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Everything posted by overdraft

  1. Thanks Simon, give my regards to all the family and have a happy xmas, (dry one!!!)
  2. Well we had a cracking days fishing with 16 flounders in all, right spot at the right time it seems, thanks very much to all at the weigh in and a special thanks to Rich for going shopping and arranging such a great hamper,(I think it was all the out of date stuff from his cupboard!!)it was very much appreciated, I would just like to round the month of now with a cod in the cod fest!!!! (i wish) Merry Crimbo Kim
  3. that could become a kind of HABIT!!!!!(sorry)
  4. Overdraft will be out with myself and Charlie on board, see you all sunday.
  5. Rich, Could you do my crimbo shopping and wrapping!!!! looks like your an expert.
  6. overdraft

    Circle Hooks

    Looking forward to seeing the roller Jack,Silver Shadow!!!
  7. After a 6.30am start on the river and scrapping the ice from the boat, it seemed so nice and warm in my bed some 30 mins ago!, but aftera steay plod down to the quay and a nice cup of tea things seemed a lot better, a brisk walk along to Baiter and back along with very welcome bacon roll soon got the blood pumping,we decided to target the flounders instead of the long haul out after see the forcast, so under the bridge and into Holes bay for one of those monsters often pulled from within there,not a bite in 2 1/2 hrs!! so on we moved to our next spot where were joined by another boat , but still no action and the time was marching on, so with the last throw of the dice we decided to head up towards home and plant the boat on the mud with a rising tide and wait. Still nothing and the clock moves onto 2pm,when Charlie retrieves his line very slowly and spots a flounder following it up, this stirs us into action thinking we might just see some action! still no bites though, until I spot the faintest of tugs on my line, after about 5 mins I eased into the first fish of the day and what turned out be my best of 2lb 8oz on the boat 2lb 2oz at the scales within the next 20mins or so 3 more were bought aboard, 1lb 14oz being the next best for Charlie to also claim a prize, so with some regret we decided to leave and give ourselves plenty of time to moor up and get back to the wiegh in hoping to be in the prizes,made it to Baiter in loads of time, great to see so many people taking part and returning so many fish, cant wait to hook one of those congers when i'm next flounder fishing!!!!! Onto the club and presentation, great atmosphere and chat,had no idea I had winning fish so what a surprise when I heard the wieght of the winning fish, I was blown away for a minute or two, and what a choice of prizes,so after a very,very slow start to the day it all went as planned!!!! it just shows its never over until Charlie closes the scales!! Thanks to all the committee for great day and all the hard work,also to the sponsors (Golden Arrow) for my wonderful prize,and all the others that were kind enough to donate. Kim
  8. Ovcerdraft should be out with Charlie and myself on board, good luck everyone!!!! Kim
  9. Only 25 Simon!!!!!!
  10. Easy Bob, Don't knock a man when he's down!!!!!!! could'nt Jack be known as a worm exerciser!!!!! sorry, Jack
  11. Easy Bob
  12. CONGRATS JAMES, Hope all goes well and that you have the same result as last year, good luck. kim
  13. We had a 2lb Mullet jump clean into the boat on Sat morning well steaming down the river from Wareham, thats a clearence of at least 1 meter!!!!! has anyone ever had this happen to them? I've seen them jump but never that high, Had'nt even been out drinking the night before!!!Does that count for the book Charlie!!!!because it was the best of the day! of course no one at home believes a word of it! they think we've been out in the sun too much this summer !!! still must go I've got fish to fly sorry fry!!
  14. Overdarfts day started with a nice surprise when we approached the fuel station at corralls to be greeted by a brand new floating pontoon to berth on while fueling up, The fishing was'nt bad either, after deciding to head towards Southbourne we managed to get some good consisted drifts in, which resulted in ,7plaice , biggest going to Charlie of 1lb 9oz, 1 red mullet to me 1lb 4oz. 1 nice bass, 4 bream, and 4 mackeral, (a CHICKEN STIR FRY!!! but no pudding!!!cheap chef!!) so all in all not a bad day afloat, hope everyone had good day. Kim
  15. Is that engine ticking over!!!cos there seems to be a lot of bubbles in the water!!!!!!looks like Patrick Moore!!!
  16. I just remembered Debbie bought a dingy at the start of the summer so the kids could muck about in and I could drift about off the stern when the weather was nice! do you think she trying to tell me something?
  17. Adam, I do carry a spare but a light wieght one at that, just in case, but where do we stop!! I'll need to tow a dingy soon with all the kit in!!! :
  18. The list on Overdraft is much the same im always saying we carry too much gear then when I go to tidy and sort it I always think I may need that one day!!! one thing I don,t carry and keep meaning to put on the boat is some different size spare hoses, does anybody else carry them as no one has mentioned them? Still we all seem to be well equipped between us,which a good think if any of us get caught out.
  19. Thanks for that Mike!!! : pages 74 -75 Rich:
  20. A friend of mind who is not yet a club member but soon will be, has the following for sale, Salterns design 22ft Poole Canoe, with self draining flush deck,40hp Mariner still with some warranty fully fitted out with nav lights built in fuel housing and storage lockers, 18 months old, but has only been used this summer, immaculate condtion throughout.
  21. BEWARE!!! It will not be long before we have speed camera's!!! O I forgot there is a CAMERA which believe or not covers most of the harbour it used to be attached to the top of one of the cranes on the quay!! Having been pulled up on several occasion in my old boat but it does make you sick when they are so inconsistant, look out for the very fast jet ski they also patrol on.
  22. Simon,Jason, On scanning the picture of Jasons fine catch I could'nt help but notice the use of a banned substance in the form of A LARGE TIN OF BLACKTHORN CIDER!!!!this of cousre is banned unless the whole fleet of club boats are supplied on that day!!! hope your well and hope to see you at the next meeting. Kim
  23. Many happy returns to you all on this wonderful summers day, what a day for fishing and not moving house!!!!
  24. Could I have 2 x packs of shads please, Martin if you or anybody can't get hold of me its because i'm moving house and my internet connection will be down for a while as of Monday 20/06/05, I hope to catch up with you all at the next meeting, tight lines to you lucky ones getting out !! Kim
  25. Well done Dean, another good advert for the club. what flag!!!
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