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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Ohgreatone

  1. Happy birthday Dave. Have a great trip to Norway, I'm not jealous.....🤢
  2. Like Jim too busy, shame as it seems ideal conditions, if you know where the fish are!!!
  3. We've got a duracell linked to our solar panels, had it for about 3 years, only issue is it does have a noisy fan.
  4. They'll never forget that, what fish on such light gear!
  5. I can guarantee that it's your flux capacitor
  6. Well I tried😂
  7. What species do you categorise as flatfish, is it a visit to the shambles?
  8. Where did you get them Rob, I'm out on Wednesday? Great fish, the young'ns will remember them.
  9. They stopped me last year and asked me about minimum sizes for bass and plaice! I knew the bass and guessed the plaice, almost got it right, luckily the ones we had were well over.
  10. Firstly a very big thank you to Martin, a very enjoyable day good company, coffee good fishing, I and learnt a lot, particularly impressed at the end of the day with Martin berthing Madness without using the helm. Oh yes and there was some fishing earlier, I had two big bight offs, not sure if they were makos or porbeagles heavily disguised as tope, however started well with mackerel in the harbour and managed some plaice and and an lsd and then it fell away, so a total of 3. Great fun I want to do it again next week 😀
  11. Species comp, nice feisty undulate caught by Martin on a pennel rig note the bloodied finger, but apparently it was only a little prick.
  12. That would be great thanks, I'll pm you
  13. Now that the date has changed I can make the 25th, being a bit of a novice I would welcome someone to crew or skipper.
  14. Absolutely none whatsoever.
  15. Ohgreatone

    Sea shanty

    Excellent, so what do you do in your spare time?
  16. That must have been tricky in a kayak Respect!
  17. No chance some things are sacrosanct! Thanks
  18. Cape Verde is quite cheap, but that's because it's not very touristy compared to places like the Baleirics. It's great if all you want to do is sit by the pool everyday, it's also mainly all inclusive so that's OK, but not much else to do. Generally the charter fishing is quite good, there's a lot of big tuna there as well. IIRC Boa Vista is the best place for fishing charters.
  19. Don't we all😜
  20. That's a major win! Well done, I'm assuming it wasn't a fishing prize, your user name gives it away.🙈
  21. And I doubt if any of our members will be.
  22. Happy birthday Brian have a good'un
  23. Why did you choose a Z drive rather than shaft
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