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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by duncan

  1. alternatively it could suggest the kayak members should head off with them!
  2. sudden rash of shark'itus.... I've commented on the other thread ('cos I got there first) but will restate here I have no reason to believe that braid v mono is a huge issue with sharks, other than the well made point by niggle that braid and a stand up rod will be more dynamic and tiring to the angler feels good for the first few minutes though! after that it's the other practicalities people have raised in a slightly skewed twist to normal - lighter isn't necessarily more sporting - but it's hard to know what you are going to hook into as has recently been illustrated (bit of a gap between a 250 and a 450 fish)
  3. glad you like it Adam - they are true 'ships'. at one point I had a plan involving a 47 , but right now I'll settle for Phaeton's tender!
  4. Botnia Targa 31 - I'm assuming I get given the boat but have to run it ... otherwise it would be a Nordhavn 86 (with a botnia targa 31 on the stern with one of Martins' next to it.
  5. continuing a theme Phaeton's not going to be going - not the boat's fault. hoping for family use in July August then some fishing trips in Sept I will be better organized for next year (or I'll get rid of the boat...)
  6. yep - real bu**er when other people turn up to fish your wreck.....
  7. well secret at least...........
  8. duncan

    Which Florocarbon

    different ones for different reasons - generally for bass it's about soft and clear - another vote for vanish 17lb dragging the banks for flats I use a hard one in 40lb, but I am afraid I don't know the make. it's never failed me. whilst it may seem overkill, especially with 14 and 20lb mainline, using J hooks exposes the hook length on long tussles as well as the potential abrasion issues.
  9. leaves - "why don't I buy you dinner in Alderney tonight rather than back to Poole?" but you get the drift
  10. the best plan is to turn it into a question, or soft challenge ie the weather's great why don't we head into Alderney (or Cherbourg which is only an hour from the Rips and is all pontoons ) instead of back to Poole and out again tomorrow? don't forget passports
  11. I'm really glad for you all................
  12. one the one hand the wedding (no 2 son) that's been dominating things for the last 6 months is now over (although I have about 1000 images to sort out...) - but on the other I won't have Phaeton ready. So I'm out this time round (again). still hopeful I can get back to normal for Weymouth - and start to join in all round. this should ensure that the fishing and weather is great (again) for everyone else
  13. a lot will depend on the carrier nowadays... having to pay the VAT at the post box is the cheapest version - if it's UPS you can expect a handling charge closer to
  14. so I am sitting in the cabin of Terry's boat with a soldering iron and his 'phone goes - "you'll never guess - that so and so that went down today just got a 5lb brill first drift............" needless to say it made me really appreciate the tasks ahead
  15. I'm sure you will have a great time Nige Just heading back to Terry's boat now to tidy up around some NMEA stuff - trying to optimise the use of of available interface ports when a failed cable looses you 3 out of 5 is great fun! He's certainly looking forward to it all - think of me anti-fouling mine while you are fishing 25 miles down the coast
  16. another thanks to the skips for their reports - make excellent enjoyable and informative reading. sorry to hear about the treble incident Craig - glad it all got sorted. the fuel consumption sounds really good news, and must to some degree reflect the good sea conditions you enjoyed. looking back this would appear to be the first time Phaeton wasn't there when 2 or more club boats made the trip; definitely a bad one to miss by all accounts. thanks again all for taking the time to post
  17. getting the impression they just went to the fishmongers........
  18. I would start with the question of how it's getting there in volume condensation and poor fuel supplies can account for a small quantity but I get the impression you have a recurrent significant quantity?
  19. yes - subject to crew.
  20. at the risk of inflaming the situation... totally agree with your first point yes re 114, but " Do we really want a loophole which would effectively mean any MCZ is put where it is least effective ?" is a bit of a jump! Logic fails I am afraid. On balance what is really needed is both a better (wider) balance on 114 activities and a breakdown of these activities. The problem here is that the commercial sector wouldn't react well to other parties (RSA) arguing against trawling but for line fishing - despite the increasing acceptance that these have very different impacts on both stocks and habitat.Personally I think DWT are both well meaning and balanced but there exists an all or nothing element in the wider picture.
  21. as ever, stay flexible accurate forecasts, detailed catch reports and tide tables all too easily give an illusion of a solid framework against which to plan in meticulous detail... I'm sure that the window will deliver great opportunity - go out and enjoy
  22. I concur; this would be my starting point (and I have had 2 fail) - but am worried about the deck wash factor indicating a wider issue...
  23. in the absence of Hercule Poirot............ lets start with a few basic questions - how are your batteries wired? battery switches? charging specials? anything else related to these... the deck-wash may, or may not be a complete red herring - general principle on a boat is to assume it's related (because otherwise you get into the habit of ignoring little things when they were your warning bells) but I struggle to relate a lack of power in the circuits with the capability to blow a 15A fuse. Thinking laterally you could have had a short in the deck-wash motor such that it was permanently on and drawing all the current - then something changed, it blew the fuse and the rest of the circuit suddenly had power available again - type thing! lets start with the above questions first.
  24. 1.) JV - Adam and Alun, space for 1 more 2.) Quest II - Tom, Chris and Pete 3.) Abode keen May need crew ? 4.) Wight Magic - Dave , Dean and Gordon 5.] Alfresco Charlie, Dan, Will plus Stuart [if he can get time off] I just can't see it happening for Phaeton at that time
  25. well I was down to play in a golf match...but I guess I can do that another time - 1.) JV - Adam and Alun, space for 1 more 2.) Quest II - Tom, Chris and Pete 3.) Abode keen May need crew ? 4.) Phaeton - Duncan
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