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Everything posted by overdraft

  1. Paul, Try the link below,and it should give you some idea of what is around us and where we are, were 45 mins from Lisbon, the nearest town to us is Caldas de Rainha which is about 6 miles away but all one straight road. ,hope you all get out to day will read the reports later. regards kim http://community.webshots.com/album/123990041HVZpAo
  2. HI all, Well its nice to be back in the sun shine again, although just for a week for me, Deb is now out here full time and I will join here again later in the month, still loads to do to the house so have not yet had the chance to get my tackle out!!!(steady) but really do hope to this week,nice to see some cracking catches at last in the 48hr comp and good weather to boot, congrats to Paul a worthy winner for all the hard work he puts into the web site, and thanks for the offers of a trip out anytime may take you up on that sometime, well i'll keep it short for the time being, good to hear from you all, another class of vinho verde I think, cheers, Kim
  3. well this morning we went to lagoon here in Obidos, wonderful place just like Poole harbour in many ways but no nutters steamimg around at 30 knots!! no jet ski's, all very peacful, but I,ve never seen so many fishermen along such a huge beach, all wading into the huge surf, some were also spinning into the channels of the lagoon, cant wait to have ago when we get back next week, the lagoon is very shallow in some places where people can cockle and in others you could step off of the sand and into about 10 ft of water!!! which is req when it was as hot as today!! will let know of any goings on here whenever theres anything to report, tight lines to you all, Kim
  4. Hi Bob, thanks for replying at least I know im online! sorry to say I will not be here for that meeting, but will be about next sunday teatime so will try and slip into the presentation at the marina club, also look forward to sending in some catch reports!!! if I manage to catch anything!!!
  5. overdraft


    Well I hope you are rec this short broadcast from the sunny climbs of Portugal as I have only just set up my computer and internet(Ihope) we arrived on sunday to be closely followed by our belongings on monday and have had a very busy week since then, we are due back on monday for a week and then return on the 7/6/06, is there a club meeting this week? as it will be my last chance to see some of you before I move out full time,the weather here is hot but windy,because of the work load this week the rods are still packed in their travel bags!!!! but it will not be long before there are released with venim!!! all the best to you all Kim
  6. And there's me thinking I had been made first sea lord not demoted to crew!!!!!! as usual a great day out and although a little strange not to be skipper it is nice to be able to have look around while motoring along even if it is with brush in hand!!!!! he's a good cook though!!
  7. The fuel tank should be bonded down to the anodes this is to reduce the chance of a static shock which in the worse case could ignite the fuel, there should be bonding cable linking all the metal skin fittings togeather this is to give the quickest route back to the anodes. the battery neg should also be included in this circuit. If the boat is conected to shore power all the time it would be worth getting hold of a galvonic isolater this goes between the ac earth and the dc/ battery neg to block any stray currents. if all the skin fittings are of the same material eg all stainless then electrolosis will not take place it only happens when 2 discimular types of metal are joined togeather.
  8. Rich do you do knitting as well then? could'nt knock me a nice Scarf like what Doctor Who had could you !!!!!
  9. Hi all, Just to let you know that Overdraft has been sold, but has'nt gone too far as Charlie my brother has bought her, so she will be staying within the club, which means I can come back and fish all the major comps!!!!!! Thanks to all who have shown an interest' Kim
  10. Charlie, She looks a beaut, when do you think your completion date will be? keep the boys away from the girls and it could be sooner rather than later!!!! Hope you have many happy hours afloat in her and will look for you off the coast of Portugal!!!!!
  11. We are in the middle of buying a villa in Portugal on the west coast near Obidos which is about 45 mins from Lisbon, 5 mins from the Atlantic, had reports of bass up to 10lbs from the rocks!! were see about that? huge salt water lagoon, with reported great fishing also, we hope to go some time later in the year but it could be a little longer or quicker I hope! Would be nice to send some reports and keep in touch with everyone, but don't worry I hav'nt gone yet!!! and of course if I manage sell Overdraft quickly I will be looking for some rides out!! Just in case anyone is intrested the boat is out of the water at the moment at Cobbs Quay outside Mike Wills Marine. see you at the next meeting Kim
  12. Sorry Bob!!!!!!
  13. SOLD Overdraft is a Dell Quay Marlin Arvor 18 and is in beautiful condition thoughout, Equiped with a Nanni 50 HP diesel engine, so economical you do not get earache!!! VHF RADIO COMPASS VISON PLOTTER AND GPS SYSTEM BRAND NEW LOWRANCE M68 I ALL NEW INTERNATIONAL SONAR MAPPING GPS 320V X 240H PIXEL 256 - COLOUR TFT DISPLAY. JABSCO REMOTE CONTROL SEARCH AND SAFTY LIGHT BRAND NEW SHURFLO DECK WASH PUMP WITH ALL FITTINGS, LIVE BAIT WELL, ROD HOLDERS, ANCHOR WITH FULL CHAIN LINK UP AND ALL WARP, FENDERS, CUSHIONS, RADIO CASSETTE, BATHING PLATFORM WITH LADDER, LOADS OF STORAGE SPACE ALL OVER THE BOAT WITH UNDER SEAT STORAGE AND LOCKERS, This boat has had a complete refit below water level and has spent the the last 3 years on a fresh water mooring, and has been treated with total love and affection from top to bottom, mooring could be also be available in sale if req, genuine reason for sale as I am moving abroad. Price
  14. For those of us who can remember!! I THINK I GOT IT WRONG AGAIN DAD!!!!!
  15. overdraft

    Sob Sob Sob

    Sorry Jack, did'nt you get my card!!!! Hope you have more tight lines than cards!!!! Kim
  16. Wendy Waverider I call her, and she can tie me to a cleat anyday!!!!
  17. But what was Paul J drinking in that coke!!!! fishing is fishing, offshore, inshore, on the shore, or on the bank, just glad to be doing it!! well done to all those club members in the prizes anyway, and the juinors like Ryan. Nice to see Mark B winning so many prizes!!!!
  18. Happy new year to one and all,from all aboard 'Overdraft'
  19. Does anybody know the complete results?(PLEASE)OR WHERE i CAN FIND THEM?
  20. A long springy one at that Jack!!! AND THE WIFE BOUGHT IT!!!EMM?
  21. Did'nt get out myself, as my brother decided to jet off to warmer shores at the last minute!!! can't say I blame him
  22. Well done Paul,what a great way to end the year.thats payback for all the hard work you put into our comp.
  23. Jack, you might not be able to find many fish,but you can find some cracking pictures!!! and seem to be a wizard on the old keyboard! Hope you have a great xmas and hope to see you afloat over the festive season. regards Kim
  24. I can remember when he did'nt really like boats!! Who would have ever thought he would turn out to be a real life captain Pugwash!!! many belated happy returns Simon. only 42!!
  25. Thanks one and all,did Rich eat the fruit?? Jack you must get Andy to venture up past Hamworthy you know!!! its a whole new world up there!!
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