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Maverick Martin

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Maverick Martin last won the day on February 19

Maverick Martin had the most liked content!


About Maverick Martin

  • Birthday 02/01/1956

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  • MSN

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  • Interests
    Fishing, boating, socialising and family
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  1. Oh how we do love a volunteer 🙂
  2. Thanks Jerry, in the diary, I'll try to enter
  3. Remember guys only likes count for judging not smiles or other buttons
  4. Ah just checked the Wessex AT specimen sizes which states the same as us ie Spurdog 16lb I gave up with the AT main site as trying to find anything is a nightmare. Wessex area D is what our specimen sizes are based on but may not be exactly the same as ours
  5. Thinking back a few years ago we did deviate from some AT specimen sizes for certain species. Not sure if spurdog was one of them. We did approach AT for them to to change theirs. The thinking at the time was that certain species were fairly easy to achieve 100% when really a 100% fish should be s special achievement rather than a regular occurrence. Not sure how we can check these amendments without going through years of minutes.
  6. 8kg is actually 17.6lb 8X2.2
  7. Hi Charlie I would have loved to have joined you however it is a very busy weekend for our family so unfortunately must pass this opportunity. Such a shame as I have never fished on the good ship Alfresco
  8. Colin That's pretty nice thoughtful words for a farmer and the picture is not bad either Well done Jackie
  9. Thanks for the invite Chris. It was a day full of banter with the odd fish thrown in, it certainly blew away the cobwebs. Like you Mal at the end of the day I was totally wasted. Enjoyable day with great friends, that's why we do it.
  10. 2nd vote for Karl he's very knowledgeable and a nice guy with it.
  11. Busy weekend for me so not out to play 😭
  12. Come and join in your clubs BBQ Food and soft drinks supplied. Free to members just bring along your tipple
  13. Well Done Bobi and those that found a flat thing
  14. They are yours Colin, I cant make the next meeting but will be ok for March or you or Frank can call by my place to collect
  15. I have 2 gunnel rod holders for a donation to the club
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