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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Shropfisher

  1. Since I plan to move my boat from Conwy to Poole, I will use the opportunity to service engine Clean her up etc, maybe redo the Antifoul. So my question is :- Does Anti Foul deteriate in the air ? Reason for the question is, the guy who did it last year waited till a few days before launching into marina to ensure max effect, seemed daft to me, but then it his his business.
  2. Shropfisher


    Automotove wiring is perfect but all connections 'should' be soldered as the spade type often get poor contact through salt air corrosion. For battery advice and connection I'll leave that to others, but IMO a good car type battery will serve as an outboards electrical power source. Mad Mike ( Automotove wiring is perfect but all connections 'should' be soldered as the spade type often get poor contact through salt air corrosion. ) Sorry Mike but I must disagree with the comment about soldering, I work for the company that created terminals and tags, and have worked in the Aerospace, Defence and Marine electronics Industry for 35 years, they do NOT soldor, only crimp, a soldor joint creates a weak point and a " Hinge" effect that under vibration breaks or reduces in conductivity, Also heat travels up the wire damaging the insulation and weakening the conductors, Crimp every time, It's also surprising how many people can't use a soldor iron correctly, get it wrong and the resistance in the joint is huge causing all sorts of problems. even open circuit. There's loads of crimp kits available with colour coded crimps to match the tool and wire. and there not expensive. if you match the spade joint correctly with it's correct female halve you will have no problems.
  3. Well plugged away at the ferry area for about 6 hours in total, and 2 hours at Kimerridge, but only caught at Hurst castle, a few makies and a 4ft Gar fish, all went back, still enjoyed it. shame nothing decent came along.
  4. I did come on to the 50 footer with cash in hand, but you were too busy with a couple of old dears showing them around, time wasters or what !!!!
  5. I too bought a plotter at the Show, Got the Standard Horizon 172C with Max C-Map cartridge,
  6. Practical Boat Owner have a section on the show ( Sept Issue ) and have a pucture of the open Prestige 30, shame they didn't put the hard top pukie in, Sorry Tom but untill I see the hard top the Beneteau peche -promenade 6 looks better, and only
  7. Cheers Mike, I'll give you a call next week, travelling down at the weekend, so will call when settled in.
  8. Cheers Gnasher, maybe when I get to the point that I can target bass and catch !! I will give it a go.
  9. Shropfisher


    I've found Porthcawl Insurance to be best for me, 01656 784866 apparently run by a guy from RNLI so know his stuff.
  10. I keep seeing comments about the use of Carp rods for boat / shore fishing, and I am unsure what the reason is, I use 11ft spinner rods for light fishing, Bream Macky etc, and 12lb boat rods for anything over 5 oz lead, am I missing something ? How are they spec'd etc
  11. Thanks again guys, enough there to keep me out of trouble, I'm assuming to fish the ferry area from Poole side rather than beach side across ferry. I'll let you know how I do.
  12. Thanks Guys, Tried Hurst castle in July while waiting for a charter trip, had a Garfish on a Dexter, nothing else, but it weas July, hot afternoon not late in the day. Always wondered about the area near the ferry, all that water going at a rate of knots, seemed bassy but never sure.
  13. Thanks Guysm planning on going to opening day of the show, andtaking piggy bank with me, Blue chart is exclusive to Garmin, it appeara each company has their own, and don't want to end up with a BetaMax version, Really I am looking for the one that gives most detail on the largest screen I can afford.
  14. Shropfisher

    Which Chart

    I intend to get myself a colour Plotter before moving south but I see there are several differant types of cartography, C-Map, Blue Chart etc, without looking in great detail my first thought was the Garmin Blue chart looked the better, but I;ve not been able to see both running at the same time yet, So my question is : What is the prefered chart system ?
  15. I am down in Dorset house hunting next week and looking for places I can cast a plug / spinner from with a real chance of catching, can you help, as mentioned before I am looking at the Bournmouth / Poole area, so anywere along that coast would be great,
  16. Yes please and quite happy to exchange limited quantity of cash too Mad Mike It's Yours Mike, I will be staying at Merley Court Caravan park, or we can meet up some were, let me know your Mobile number and I will call you when I'm down there.
  17. I have a Blue folding seat with Alluminium Pedastol, no damage to the seat, came with my Sea hog, but I never fitted it, Swopped boats so no longer required. I am coming down to Poole area house hunting 10th Sept till 20th Sept, and will happily give to first Club member that claims it. either Phone, 01743 340435, or send e-mail, pm. I need to clear as I'm moving after 24 years of hording.
  18. To save your wife's delicate hands How do you know ?????? but could explain the size 12 shoes I now were, she told me they were mine, well thery were in the bedroom..
  19. Cheers Martin, looks like the wife is carrying a lot of rope back from the boatshow !! well I won't want to drop the other toys I'll buy..
  20. Thanks guys your comments were in line with my thoughts, I plan on getting the Admiralty CD and paper chart for the area at the show, Codfather mentioned long Anchor warp, currently got approx 120 foot what do you recommend ? Also noted on another thread a comment on some one not showing flags ? We appear to be the only ones taking precautions at sea, it must be worse around Poole with all the gin palace's, all money and no sense, I think this is one area of life we need more regulation.
  21. I've got a 20 foot Ocquateau fitted with VHF, Fish Finder, GPS ( not a plotter ) the usual safety kit, which is fine for the Conwy area, the only traffic at sea is getting in and out of the marina, but when I get her down to Poole will I need other kit ? The Southampton boat shows coming up so planning on getting a Chart plotter, but if there is other "Stuff" that you recommend I would apreciate the advise.
  22. I've only been there this year, fished out of Pwhelli for 2 years before, but there are a lot of well named boats in Conwy, a Dentist has his Gin Palace called Drill & Fill, another large ( 38 footer ) is called in your dreams, Whiplash sounds familiar but that could be for a differant reason.......
  23. During the 15 years I was Sec to the Local Fly Fishing club, and I had one rule, If you catch more than the driver ( I always drove ) you walk home !! with your kit. One day Les was posting the catch reports a 100yards or so away from the car park (and he had outfished me, something that did not happen often I must say, ) I thought I'll bring the car over to him, you should have seen him run, he thought I was imposing rule 1...
  24. Shropfisher

    Hi Folks

    Just been told by Tom Beetle about the club, I am moving down to Poole area in next few months, So will join formally when I have my new address and look forward to meeting you all, my boat is an Ocquateau 615, so will be looking at moorings as well. currently fishing out of Conwy in North Wales.
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