi Terry, The condition....... that slips down well!! Yes.........I was surprised... good thick plaice. I took fillets off it , enough for 4 portions............and lovely texture / flavour. If the Swash was more reliable there'd be no need to travel to Weymouth / Portland! Are you planning a trip over Easter? I'm here the week before and away the week after! All the best, Alun.
  22. Now......... I've got to get back to cooking that fresh PLAICE Alun.
  23. OK Gordon.......... I think I've found my way through the process!! Here's another from this morning
  24. I'm trying.....and playing with 'paint'
  25. Ho Ho Ho !!........... I did put up an invitation to join me, perhaps Friday's wind and rain put you off?? Well you missed a nice day!! After a leisurely start [ knackering week at work!], met up with Adam and { Press Man} Gordon on the slip at Baiter preparing OOTB for her first dip in Poole water..... Adam itching to go and put her through her paces and check all the new toys .........What a fine looking package for fishing and being comfortable! [ Can't wait for an invitation!!] The wind wasn't too bad this morning..... and being in the West , there was a bit of shelter by the Castle..... but I carried on to try the Swash. There was one charter [ Strongbow} there already, drifting across the channel [ but no smiley faces on board] . A couple of fruitless drifts and then up pops the Warrior in 'Stealth - mode' ........she's as quiet as mine!!...A quick photo session exposes my camera [ or operator!] not up to Press standards; so 'Flash' Gordon jumps ship to deploy his superior equipment for a few passing runs. I did offer a fishing sojorn......but no, he was off........ and I was back to deploying my worms. In the next hour , over the second HW, I managed several small bass , a plump flounder of 1 lb. 11 oz ....AND..... a plaice of 2 lb. 8 oz. !! a pb for me from the Swash! The wind gradually got up from fresh to strong but it wasn't cold ...and..the sun stayed out making it feel like Spring. Alun.
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