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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Envious........or not ?? Walking along Southbourne prom. in the 'warm' sunshine, not a breath of wind and , looking out over a flat calm sea ............ wished I was out there rather than doing familial duties !!! But..... there were no boats [ in my field of view ] so consoled myself with thoughts of nothing much to catch ! .................. and , Paul, you 've rather confirmed that ................... but I still would have rather been out there on such a nice day. Do you too have this fishing disease / social affliction......... to add to that signature one of us uses...... a bad days fishing [ in nice weather] ...is better than ... [ most other things !!] Half term break coming this week and weather rapidly turns downhill ; can I manage a trip in the harbour.........any flounders left ?? Can Rich save me ?? ...... with a Sat. trip on the river ? [ few reports of Friday's trip .. yet]. Did Pinafore get out today ?? Sorry I couldn't join you Stuart. Thankfully, a well stocked freezer can supply the kitchen, but it's amazing how fast it goes down when not being supplemented with ' fresh caught '. Stop garbling Alun !!
  2. just like shore crabs are.......! Who wants a recipe for 'shore crab bisque' ??
  3. Charlie, Have you contacted Brian Thorp and confirmed Sunday.?? I phoned him yesterday to confirm Tues. course and , as of then, No one else had and he was thinking nobody wanted to do it ! Since...... I heard from James he can't ...... so I'm waiting to hear if it's still a goer. Alun.
  4. Hi Simon ......... and welcome to the club ...... the top place for friendly, informed advice and help on just about any topic. Being a member over the past year and a bit has broadened and informed my fishing hugely. I'm a regular fishing out of Mudeford in my little Orkney 4 40 ......... and would have been out last weekend if not for some family commitments.......so missed the action........gulp ! I try to get out most weekends [ when there are fish to catch ....... so Feb. / March is missable!] If you need crew or want to buddy up for an inshore trip........ post here. Cheers, Alun.
  5. Hi Adam, Well done on your trip, productive catching and supportive role in the 'Drama' you described !! I had planned to go out Sat. ..... but with an ill daughter and stressed other half, decided to gain [ rather than lose ] favour. Whilst out, I popped down to Mudeford, late lunchtime, and it looked ideal, with a light offshore N E just riffling the water. Sunday, I had a family 'do' in Dorking ; there seemed hardly a breath of wind before I left [ and all day]....... so I was amazed to read your report on the waves. Where do you think that swell could have come from ?? Sometimes a spring tide does it, causing swell on flat seas.......... but last weekend was neaps ! The wind was light , and had been for days. My only thought is Tsunami - related ; could a storm , or other upset, hundreds/ thousands of miles away have rippled our way days / weeks later???? When you came in [ I presume the tide was ebbing] , which route did you follow ? Was it close to the three yellow buoys and then close to the quay into the Run ?? Glad you got in safe and sound ........ and obviously concerned over my next trip out .......... [ over half term week ] . Alun.
  6. Hi Charlie, I love Abu reels and have several 'spare' reels. Most are brand new but I've also got a few secondhand / reconditioned ones. Have a look around in the shops [ as Adam has said ( good advice !) ] and see what you like. I have reels in 5000 size ...... for the light tackle [ in the harbour / spinning / feathers etc.] ...... where others might use a fixed spool . ....... 6000 size ........ for tackle up to 6 - 8 oz. / inshore .... and 7000 size .... the classic boat reel that will handle most of what's round here and using up to a pound or so of lead. For dedicated conger hauling { not me !!} , big tides , wrecks etc ... those bigger Shimano reels like the TLD 20 or 25 are a good investment. If you like the look of the Abus [ but not the shop prices ], I'll bring a few to a club meeting and offer you a good price. Alun.
  7. Well done Paul, You sound well-chuffed! Do you want some recipes for thornback ....... or did you put it back for me ?? I was planning to go out today.......... and was packing the boat at 7.30 ...... when my daughter turns out to be quiet unwell........ it would have been too selfish to have left mum to cope alone !! ... so banked a few b. points for another [ better fishing] day. Can't do tomorrow with family function on ......... so hope a few fish will still be around for half-term. Tight lines, Alun.
  8. ......... and me. No cod / codling discards on my boat ! Alun.
  9. Have a good day........try to keep warm !! Many Happy Returns, Cheers, Alun.
  10. Rich, Just say which Sat. ...... and I'll be there. I'm also able to do a mid-week day [ 13 - 17 Feb.] during half term. Cheers, Alun.
  11. Belated best wishes......for yesterday. Us 'over - 50 s' can be a bit slow at times .. I'll be at the meeting tonight and will put another birthday drink in your hand ! Hope you had a good day, Alun.
  12. Saturday for me ; forecast looks a lot better than last sat. The usual question this time of year...... first light is just before LW., do I creep out on the last of the ebb and try to avoid grounding? ..... or wait for some of the flood and probably miss the best bit of fishing ?? Paul........ what will you do with that nice new , shiny motor and smooth prop ?? I'm guessing you'll go later and not risk the 'dinks' of hitting gravel in 0.6m. of water. Sinbad plans to go Fri. ...... perhaps we'll amend plans after his reccey?? Alun.
  13. I'd like to join in as well. Do you think my little boat is too small to take up there ? It's a bit cramped and slow with two on board [ and no radio ]. I'll be happy to crew on another boat ........ if they don't mind me catching the bigger fish !! [joke !] [ I seem to do alright with rays ]. March is a good time to fish somewhere else!! Alun.
  14. Paul, Are there any flounders in the harbour, or is the water too sweet? The ones in Poole go quite a way up the Wareham river.... but I suppose it is still saltier than Christchurch. What about down in the bottom corner, near The Hut and the landing stage for the ferries.......... plenty of crabs there so should be some flatties. Alun.
  15. Well, the plan was to fish the ebb on X-ray with the wind and ebb running the same way. The forecast was 'Fresh', but with NE being offshore, I wasn't too bothered, thinking there'd be little fetch out there . WRONG !! Slid out at 9.30 , on the first of the ebb ........ but again , little water on the Bar, and , worryingly, breaking waves.......... but no probs getting out. When you are motoring at 15 - 20 mph. that following wind ' vanishes' and you think all is pleasant........... until you stop or change direction !! Put the anchor out with lots of spare warp to cope with the bumps...... and felt that cutting wind on the face.......... so up with the dodger [ my temporary cuddy ].. that's better............ but we are bouncing about a bit ! Sea temp .... 5 C ; air temp .. slowly rising from -0.5 ; squid still hard, even thouigh it's been out of the freezer since yesterday afternoon. Behind the dodger, with lots of layers on, not aware of the wind freshening past moderate to strong........... until the waves and swell are making the doggy hauling too uncomfortable to keep a foothold !! At this point I notice another, even smaller boat [ an open aluminium 14 footer ] , slowly pitching it's way back in from further out. With no sign of any whiting, time to put comfort and safety first......... so up and inshore under a bit of lee from Hengist. Head........... but still pretty bumpy, with a bit more East in the wind. Slow ol' afternoon; pout of varying size; then one good bite that 'went'.... and into something better. Unusual fight; could this be a smallish cod ?? No! , a good size ray....... Thanks to Adam's pointers, I spot this to be a Small Eyed. Weighed back ashore [ far too bumpy out there ] ... 10 lbs. 13 oz. some consolation for a tough day. Left it as late as poss to run the gauntlet and get back up the Run [ half flood and just 0.6 m. over the bar near that middle buoy !!]. Met up with the guys in the ally boat; coming in just in front of me, they missed the second buoy and ended up on the Bar. What fun this winter fishing is. I'm looking forward to when I can pick and choose my day, rather than being tied to weekends. Weds this coming week looks as though it will be much more comfortable [ for the leisured classes !!] So it was squid for supper tonight ........ and skate / ray tomorrow and mon. Bon appetit !!, Alun.
  16. ..... and cold !!! BUT....... noth-east and an ebb tide could be not too uncomfortable if you don't go so far out. Got my thoughts on trip to X-ray area........ to see if it still fishes on the ebb for whiting [ and another cod ??]. Don't think the whiting will be around much longer......... the ones I caught last weekend [ 3 lb. ers] had good size roe inside them,. wonder when they spawn? Alun.
  17. alun j.

    Near Miss.

    Jack.......... I don't know how much you saw........... but hauling it wasn't !! My anchor is only 2 Kg. + about 3 K of chain. and about 50 m of warp. To retrieve, I simply slip engine into dead slow ahead and pull in the slack created in the rope..... slow but easy. When on top of the anchor, it comes straight up with far fewer trips of the two little cable ties I use. When I move up to that elusive bigger boat, I 'll get to grips with the buoy and ring method evertyone else uses so proficiently ............. I liked the little tip from Paul D. ........about feeling the buoy reaching the chain from the vibrations in the rope. Alun.
  18. my hypothesis adds in the seasonal variation....... walking along Southbourne beach last Sun., I saw the level of the beach and the markers being used to restore sand levels back near the top of the prom. There's been a huge loss of sand from the beaches, hence the dredgers and pumps. I noticed that there was a similar loss of sand off the Bar, down to hard , compact gravel. At low water this means the river water just spills in all directions, ie. a large area of shallows with no pronounce channel. Even without the long-term pattern of sand removal by currents, there is a seasonal pattern caused by the different wave energies of Summer / Winter; the smaller 'Summer waves' are constructive and push sand up onto the beaches [ winter ones are destructive]. With more sand on the Bar, the water is held back more in the Run, which then cuts through making a channel ; faster but deeper water. Alun
  19. Hi Jack, Yes , that was me , out in my little 4 40 [metres] Orkney. The other boat, a charter ?? I presume, called Fair Lady, sidled up to me about an hour earlier , and stayed when they saw my cod, as they had only got doggies where they had been, further out. Fishimg went quiet where I had been, on the other side of them, so I moved closer to the Clan, where you saw me. You must have been almost on top of bits of the wreck?? No anchor problems ?? I was just coming over for a chat [ I have no radio yet ] and show you a cod [ in case you had forgotten what a fresh one looks like ] but you'd up and left before I got my anchor in ! Do you always move about so much ??? Nice boat to travel on.... but you can only catch if you've got a line out [ in this part of the world they don't jump in the boat like that video clip from somewhere tropical !] I'm also getting keen on using berley... and bringing fish closer. Cod for dinner last night was superb.......... and more left in the fridge!! Alun.
  20. Got out as early as I could........ but it was still after 8 before I was afloat at Mudeford....... and only just before LW. Plenty of water inside the harbour but the Run looked iffy from the quay, the swells were making breakers with no apparant way through !! Sliding out with wind and tide behind all was smooth until the hard bottom comes up quickly near the middle yellow buoy......... 0.5 m and even my little tiddler touched bottom between the waves !! A deft bit of power tilt , right up as th waves pushed the transom down, then down with the engine and a bit of power till the next wave breaks ... gulp !!.. about six goes got me through , and no damage. Around the Head and surprisingly choppy with a fresh westerly and those swells in the last of the ebb..............so change of plan...... to X-ray area.......an hour of dogs, more dogs and a few pout. Starting to calm, so up anchor and back to plan A .... edge of Dolphin Sands. All quiet for half hour..... so try the cup of coffee and something to eat trick !! Bingo!!........ cracking bite on light uptider and into something fighting well , and all the way up to the net, a nice fat little COD !!, 8 lb. 7oz. and jumping about like a bass ! Back into the sme spot and next cast a good whiting over 2 lbs. and then another! ................. and then ........ nothing and not much else , save a few doggies for the rest of the day !! I'm sure it had nothing to do with 'Pal 'o Mine' turning up and fishing close by !! No Jack...... just too late for the brief action !! Did you get any where you were , further east ?? Lovely afternoon and smooth ride back in...... but those breakers were still crashing on the Bar...... even close to HW. ! Be Careful..... those of you going out in the morning.... BEWARE THE BAR..... VERY SHALLOW>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVERYWHERE. Tight lines, Alun.
  21. Last minute change of plan.......... .........am now out Sat. Will post if whiting are still about . Tight lines to Sun. fishers, hope the Easterly is not too cold for you. Alun.
  22. Never mind Paul, You often save your best days catching......for this crew member! Perhaps you moved about too much...... find a good spot and bring the flatties to you. Quick change of plan with FPO............ am now out tomorrow, so will post if whiting are still about....... ....... need something for dinner guests; suspect squid will be the starter !! Tight lines, Alun.
  23. Don't you just love those forecasters ?? It seems the more you have....... then the more 'versions' you have to choose from. This coming weekend......... which day will be better?? Sunday's forecast keeps changing....... esp. wind direction At the moment...... I like Metcheck's light southerly much better than BBC's slightly fresher northeasterly. See you out there............ whichever way its blowing.......... as we all desperately go for a last cod of the winter ?? Anyone prepared to guess how long the whiting might be about?? I don't think I got any after Jan. last year. Alun.
  24. Hope you are out enjoying a good day........... Best wishes for this one ............. and many more. Cheers, Alun.
  25. Me too !! Not sure which of the two days.........forecast varies but Sunday might be calmer? In the absence of any other offers, I expect I'll slip out of Mudeford and try for whiting and cod [ho ho !!] somewhere out beyond X - ray if it's flat. Down to my last box or two of squid and last few mackeral in the freezer . Tight lines, Alun.
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