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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Anyone want to go out Mon.?........ looks like gentle N.W to W. breeze. Biggish tide and probable swells ; would the Swash be a possibility for plaice ....... or inside the harbour? Failing other offers, I'll try the flooding tide at Mudeford [bass ??] if the Ledge is too heavie-ho !! I'll have to get out as soon as wind drops. Adam........ are you looking at next weekend 8 / 9 th. or the following one, which is Easter [ bet they haven't got a clue for weather in two weeks ahead!]. Alun.
  2. .......but.........a hint it may turn to the north and calm down in the week after !!; even if it does turn a bit colder again !!! Can you believe anything beyond 3 days?? Well, Terry, Paul and me will be having our fingers crossed. Two advantages could be : 1 . more fish there with undisturbed feeding during rough weather. 2 . warmer wind causing waves and more mixing probably warms the water faster than Spring sunshine [ followed by chilly nights] Alun.
  3. Ditto.......... ...... some of those 'fish' - echo s are far from fish ! lobster pots throw up big, big 'fish' symbols...... .......seaweed can be good as well......... when I last fished the 'blocks' out of Portsmouth....... every drift showed 'fish' behind the lumps on the bottom, ... mais non !!........... weed !! ............. but don't you just love these cocky fellas ??? Alun.
  4. It can work! Paypal is owned / operated by ebay.......... and they do work with credit card companies. Last year I Paypal..ed for a couple of reels from the US.......... and they never arrived; the seller emailed me copies of his posting and customs forms and I forwarded them to my credit card. I received an instant refund on my credit account......... but a week later got rude emails from seller because Paypal had taken the money off him !! .. he was right shitty with me !! Five months later the reels were returned to him ......... so a fault in the post somewhere . As a gesture of goodwill, I shared the post costs with seller and harmony was restored. This has been the only hiccup in my ebay experience....... but was glad I used my credit card, with their 'built - in' insurance
  5. Duncan, TLD 15 is similar in size to Abu 7000 but a bit meatier. Alun.
  6. As a change from Abu reels....... I have a brand new Shimano Lever Drag TLD 15 for sale; in its box with lube, papers etc.
  7. Sounds like a loving family......??
  8. Are we going fishing ?? ........... ........or a binge cruise !! ? Sorry lads...........I suppose you'll have have travelled a fair distance ! Let's hope for a good day ........ so it all stays down. Alun.
  9. Can I join you ?? Alun.
  10. Sam, Would that be year 12 or 13 ?? After Year 12 summer ...into 13 shouldn't be more than the usual 6 weeks !! After AS exams, don't you go back to start A2 courses ?? Work .. v. fishing .?.........a battle never won ! Alun. [ Sir. !!!]
  11. alun j.


    Allan......... Apologies for spelling [ just followed Martin's post ]. I , too, get alternative spellings !! Alun.
  12. alun j.


    Hi Alan, I fish out of Mudeford pretty regularly [ as weather allows] ; I'm one of the tiddlers [ boat -wise] in my little Orkney 4 40, but get plenty of fish in the Ledge area. I know your boat well and have often seen it out , about and whizzing past me. I look forward to meeting there , or at club meetings. If ever you are looking for crew......... I'm available weekends and school hols . [until I escpe / retire ...... over next few years hopefully]. Alun.
  13. I'd be keen to go if it fitted in with school holidays....... ..... otherwise I'll have to wait a few years for retirement [ now it looks impossible this year ......... sob, sob !]. Alun
  14. Anyone want crew for this weekend ......... ....... or the next ?? Alun.
  15. Thanks Tom, Isn't that 'Mothers Day' ?? Lots of ........understanding partners then ? Alun.
  16. With the postponement of the Burnham trip to the distant future, next action probably focuses on Shambles / Weymouth. My fishing mate in Weymouth is out of action [ small babies / broken boat / little time ] My boat is too small for all but the calmest of days......... SO.......... If anyone fancies a trip and needs crew [ I'll get the bait and share costs], then give me a call / PM. Any weekend day or any date in first two weeks of April [ hols.] will be poss. Fingers crossed for a plaice '/ turbot / brill. Alun.
  17. Kam, It's the trailer for the lifeboat rib. ......Burnham style...... they use a tractor. Alun.
  18. Hi Paul, I also ventured to Mudeford for stroll about 2.30.......... not even LW but no water out in the bay , just little breaking waves all over the shallow water !! No channel and two of the three yellow bouys were high and dry, the furthest one rolling in the waves. Interesting to see the patches of gravel , where all the sand has been washed away, and shallow lines of banks , where sand has accumulated. The big tides later this week will reveal more at LW ......... I'll pop down after work for a look. The wind chill today would have been very uncomfortable ; bearable when there are prospects of fish....... but at the moment hardly worth the effort. Hope we get the re-schedule for Burnham soon to end the fish-fast! Alun. PS. Have fun with bends and splices using your new rope .
  19. ........complete with lugworms.....?? Poole or Christchurch.........anyone really going out... and wants to convert lug into flatties ?? Give me a call [ not too late ] on 481556. Cheers, Alun.
  20. Paul...... I could join you if you can think where we could use some lug to tempt a plaice . Alun.
  21. Hi Adam, Message received ! Thank You......... for organising....... not just all the prep., the contacts, enthusiasm and urging others to join in......... but also for the difficult bit.... the decision - making [ you have an 'old head ' on those young shoulders of yours ]. Very difficult..........I've just seen the local news...... saying light easterly winds; websites give 11 - 15 mph south - easterly........ which, being offshore in Burnham would have led a non-local like me to think a good day could be had ??? I suppose it depends how far out you go ........ does it make much difference; is inshore 'rubbish' there ?? Was it the Burnham guys that postponed?? NOW>>>>>>>> What do I do with the bucketful of nice big lug I dug this afternoon [ missing the rugby !!] ??? No Mike......... I'm not going to cook them up! Simon ............ are you serious ?? Do you want to drown some lugworms ?? Alun. [ just a little disappointed].
  22. Happy Birthday Dean........I'm sure you'll celebrate in style. Hope you recover to enjoy Sunday's trip to Burnham! See you there.......to christen your new reel. Cheers, Alun.
  23. I have a new Abu 7000 [
  24. Brand new ....
  25. All confused temp. - wise ............. but seem to concur on Southerly wind; that should be more comfy ?? ; offshore ?? Hope it doesn't all change over next few days. Alun.
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