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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Dates ?? I'd love to go ........ but tied to school hols. If it was during half-term at the end of May.......or Easter , during first two weeks of April.......... I'd be first on the list; ....... other times, I'm stuffed !! Alun.
  2. alun j.

    Mitchell Reel

    Good points Bob! I love Abu reels........ strong, light and smart........... but they do need a wash. 10000 is a big reel...... what is it matched with?? If you end up looking for something a bit smaller for our feisty inshore quary.......give me a shout. Lots of us have appreciated the pleasures of fishing with lighter tackle......eg. braid line and solid C rods. Alun.
  3. I'm planning to take Gastronaught to catch her first sole on Weds. evening. It'll be a bit of a rush to get worms after work but a calm evening will be compensating. Should be a nice moon to illuminate the bay....but I want to try out new lights on deck. Crew not confirmed yet........ I might be posting tomorrow. Alun.
  4. alun j.

    Sole Rig

    I use a simple light ledger with two hooks tied in a Pennel.
  5. Bob, 2 lb. 0 oz.
  6. Charlie, Just warning anyone coming with me that I might not be as cheery as I was 5 weeks ago!
  7. Thanks Duncan...... was expecting to have had a few by now..... but confounded by James' spell on the weather ........ looks like some sole sessions coming up soon though ........if I can keep my eyes open at work the next day . Gordon..... I know what you mean ....... the draw of clean, shiny gel coat ,..... in deep dark colours !.....must get out more !!! Alun.
  8. Got to get out......got to get out.......... etc...... Anyone [ with clean shoes !!] want to join me for a few hours up to early pm. on Fri. [ if forecast doesn't get worse !!] Extra sponges provided......... and swinging leads must be covered in foam/ wrap! Target fish depending on conditions....... triggers, bass bream .....inshore. Last trip before return to chalkface.......... I could be a bit depressive !! Alun.
  9. done !
  10. Martin, Too soon to say......but very pleased so far.... Feels really safe and comfortable , even in snotty weather Nice slow speed ride [ only possible so far], quiet under way and bait tank works a treat. Lots of deck space and cupboards to keep things tidy! One more thing to sort out is an anchor lift. Do you know where I can get a nice big stainless steel ring from ?? [ the ones in the chandlers look a bit small]. Cheers, Alun.
  11. 'Weather windows' are so unreliable ! BBC promised one yesterday; launched Gastronaught on maiden , running - in trip and found wind was strong [ 5 -7 !!] Not too bad in the harbour and out around Mudeford sandbank.........but heavie-ho around the Ledge into Poole Bay. Only time to pick 6 macky and three small pollack into 'sloshing' bait tank. Back in Christchurch Bay, much calmer , but full of weed on the ebb. Christened new boat with a 3 lb. bass on livebait........ pollack not mackeral ! Looks good this morning ....... but dental appt. and chores means I'll miss this one! Alun.
  12. I was out for a few hours yesterday morning, with a complete novice, so important for him to catch his supper !! It was a little breezy at 8 ........ but soon got much stronger from NW [ 5 + !!] but tide with wind , just bearable , close in to Hengist. Plenty of mackeral , a lot of [good size ] scad and hordes of bream ....... all sizes !!..... so my bro.-in-law had a few for a meal or two; best went just under 2lbs. Drew stumps at 12 ...... leaving Fugazi to continue close-by. Alun. PS Hope to take new boat out on Tues for a 'run-in' session.
  13. There's an 'o' missind there.......... Gastronaught..........!!
  14. Picked up my new 5 20 today, last thing........ after a morning's fish in the windy conditions..... but some good bream to show ! Pm. cleaning down 4 40 to pass on to Dave [ hope he gets as much fun and success as I have over past four years ] ....... then dash of to Lymington to collect; boy, she's bigger and heavier !! Tomorrow.... a few jobs......... greasing up all visible metal to stall effects of MUdeford salt.......... swatting through the handbook on the Lowrance plotter .... ....... and maybe take the other half out Sorry , I won't be able to make family day afloat this time, Alun.
  15. Simon has a very interesting and successful tank installed under a bench/ seat... [i'm sure he'll post details later........], it had both thro' - flow and recirc. options. Not masses of water but flat / shallow....... lots of swimming room......... and fish stayed 'happy' all day. First............ build a tank that works, Next........ find the right size bait. We had a good mix of macky size today...... and the little 'joeys' outfished any other size Alun.
  16. I'm hoping to pop out for a few hours in the morning.........if it's more of the former and less the latter ! Maybe see you close in Gordon ?? Alun.
  17. Yeh ! ........... what happened there ?? I found my card ....that expired last Spring. They didn't get replaced with the subs. Alun
  18. Well !........... mine went straight out across the top....... with the powerful push of the pump.......... and sort of swirled around with direction other than a vertical one !!. Mackeral mostly lined up at the bottom and sat there apart from a few swimmers and a few casualties . Well pleased.....just need a net to keep my arm dry! Alun.
  19. Gordon, Would love to come out with you......... when you are tagetting something other than Tope or Conger. It's the culinary attraction for me..as well as the sport! If you're 'bassed-out', how about Triggers for a change ?? On light tackle, they out-bream the bream for fight. I was out trialing my new bait tank [ prepared ready for new boat [ soon !]] on Tues. It worked well but , as you noted, the bass were thin on the ground [ I think Adam and Tom got them all !], so I went and had an hour [at not the best time] and found two, lost a few before weather blew up against the tide. Good looking boat with smiling skipper and no whiffs downwind !! Alun.
  20. ........then the next step is to connect the wire on the downrigger to a battery, via a milliameter and adjust current ........ apparently the charge adds extra attraction; I may be guessing.. but the figure of 7 m.amps pops into brain cells from last year's trip. Not sure if bass redpond like salmon might ?? Alun.
  21. Yes ...... well done Paul !! ........... you did look well pleased with yourself. Don't feel you have to rush to finish eating the rest...... keep it in the fridge and wait [ several days], it may well surprise you how much better it could be !! I'm collecting more evidence.......... before posting my latest culinary exploits. Alun. [ Gastronaut ]. .......could be name of new boat.
  22. Paul beat me at the bass fishing today....... I could only manage one 4 lber. .... but ........ I did show him how to get a trigger or two...... ...... not so big today ............ two of them together weighed 4 --4 ..... but there was a big one that got away !! I was caught with my trousers down [ so to speak ] , having a pee..... , screaming bite......... hook - up, big , thumping fish , staying deep ............ but had had tiime to dive into the rocks..... where it wedged itself [ with the trigger !!], and was immoveable ...... even when left 30 mins. + other winkling tricks .... but they don't work on triggers. By lunch ..... the wind was fresh .....against the tide..... and looking to be going downhill fast Thanks, Paul, for the offer of a nice bream...... but I did have a few.....and it looks like you can use the livebait tank as keepnet also........ to select supper !! ..... and put a few back [ recovered !]. Alun. PS >>>>>>>>>> looks like tomorrow's plans are scuppered by weather !!
  23. Just back from travels.....and planning to be out tomorrow [early] Gordon, I'll give you a call to see where we both end out / start from ?? I want to try out my new bait tank and see if the effort is worth it! I hope to repeat again on Weds. as well. Alun.
  24. Paul. I have plenty of frozen , whole mackeral if you want a bagful ?? Not too far out of your way . Alun.
  25. alun j.

    Blonde Joke

    This one is true........ One of my [ blonde ] students has a part time job in local shop....... ......customer comes in and asks for 30 cigs. 'Oh !' , she says....'We don't do those! We only sell 10s or 20' !!
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