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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Shropfisher

  1. Thanks guys, when we do move ( another viewing today ) I plan on using Cobbs, I can store the boat at my daughters in Hamworthy, so it looks like launching at Cobbs for the odd trip out when I bring her down. Had a look at the dry stack system, like it !! but haveing put 6 weeks into removing the old Antifoul and putting on Coppercoat, I'd better make the most of it and use the mooring. Thanks for the details on storage Dave, my Caravan is parked next to your Warrior.
  2. Ok so the move south is taking longer than planned, and I have tinkered around for weeks on the boat while on my drive, so the plan now is to bring her down to Poole and just Launch and Retrieve till I'm moved down. I know Baiter park is
  3. Saturday morning I got up early, put on my long-johns, dressed quietly, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, slipped quietly into the garage, hooked the boat up to the trailer and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. There was snow mixed with the rain and the wind was blowing 50 mph. I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad throughout the entire day. I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. There I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible." She sleepily replied, "Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that s**t."
  4. Shropfisher


    When I was on board British SSN's we used tinned copper with low toxicity insulation. Chances are it was our cable, Qualified to either Mil stand or Def standards, as a result of the Faulklands war all our ships were refitted with Zero Halogen, Low smoke, Thin wall self extinguishing cable, the rest of europe still uses commercial bare copper, but zero halogen, for those not aware, we lost more service men due to poisens and smoke from burning cable on board ships than any other method. Never again. If there is quatermaster or similar in the club I will order samples of heat shrink, crimps and what ever else I can ( got to be some perks ). Please send PM or e-mail details and I will see what I can do, can't promise much on the cable as we only make to order and there are so many variations.
  5. Shropfisher


    I've heard many people refer to Marine grade cable, sorry guys, no such thing, if your being sold Marine cable at a premium, then your being robbed, I sell cable to the Naval shipyards around the world for Frigates submarines and A/C, as well as large commercial ships like super yachts, cruise liners, commercial yards use the cheapest shit that carries a DNV approval, Basically bare cat 2 copper, with a thick insulation on to keep the oil etc out. I am selling Tinned copper into Military ships, and for a while into commercial ships, but we are taking cost out by not tinning, no one else does. The trick to keeping your cables clean and healthy is sealing the joints, heat shrink, shrink boots, gels etc. The prime requirement for marine cable is Halogen free and self extinguishing, we sell cross linked cable, so that if it does overheat the insulation does not drip off the conductor. If you saw the cruise liner in Souhthampton the other week, big Bxxxer, Built in Finland, we supplied the cable for the bridge, 20 km of the stuff. another nurdy bit of data, she has over 1 million metres of signal cables on board ( thats below 4smm copper section ) cost $1 billion to build, and is already outclassed, two more in production are 5 & 10% bigger.
  6. Well I'm chuffed, I downloaded a chart showing Knotes x MPH x Force, and it was the wrong way round, so it means I'm going faster !!
  7. Great, just what I was hoping to hear, I take these customers out some were every year, and if it goes bad I get a lot of stick. I'll put in a report after the trip.
  8. Just booking a corporate day out on Silverspray, Andy Cumming skipper, he sounds good, and his boat is similar to ones we have used before so not expecting any problems there, any one with more background on Andy, Trip is planned for 5th June out of Poole.
  9. I found a great groundbait for Bream ( works in Wales anyway ) is boiled rice ( the cheapest you can get ) mixed with a couple of blitzed macky, cost 50 pence for enough rice to go all season, macky free.. I put the mix in a weighted Stainless steel Ikea cutely container (
  10. Shropfisher


    Unlikly to make the AGM ( close to 600 mile round trip ) so will post off form and cheque next week when back home.
  11. Shropfisher


    I still have not moved down yet, ( can't take much longer, can it ) But I am thinking that you will want some more money of me soon ! Do you send out PM reminders of membership ?
  12. Thanks Guys, Great info, When I say I don't do Tope, I have in the past,charter boats out of most ports around the UK, everything from Plaice to 3lb of lead in 400foot of water, Now I go as light as I can, Started with the Fly fishing, once I mastered catching them I moved lighter and lighter, lightest set up so far was 2 weight rod, 6lb leader, and a very fit 15lb Rainbow caught on a size 12 buzzer. I'll work on your ideas thanks.
  13. Thanks Guys, just the answer I needed, I like the simple life, and as I usually have Wife, Daughters etc on board, The Shrimp rigs are easy and I get to spend time with a rod in my hand. Loooking forward to the move.
  14. Shropfisher

    Boat Rigs

    While I'm waiting for the house to sell I figured I have time to tie some rigs, ready for when I do get the boat down to Poole, in Conwy I can fish with Shrimp rigs all year, with or without bait is my only question, Since I don't go chasing Tope or Ling nothing heavy needed, can any one advise a hand full of setups that will cover the year, Bream rigs no problem, we don't have Bream up here. But as to the rest ????
  15. I visited the Holyhead Coast guard station last summer, got the sixpenny tour etc, and was made welcome, they said they want people to call in and log their day, as I was in the main radio . observation room, a ship did just that, they entered the details on their computor and then asked my boat name, then they showed me how many ships / boat etc they recieved calls from called ISIS, loads of them, they can look back at any entry. Is the Poole CG so differrant that they don't want the travel log ?
  16. Not an easy answer, my current boat falls into the option 2, as I wanted to Trail, but in reality I don't any more, so I weeould go for the extra size and moore, 7 metres is a large boat to tow, but it is the launching etc that gets harder, bigger boats become a two man job, plus at 7 metres you would be looking at an inboard engine so trailing is out realy. For me option 1
  17. Shropfisher

    G.p.s. Queery

    The GPS Signal comes from American military satalites ( we will have our own soon ) They used to scramble the signal on a regulare basis, apparently to confuse terrorists, but they no longer do this, I guess they found it screwed them up more than any one else. Not a difficult task.
  18. You could always try the method used by the captain of the largest cruise ship in the world, at a cost of
  19. Shropfisher


    I have to lift my boat out of Conwy marina in a few weeks and untill we move down to Poole I am going to have to store either the boat and or my caravan down in dorset. Can any one reccomend some storage area's, from my first look around, caravans are cheaper to store, don't know why but some places up here charge more for boats.
  20. Sorry guys but I disagree, I bought my boat at the London show 2 years ago ( and I did not spend millions ), and there was lots of choose, yes it covers a smaller space so fewer will attend, but I am told the biggies have been restricted on stand space to allow for more affordable stands. Last year there was the Jennies, QS, Ocq plus others I can't recall, so still a good day, if any one is going on Thursday, I will be in the Holiday Inn express on Wed night and will stand a beer to anyone saying Hi.
  21. Before plunging into a sale, check out the Oquteau range as well, I have the 615, with 90 O/B, at 20 foot you can still tow with a family car and launch were you want, I used to launch out of Pwhelli, but the drive was close to 3 hours so I put her in Conwy, as soon as we sell up here I'll be in Cobbs or similar, But I am surrounded by Jennies at Conwy ( main dealer in Marina ) so I get to compare, and there is a QS 580 next to me at my berth, would I do a free swap ? No ! as Tom said, the Patio doors are great for visability, and light, deck space for 4 to fish, selve draing deck etc etc, Top speed around 28 - 30, cruise arounf 17, Fuel cons ? can't tell you only used 2 tanks all year ( well still got 3/4 of second tank )
  22. Just to add my two penneth worth to the debate on 2 v 4, ( I have the Suzi 90 4 by the way ) in a recent article in Practical boat owner ( I think ) they raced two identicle ribs around IoW, one with the Etech, the other a Suzi, both engines same size, I think 90's, from a standing start the 2 stroke was quicker but not for long, they got round in under 1 hour ( Record 29 mins ) obeying harbour laws etc, on final measurement, there was no differrance worth talking about in consumption or time, but both crews said if given the choose they would go for the 4 stroke, no logical reason, just feel and over all gut reaction. One more thought, if you had a particular make and type of motor then upgraded ( probably 5 plus years later ) you are not compareing like for like, so to say it is more econimacal than my Honda etc, is totally invalid. All modern engines are streets ahead of models going back 5 - 10 years, so remember to compare like for like, Personally I would not leave any engine 3 years without a service, I was an A/C engineer and know the value of regular checks.
  23. Brilliant, reminds me of the guy who when asked for
  24. It must be the one make I've never seen on the water, they must sell some, but just never seen one, could be just they don't have good dealership coverage, or !!
  25. Cheers guys, you can't always be sure your being spun a line, not that any one in the boat business would be less than 100% honest of course !!!
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